Energy Units Conversion Table - 1

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16/9/2017 Energy Units Conversion Table | 1.

1 Measuring Energy | Material del curso EnergyX | edX

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Curso  Week 1: Energy Use  1.1 Measuring Energy  Energy Units Conversion Table

Energy Units Conversion Table

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In this course we will use the following energy conversion table.

Name of unit Definition Relation to SI unit

joule The work done when a force of moves the point of its application a distance of in the direction of
the force.


British thermal  

calorie  ≡ 4.184 J

Calorie  ≡ 4184 J

The following table will help you with the orders of magnitude:… 1/3
16/9/2017 Energy Units Conversion Table | 1.1 Measuring Energy | Material del curso EnergyX | edX

Value SI symbol Name

J  kJ  kilojoule

J  MJ  megajoule

J  GJ  Gigajoule

J  TJ  terajoule

J  PJ  petajoule

J  EJ  exajoule

This table will be handy throughout the course. Feel free to print it!

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16/9/2017 Energy Units Conversion Table | 1.1 Measuring Energy | Material del curso EnergyX | edX

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