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The Selfish Gene not really. If anything, we hoped

that the impressive clarity of his
This month we delved into a classic, explanations of genetics might rub
first published more than 40 years off on us, and inspire us to counsel
ago in 19761. The phrase The Selfish our patients better on the often
Gene has itself become a meme, a thorny topic of inheritance. For the
term coined by Richard Dawkins in most part, however, The Selfish
this, his first book. The application Gene has little focus on the genetics
(and misapplication) of the phrase is of disease, being primarily an explo-
prevalent today beyond anything ration of evolutionary biology. One
area where it perhaps has most rele-
Dawkins could have imagined. A
Cover of The Selfish Gene vance is microbial evolution and
common misconception is that
consequent antibiotic resistance. In
because of our ‘selfish genes’, animal
flair and rigour. The clarity with this realm of medicine at least, the
behaviour is determined purely by
which he lays down his arguments is concept of the selfish gene sadly
factors that contribute to our genes’
remarkable, including when picking feels more apposite than ever.
survival into the next generation. In
apart (a small number of) his own Nevertheless, if a relative lack of
fact, Dawkins is meticulous in
ideas from the first edition. The clinical lessons is one of the only
explaining his actual meaning that
ferocity and skill with which he criticisms to be levelled at this book
genes behave ‘as if ’ they were selfish.
deconstructs his critics in the endnotes from our evening’s discussion, The
This does not mean that the organ-
is equally impressive. Selfish Gene deserves to be recom-
isms in which they reside are selfish
Having said this, some group mended. It achieves that rare thing:
themselves. Indeed, some of the most
members found it difficult to put intellectually exhilarating content
fascinating examples of animal behav-
aside Dawkins’ more recent atheist presented in clear, simple prose,
iour he describes are those in which which is a pleasure to read. Dawkins
altruistic characteristics confer an crusade. His often disrespectful and
belligerent approach, particularly has more to him than brutish abso-
evolutionary advantage, and thus lutism and the coining of the word
spread through the gene pool. within the more informal context of
‘meme’. It would be a shame if those
Dawkins no doubt guessed that by Twitter,2 coloured the way many read
things were ever to eclipse this, his
anthropomorphising genes and the book, despite its being on a very
most important legacy.
ascribing characteristics like ‘selfish- different topic.
ness’, suggesting volition and agency, We discussed an area of genetics Ania Crawshaw, Katharine Harding
he risked such misunderstandings. that is not covered in his book, but Correspondence to Dr Katharine Harding,
Thus, in almost every chapter, he care- which has come to the fore in recent Institute for Psychological Medicine and
Clinical Neurosciences, Cardiff University,
fully clarifies the limits of the years—that of epigenetics. Critics of
University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff CF14
metaphor, reiterating that a ‘survival Dawkins’ Selfish Gene theory have 4XW, UK;
machine’, once built, is free to behave pointed to the Lamarckian inheri- Accepted 12 March 2017
as it will and ‘rebel’ against its genes tance of acquired characteristics Competing interests None declared.
should it so wish. In the introduction through epigenetic coding.3 So far, Provenance and peer review Not
to this edition, he notes that at the however, our understanding of epige- commissioned; internally peer reviewed.
time of publication he considered netic inheritance would not derail © Article author(s) (or their employer(s)
changing the title from The Selfish Dawkins’ ideas overall; although unless otherwise stated in the text of the
some acquired characteristics can be article) 2017. All rights reserved. No
Gene to The Immortal Gene. We spec- commercial use is permitted unless otherwise
ulated that the book’s central ideas inherited through epigenetics, these expressly granted.
might have been less frequently changes do not appear to endure
To cite: Crawshaw A, Harding K. Pract Neurol
misconstrued if this different meta- beyond a few generations, and are 2017;17:244.
phor had been used. therefore unlikely to contribute to the
We were struck by how well the evolution of species in the long run. REFERENCES
book has stood the test of time. As always, towards the end of our 1 Dawkins R. The Selfish Gene: 30th
discussion, we asked each other the Anniversary edition. Oxford: Oxford
Remarkably few elements jar with our
University Press, 2006.
current understanding of the genome Practical Neurology question: how
and evolutionary biology. In this anni- has this book changed our clinical
versary edition, Dawkins has added practic6e? There was a long silence destroying-his-reputation
helpful endnotes exploring new before a couple of people valiantly 3 Burkhardt RW. Lamarck, evolution, and
developments, and reapplies his made some tentative suggestions. In the inheritance of acquired characters.
theory to our evolved knowledge with general, the answer seemed to be: Genetics 2013;194:793–805.

244 Crawshaw A, Harding K. Pract Neurol 2017;17:244. doi:10.1136/practneurol-2017-001645

Downloaded from on September 18, 2017 - Published by

The Selfish Gene

Ania Crawshaw and Katharine Harding

Pract Neurol 2017 17: 244

doi: 10.1136/practneurol-2017-001645

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