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31 August 2018

Teacher: Liz
Last week I had made slime from lux
flakes, but much to the disappointment of
the children it needed to set over the week-
end. Today we finally got to explore with
it! The younger children were most excited
by it. Lara, you were confident exploring
and not at all worried to get messy. You
stayed the longest of the whole group. To-
gether we squished, scrapped and poured.
I used describing words with you such as
cold, sticky, slippery, smooth, bubbly. All
of these words help you to learn about the
properties of the slime.
Children’s play (Playing, imagining, in-
venting and experimenting) is valued as
meaningful learning and the importance of
spontaneous play is recognised

Children gain confidence in and con-

trol of their bodies (scooping, pouring,
squishing) Children gain strategies for
active exploration, thinking and rea-
soning (using descriptive language)
Using a range of strategies for reason-
ing and problem solving.
(experimenting & exploring with-
out guidance) Children develop
working theories for making sense of
the natural, social, physical and aterial
worlds. (freedom to explore and share
their theories) (Te whariki,2017)

Play & exploration with no goal or process

in mind is calming, sensory engaging expe-
rience, in which children simply learn to
notice and feel.
With warmer weather coming I hope that I
can provide more opportunities for a lot
more sensory experiences.

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