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Section A [15 marks]

Answer all questions

1. The universal gravitational constant G has which of the following SI units?

A m s-2
B J m-1 kg-1
C m2 kg-2
D m3 kg-1 s-2

2. In a uniformly accelerated motion, velocity v is given by the equation v2 = ax2+bx+c

where a, b and c are constants and x is a variable. If a, b and x possess dimensions, the
dimensions of the term ax2 are
A. L B. L-1 C. LT-2 D. L2T-2

3. A body moves from a stationary position with constant acceleration. Which of the
folowing graphs represents the variation of kinetic energy with distance travelled, x?

4. A lorry of mass 2 000kg moving at a velocity of 72 km h-1 hits a stationary lorry of the
same mass. What is the total kinetic energy of both vehicles if they stick together after
A 1 x 105 J
B 2 x 105 J
C 3 x 105 J
D 4 x 105 J
5. The graph below represent the motion of a ball which is bounces off a horizontal
surface after being released from above the surface.

The quantity represented by the y-axis is

A. Momentum
B. Kinetic energy
C. Distance travelled
D. Displacement

6. A hinged trapdoor is held closed in the horizontal position by a cable.

Three forces act on the trapdoor: the weight W of the door, the tension T in the cable
and the force H at the hinge.

Which list gives the three forces in increasing order of magnitude?


7. The wheel of the London Eye has a diameter of 130 m and rotates at a steady speed,
completing one rotation every 30 minutes. What is the centripetal acceleration of a
person in a capsule at the rim of the wheel?
A 1. 2 × 10–4 ms–2
B 2. 5 × 10–4 ms–2
C 3. 9 × 10–4 ms–2
D 7. 9 × 10–4 ms–2
8. For a particle moving in a circle with uniform speed, which one of the following
statements is incorrect?
A There is no displacement of the particle in the direction of the force.
B The force on the particle is always perpendicular to the velocity of the particle.
C The velocity of the particle is constant.
D The kinetic energy of the particle is constant.

9. A ball is released so that it falls vertically. The graph shows how the resultant force
acting on the ball changes with time. Which one of the following is represented by the
area under the graph?

A distance travelled
B gain in kinetic energy
C acceleration
D impulse

10. Which property of a metal wire depends on its Young modulus?

A ductility
B elastic limit
C spring constant
D ultimate tensile stress

11. The gravitational field strength at the surface of the Earth is 6 times its value at the
surface of the Moon. The mean density of the Moon is 0.6 times the mean density of
the Earth.
What is the value of the ratio

A 1.8 B 3.6 C 6.0 D 10

12. The diagram shows two points, P and Q, at distances r and 2r from the centre of a

The gravitational potential at P is –16 kJ kg–1. What is the work done on a 10 kg mass
when it is taken from P to Q?
A – 120 kJ
B –80 kJ
C +80 kJ
D +120 kJ

13. The internal energy of a fixed mass of an ideal gas is a function of

A its pressure only
B its volume only
C its temperature only
D none of the above

14. A mole of an ideal gas experiences an adiabatic change which causes its temperature
to increase by ∆T. Which of the following is true of the gas?
A the volume increase
B heat is lost
C the internal energy change is Cv ∆T
D work is not done by the gas

15. The thermal conductivity for a piece of insulator 10 mm thick is 0.4 W m-1 K-1. If the
rate of heat conducted per unit area is 800 W m-2, the temperature difference between
the 2 faces of insulator is
A5K B 10 K C 15 K D 20 K
Section B [ 15 marks ]
Answer all questions

16. A snowboarder slides down a slope, as shown in Figure below. Between B and C her
acceleration is uniform.

a) The snowboarder travels 1.5m from B to C in a time of 0.43 s and her velocity
down the slope at C is 5.0 ms–1.
Calculate her velocity down the slope at B. [3 marks]

b) The combined mass of the snowboarder and snowboard is 75 kg and the angle of
the slope is 25o.
(i) Calculate the component of the weight of the snowboarder and snowboard
acting down the slope. [2 marks]
(ii) At D the snowboarder has reached a constant velocity. She moves a distance of
2.0 m at constant velocity between D and E.
Calculate the work done against resistive forces as she moves from D to E.
[1 mark]

c) State and explain what happens to the gravitational potential energy lost between D
and E. [3 marks]

17. A climber is supported by a rope on a vertical wall, as shown in Figure below.

The weight W of the climber is 520 N. The rope, of negligible weight, is attached to
the climber and to a fixed point P where it makes an angle of 18° to the vertical. The
reaction force R acts at right angles to the wall.
The climber is in equilibrium.

(a) Complete Figure below by drawing a labelled vector triangle to represent the
forces acting on the climber [ 2 marks ]

(b) Resolve forces or use your vector triangle to calculate

(i) the tension T in the rope, [ 2 marks ]

(ii) the reaction force R. [ 1 mark ]

(c) The climber moves up the wall and the angle the rope makes with the vertical
increases. Explain why the magnitude of the tension in the rope increases.
[ 1 mark ]
Section C [ 30 marks]
Answer any two questions

18. (a) State Newton’s law of gravitation. [2 marks]

(b) A satellite of mass m is in a circular orbit of radius r about a planet of mass M.
For this planet, the product GM is 4.00 × 1014 N m2 kg–1, where G is the
gravitational constant.
The planet may be assumed to be isolated in space.
(i) By considering the gravitational force on the satellite and the centripetal
force, show that the kinetic energy EK of the satellite is given by the
EK = GMm
[ 2 marks]
(ii) write down an expression for the gravitational potential energy of the
satellite in term of radius r of the orbit, mass m of the satellite, mass M
of the planet and gravitational constant G. [1 mark]
(iii) Show how the kinetic energy is related to the gravitational potential
energy of the satellite. [2 marks]
(iv) The satellite has mass 620 kg and is initially in a circular orbit of radius
7.34 × 106 m, as illustrated in Figure below. Resistive forces cause the
satellite to move into a new orbit of radius 7.30 × 106 m.

Determine, for the satellite, the change in

a) kinetic energy, [2 marks]
b) gravitational potential energy. [2 marks]

(iii) Use your answers in (ii) to explain whether the linear speed of the satellite
increases, decreases or remains unchanged when the radius of the orbit
decreases. [ 2marks]
(c) Explain why the plane of the orbit must contain the centre of the planet. [2 marks]
19. (a) Define stress and strain in an elastic cable [ 2 marks]

(b)Figure below shows a tower crane that has two identical steel cables. The length of
each steel cable is 35 m from the jib to the hook.

i) Each cable has a mass of 4.8 kg per metre. Calculate the weight of a 35 m
length of one cable. [ 2 marks]
ii) The cables would break if the crane attempted to lift a load of 1. 5 × 106 N or
more. Calculate the breaking stress of one cable.
(cross-sectional area of each cable = 6.2 × 10–4 m2) [2 marks]

(c) When the crane supports a load each cable experiences a stress of 400 MPa. Each
cable obeys Hooke’s law. Ignore the weight of the cables.
(Young modulus of steel = 2.1 × 1011 Pa)
i) Calculate the weight of the load. [2 marks]
ii) The unstretched length of each cable is 35 m. Calculate the extension of each
cable when supporting the load. [3 marks]
iii) Calculate the combined stiffness constant, k, for the two cables
[ 2 marks]
iv) Calculate the total energy stored in both stretched cables.
[ 2 marks]
20. (a) what is meant by an ideal gas. [2 marks]
(b) An ideal gas at a temperature of 22 ºC is trapped in a metal cylinder of volume
0.20m3 at a pressure of 1. 6 × 106 Pa.
(i) Calculate the number of moles of gas contained in the cylinder
[ 2 marks]

(ii) The gas has a molar mass of 4.3 × 10–2 kg mol–1.

Calculate the density of the gas in the cylinder. [3 marks]

(iii) The cylinder is taken to high altitude where the temperature is –50 ºC and the
pressure is 3.6 × 104 Pa. A valve on the cylinder is opened to allow gas to
escape. Calculate the mass of gas remaining in the cylinder when it reaches
equilibrium with its surroundings. [ 3 marks]

(c) The volume of some air, assumed to be an ideal gas, in the cylinder of a car engine
is 540 cm3 at a pressure of 1.1 × 105 Pa and a temperature of 27 °C. The air is
suddenly compressed to a volume of 30 cm3. No energy enters or leaves the gas by
heating during the compression. The pressure rises to 6.5 × 106 Pa.

(i) Determine the temperature of the gas after the compression. [2 marks]
(ii) By using first law of thermodynamic explain why the temperature of the
air changed during the compression. [3 marks]

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