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Nombre: Angela Gabriela Herrera Delgadillo

Carrera: Psicología

Abraham Maslow was born in New York in 1908. He was a psychiatrist, who
practice humanist psychologist, which is based on the concept of self-actualization,
the top level of the conscience and the transcendency.
His most famous theory is “Maslow's hierarchy of needs” which is said the man is a
whole integrated and organized without different parts. In his theory he describes a
hierarchy of human needs, which are divided in:
1. Physiological
2. Safety
3. Social
4. Self-esteem
5. Self-actualization
Every scale has to be satisfied one by one, to arrive to the final level: Self-
The basic idea of this hierarchy is that highest needs occupy our attention only
when the subordinated needs of the pyramid are satisfied.
In 1970 Maslow had a heart attack which is was the cause of his dead.

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