Thecharcotfoot: Lee C. Rogers,, Robert G. Frykberg

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T h e C h a rc o t F o o t

a,b, c
Lee C. Rogers, DPM *, Robert G. Frykberg, DPM, MPH

 Charcot foot  Neuroarthropathy  Joints  Soft tissues

 Charcot foot is primarily a clinical diagnosis at its earliest stage. Advanced imaging may
aid in that diagnosis.
 Offloading and immobilization are the most important initial treatments. Success can be
achieve with a total contact cast, removable cast walker, wheel chair, crutches, or bed
 Surgical correction should be reserved for severely unstable cases, or in cases where non-
operative treatment failed to prevent or heal and ulcer.


In the developed world, the Charcot foot or Charcot neuroarthropathy (CN) most
commonly arises in those with diabetes and peripheral neuropathy. It is a syndrome
affecting the bones, joints, and soft tissues of the foot and ankle leading to dislocations,
fractures, and deformity.1 The hallmark of the deformity is the midfoot joint collapse
called a rocker bottom foot, but the condition can arise in other foot and ankle joints.
There is no single cause for the development of CN and the evidence that exists is
largely circumstantial. However, most experts agree that it is a combination of
baseline neuropathy with an inciting trauma that sparks the syndrome.2 Peripheral
neuropathy in diabetes is a polyneuropathy, involving sensory, motor, and autonomic
divisions. Sensory deficits prevent the patient from feeling the trauma and allow the
patient to continue ambulating on an injured foot, increasing the trauma. Motor
neuropathy causes tendon contractures, especially equinus, which increases the
deforming forces on the midfoot. Autonomic neuropathy prevents autoregulation of
peripheral circulation, increasing blood flow and activating bone resorption. This
process has been proposed to wash out minerals from bone, leading to focal osteo-
penia of the foot, as shown by reduced bone mineral density.
About 50% of patients recall a trauma that starts a period of inflammation.3 Other
triggering events could be surgery, ulceration, or infection. In some cases, Charcot
foot has occurred after renal or pancreatic transplantation.4 The inflammatory process

Amputation Prevention Center, Valley Presbyterian Hospital, Los Angeles, CA, USA; b College
of Podiatric Medicine, Western University of Health Sciences, Pomona, CA, USA; c Podiatry
Section, Phoenix VA Healthcare System, Phoenix, AZ, USA
* Corresponding author. Amputation Prevention Center, Valley Presbyterian Hospital, Los
Angeles, CA.
E-mail address:

Med Clin N Am 97 (2013) 847–856
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848 Rogers & Frykberg

is usually unchecked, because of reduced pain from neuropathy.5 After an injury,

inflammation from a fracture or other trauma normally causes pain, and natural splinting
and limping occurs. In those with loss of protective sensation, continued ambulation
increases the inflammation, which sparks several chemical mediators, aggravating
the process.6
Inflammation triggers the release of cytokines including tumor necrosis factor-alpha
and interleukin-1-beta, which leads to increased expression of the polypeptide recep-
tor activator of nuclear factor kappa-beta (RANKL). RANKL triggers the synthesis of
nuclear factor kappa-beta, which stimulates the maturation of osteoclasts and
reduces the function of osteoblasts by producing a decoy receptor.7 Newer reports
suggest that a genetic polymorphism may predispose individuals to developing CN.8


The diagnosis of Charcot foot begins with a heightened sense of suspicion. Diagnostic
delays are common because of patient and physician unfamiliarity with the syndrome.9
Inflammation of the foot is the earliest sign. The foot is usually red, hot, and swollen. It
can be misdiagnosed as cellulitis, deep vein thrombosis, or acute gout.10 Trauma may
not be recalled, but can be minor, such as twisting or slipping. Patients often present
with the complaint that the foot no longer fits in a shoe.
Foot temperature is generally hotter on the affect side, sometimes measuring a
difference of 10 F or more.11 Simple skin thermometers can be used to track temper-
atures, or a thermogram can give an image indicating the area of greatest difference
(Fig. 1).
Although peripheral artery disease is common in those with diabetes, the Charcot
foot usually presents with exaggerated blood flow manifested by bounding pulses.12
Musculoskeletal deformity may or may not be present, depending on the timing of
presentation. A rocker bottom deformity is usually a late sign of Charcot foot.
Imaging supplements the clinical diagnosis. Plain radiographs are usually indicated
and may have to be compared with the contralateral foot to see subtle differences. Early
radiographs may show no disorder, but, as the condition progresses, dislocations,
fragmentation, and fractures are commonly seen. The calcaneal inclination angle is
usually reduced, and can even be negative, and the talometatarsal–first metatarsal
line can be broken (Fig. 2).13
If radiographs are negative and clinical suspicion is still high, consider a 3-phase
bone scan or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which have higher sensitivity. The
bone scan is generally diffusely hot across the foot in cases of acute Charcot

Fig. 1. A thermogram of the feet showing an active CN on the right, which is more than 10 F
hotter than the left.

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The Charcot Foot 849

Fig. 2. A lateral radiograph of a deformed foot with CN. The calcaneal inclination angle
(solid line) is reduced and the talometatarsal–first metatarsal line (dashed line) is broken.

(Fig. 3). MRI shows bone marrow edema and can be highly specific for Charcot foot in
cases in which osteomyelitis is not suspected. When there is an ulcer, or questionable
osteomyelitis, both MRI and bone scans have difficulty differentiating between the two
diseases. In that case, the addition of a white blood cell–labeled bone scan or a bone
biopsy might be indicated. Secondary signs can be viewed on MRI and help distin-
guish Charcot foot from osteomyelitis.14 Osteomyelitis generally affects a single foot
bone, is more common in the forefoot or rearfoot, and does not usually result in defor-
mity. In addition, in cases of contiguous osteomyelitis, a tract should be found
between the ulcer and the bone. In contrast, Charcot foot is more commonly diffuse,
affecting many bones and joints, occurs more commonly in the midfoot, and is usually
associated with deformity.
Computed tomography (CT) scans are generally useless. Further study is needed to
determine the usefulness of positron emission tomography imaging and sulfur colloid
marrow scan in those with Charcot foot.15–17

Fig. 3. A dorsal-plantar projection of the last phase of a 3-phase technetium bone scan
showing diffuse uptake across the left midfoot, a common pattern in CN.

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850 Rogers & Frykberg


There are several classifications for the CN that are anatomic, radiographic, or clinical.
The purpose of a disease classification should be to simplify the description, facilitate
communication, direct treatment, or provide a prognosis.18 The International Task
Force on the Charcot Foot proposed a simple clinical stratification of active CN or
inactive CN based on inflammation being present or absent, respectively.19
A frequently used classification by Sanders and Frykberg27 describes 5 anatomic
patterns (Fig. 4).20 Pattern I involves the forefoot including the distal metatarsals,
metatarsal-phalangeal joints, and digits. This presentation is often is found in associ-
ation with other areas of involvement, rather than being isolated. Pattern II affects the
tarsometatarsal (Lisfranc) joints and is the most common site for CN.21 Pattern III is
characterized by degeneration of the naviculocuneiform, talonavicular, or calcaneocu-
boid joints. Multiple joints are often involved within this pattern as well as in concert
with radiographic changes noted in the tarsometatarsal joints. Pattern IV refers to
CN of the ankle or subtalar joints and can manifest as dislocation in these sites.
Pattern V, the only extra-articular presentation, involves the posterior calcaneus being
fractured and superiorly located. Although not necessarily predictive of outcomes or of
activity, this classification scheme subdivides the foot into distinct radiographic and
anatomic regions, which facilitates ease of communication.

Fig. 4. The Sanders Frykberg patterns of CN. (From Sanders L, Frykberg RG. The Charcot foot
(pied de Charcot). In: Bowker JH, Pfeiffer M, editors. Levin and O’Neal’s the diabetic foot.
Philadelphia: Mosby Elsevier; 2007. p. 257–83.)

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The Charcot Foot 851

The earliest known classification was introduced by Sydney Eichenholtz22 in 1966

and is a pathology based. His writings were not specific to the foot and concentrated
on the radiographic and histologic appearance of the Charcot joint. Stage I (develop-
ment) is characterized by osseous fragmentation and debris formation at the articular
margins. There is histologic evidence of debris embedded in the thickened synovium.
Continued stress on the affected joints during this acute process leads to subluxation
or dislocation. Stage II (coalescence) begins the reparative phase in which the finer
debris is resorbed and edema reduces. Larger fragments may coalesce and the
bone ends become sclerotic. Stage III (reconstruction) is characterized by evidence
of bone healing. In 1990, Shibata and colleagues23 added an earlier stage (stage 0)
to the Eichenholtz classification to reflect the prodromal period after bone injury in
which radiographic findings are normal.
Rogers and Bevilacqua24 described a clinical classification for Charcot foot that is a
2-axis system thought to assist in predicting the outcome (Fig. 5). The X axis corre-
sponds with the location of the Charcot joint (1, forefoot; 2, midfoot; 3, rearfoot/ankle)
and the Y axis stages the complexity of the CN (A, acute osteoarthropathy without
deformity; B, Charcot arthropathy with deformity; C, Charcot foot with deformity
and ulceration; D, Charcot foot with osteomyelitis). This classification was later
validated as predicting amputation.25


Management of the Charcot foot can be divided into 2 categories: medical and
surgical. The International Task Force recommended attempting medical therapy
early in the course of the disease, and doing surgery in those cases in which medical
therapy is unsuccessful, with a few exceptions.26 An algorithm for treating Charcot
foot that takes into account the current evidence base and practice standards was
presented by the Task Force (Fig. 6).

Fig. 5. The Rogers Bevilacqua classification for the clinical outcome of CN. (Reprinted from
Rogers LC, Bevilacqua NJ. The diagnosis of Charcot foot. Clin Podiatr Med Surg
2008;25(1):43–51, vi; with permission.)

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852 Rogers & Frykberg

Fig. 6. The combined diagnostic and treatment algorithm recommended by the Interna-
tional Task Force on the Charcot Foot. (Reprinted from Rogers LC, Frykberg RG, Armstrong
DG, et al. The Charcot foot in diabetes. Diabetes Care 2011;34:2123–9; with permission.)

The primary treatment of active CN is rest, immobilization, and offloading, thus

removing the aggravating factors. Complete non–weight bearing is ideal, but unreal-
istic. Most investigators advocate the use of total-contact casts (TCCs) to immobilize
and reduce plantar pressure (Fig. 7).27 TCCs also tend to reduce the number of
walking steps per day because they are cumbersome. Caution is needed with the
contralateral foot because there is a 30% bilateral incidence of CN and protecting

Fig. 7. A TCC (TCC-EZ, Derma Sciences, Inc., Princeton, NJ) used to immobilize and offload a
Charcot foot.

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The Charcot Foot 853

the affected extremity can increase trauma to the unaffected foot.28 The foot should
be treated with offloading and immobilization until the CN becomes inactive. The
duration of offloading required can be up to 6 months.5 Monitoring foot temperatures
with a dermal thermometer or thermography until the difference between feet is 4 F or
less can help a clinician determine that transition,11,29 or a prefabricated removable
cast walker can be used, but patient adherence to wearing the device can be an
Pharmacologic therapies have been suggest to speed healing of CN in small studies.
Bisphosphonate in parenteral31–34 and oral35 forms have been studied, but a recent
large study seems to dispute their effectiveness.36 A single small study of intranasal
calcitonin suggests some benefit.34 These therapies should be added to the standard
treatment of offloading, not substitute for it. The International Task Force report was not
enthusiastic about the use of existing pharmacologic therapies.26
Exogenous bone stimulation using pulsed electromagnetic fields has shown
mediocre results without surgery.37,38
The role of surgery in the Charcot foot is developing. Most reports in the literature
are low-quality retrospective reviews or case series.39 In severe deformity or in the
case of failure of medical therapy, surgery may be required to stabilize the foot.40
The goals of surgery are to create a stable, plantigrade foot that reduces prominent
pressure points and heals or prevents ulcers.41,42 Surgery can be simplistic, like an
Achilles tendon lengthening to reduce plantar pressure with or without an exostec-
tomy to flatten out a bony prominence. More complex surgery involves a complete
reconstruction with arthrodesis of several joints. Fixation often proves to be problem-
atic and some surgeons prefer external ring fixators to reduce the likelihood of failure
(Fig. 8).40
After the CN converts to the inactive stage, protected weight bearing can
commence. The type of footwear or orthosis required generally depends on the
severity of the deformity. With little or no resultant deformity, a prescription extradepth
shoe with custom insert can suffice. In more severe cases, a Charcot-restraint orthotic
walker, patellar-tendon bearing brace,43 or ankle-foot orthosis may be needed.44
Recurrence is common and the patient should be monitored occasionally for surveil-
lance. These devices are often required for life.

Fig. 8. A circular external fixator (RingFix, Small Bone Innovations, New York, NY) used to
stabilize a Charcot foot after surgical arthrodesis.

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854 Rogers & Frykberg


The diabetic Charcot foot is rare, but a life-changing event affecting quality of life, and
it risks amputation of the limb. There is no high quality evidence base governing treat-
ment, causing clinicians to rely on low-quality, underpowered studies and expert
opinion. However, CN is a treatable condition and, with lifestyle modifications and
proper footwear, it does not shorten the life span of those afflicted.


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