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Understandings Statement:

Through this experience, participants will be able to simply have fun moving their body to a
fun song they probably already know the words too. This exercise allows for students to work
together and for students to see understand how the song repeats sections.

2. “I can” Statements:

-I can use my body and keep in time with the song.

-I can use the moves that were given to me and eventually make my own to the same song or
a different song!

3. Materials: Beyonce’s song “Single Ladies”

I used this song because it is upbeat and a fun song to put movement too! This is also a song
that is well known, so students will be able to be creative and get into the music.

4. Detailed Procedure:

Left side clapping- 8 beats

Right side clapping- 8 beats

Pat left thigh- 8 beats

Left side clapping- 8 beats

Pat right thigh- 8 beats

Hammer fists- 8 beats

Stomp right leg- 8 beats

(repeat again from beginning)

Raise both arms- 8 beats

Raise left arm-8 beats

Raise right arm- 8 beats

Left side clapping- 8 beats

Right side clapping- 8 beats

Pat left thigh- 8 beats

Left side clapping- 8 beats

Stomp right leg 3 times with music

5. Assessment:

-I will watch the learners coming in on the right beats according to the song that was given.
Movements should come in together and end together.

-I will ask the learners to come in with their own song to create their own movements to a song
to see if they can produce something I have not yet

-I will ask the participants what this experience did for them for understanding where the beats
came in.

6. Extension:

I could make this experience longer by incorporating more moves on different beats. I could
also possibly add another song that goes with the first song with similar moves. However, for
the second song, I’d let the students find the beats, creating what they think fits.

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