Scene 1: Councilor Morado's Office

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Bien- Councilor Morado

Caño- Vice Mayor Ledesma
Capin- Dr. Cruz
De Guzman- Dr. Castro
Veroy- Mr. Loren
Bustamante- Anna

Scene 1: Councilor Morado’s office

Councilor Morado: (Reading a Newspaper) A trashy news for a trashy town. What is more to
expect in a garbage-like government on which eyes are blinded with money and power? When
Satan fell from the sky, I’m pretty sure He landed on this spot; a spot so unfortunate; a spot so
filthy I can’t dare to smell; a town burning thousands of degrees in hell. And of course, Satan could
not just land without a companion. If Mayor Lacno was Satan, that ambitious Ledesma is his
predecessor! And in order to stop their devious reign, a move shall be made. I have to have a
political strategist. Well I think this one recommended by Councilor Reyes could help me on my
(Calling his political analyst)
Councilor Morado: Hello this is Councilor Morado, you were recommended by friend. Yeah.
Yeah. Can I have an appointment with you right now? Thanks.
(A few moments later, Dr. Castro came to the office)
Dr. Castro: Mr. Councilor, a pleasant afternoon!
Councilor Morado: I’m glad you came Dr. Castro. Please have a seat. You all know that our town
is controlled by demonic entities and none of these situations right now is going right already.
Tomorrow will be the filing of election. Would running for the mayor’s position be the best
antidote for this ill government and society?
Dr. Castro: Hmmm… A town governed by powerful demons needs to be exorcised with someone
who is risky enough to do the rituals. You know what Hon. Morado? Politics is a competition of
power and interest. Since you still don’t have the power yet, you have to get the heart of the people
Councilor Morado: Get the heart? You mean, create a façade infront of them? Are you insulting
me Dr. Castro?
Dr. Castro: I’m not saying that you’ll play plastic infront of them Hon. Morado. I know how sincere
you are to your visions but your visions would not be enough to win the majority’s sentiments.
You have to sugar coat your words Hon. Morado. You have to restructure your vision and make it
more appealing to the eyes of the people. In that way, you’ll win their hearts.
Councilor Morado: I hope that one would work.
Dr. Castro: It would certainly work. You’ve been the face of kindness for almost a year Hon
Morado and your projects were big contribution for your popularity. So far, your strongest
opponent will be Vice Mayor Ledesma. And we all know how powerful he is. But fear it not Hon.
Morado. On a survey I made just this June, it was stated that you are the most likely to be the
Mayor which you gained 70% of the vote out of 2,000 people, outnumbering Ladesma’s 30%.
That survey was intended for my personal curiosity since election is coming to town.
Councilor Morado: Wow. That was pretty shocking information Dr. Castro. Without a doubt, you
really are one of the brightest political strategists in town.

Scene 2: Hon. Ledesma’s office

Hon. Ledesma: (Reading a newspaper) Hmmm… This journalist had already gone to his limits. A
devil’s town? Who said this town is governed by a demon? Do I look like one? (laughs like a
psychopath devil) (plays with his gun) well, if he really thinks that I’m a devil, (smirks) I’ll show
him how a devil play.
(Calling someone)
Hon. Ledesma: Hello? Hello? Why are you not answering me you psycho! Do you want me to
burn you alive? Well, I want you to dispatch this journalist named Francisco Palaez. Give him a
slow burn treatment. I want him to feel how hell feels like. Slowly by slowly, fire will gradually
creep to his body. His entity will be feasted in hell! And after that, let him kiss Satan a welcoming
entrance. I want this to be clean. No traces shall be left understand? Ok get your job done already.
I’ll have the video before the sun rises.
(Dr. Cruz enters Hon. Ledesma’s office)
Dr. Cruz: Well, well, well, what do we have here? A prince, soon to be the king of this palace. Are
you ready to rule this kingdom Hon. Ledesma?
Hon. Ledesma: Of course, Dr. Cruz. I’ve waited long enough for this moment to come. And why
would I fear to lose if I have a devilishly brilliant political strategist on my side?
Dr. Cruz: Oh no Mr. Ledesma don’t flatter me too much. But moving on to my real intention why
I’m here, I just want you to know that someone from the Sanguniang Panglungsod would run for
the mayor’s candidacy.
Hon. Ledesma: Wait. Sanguniang Panglungsod? So that would be a city councilor for sure.
Dr. Cruz: Exactly! I still Can’t confirm who but we would know by tomorrow. But no worries
Hon. Ledesma. Your power is like a laser-beam. You can infiltrate every single enemy you want
to eradicate...then boom! A massive blast. In politics, power makes the politician continuously
moving, followed by its intention. You have the power? Then you’ll win and interest follows
Hon. Ledesma: Very well said. But, would not that opponent of mine a threat of my victory?
Dr. Cruz: (Laughs hysterically) No one stands a chance before you Hon. Ledesma. By hook or by
crook, you would certainly win the elections, even if it means of a bloody death.
Hon. Ledesma: Well, that’s for sure.
Dr. Cruz: And besides, why would a Vice Mayor Ledesma fear from his opponents? Money makes
the head of the people go round. We could just feed those people and we’ll certainly win. Since
tomorrow will be the filing of the election, I will immediately investigate the opponent’s
background. During the mayor’s debate, we will be spreading ill propaganda to people secretly.
We will slowly destroy our enemy. Does that sounds good to you?
Hon Morado: Ahhhhh. It’s like a symphony to my ears.
Dr. Cruz: Alright. Then that’s good for now.

Scene 3: Filing of Candidacy

Ms. Loren: Anna, could you please send these files to Mr. Lanco’s office? Then let him sign this
document as well as this. I want that to be finished today.
Anna: Copy Ms. Loren. I’ll be going right now.
Hon. Ledesma: Ms. Loren! It’s been a while
Ms. Loren: Oh hi Mr. Ledesma, it’s good to see you in a rainy day.
Hon. Ledesma: (Laugh Sarcastically) Who doesn’t want a rainy-day Ms. Loren? It’s the perfect
time to feed the flowers, trees, and oh fertilizers. How I love collecting fertilizers. My favorites
are those with the flesh of the species. Human beings? Hahaha… I’m just kidding (Smirks
Ms. Loren: Well I believe that some jokes are half meant. Mind if I visit your farm with fertilizers
Hon. Ledesma?
Hon. Ledesma: (Laughs devilishly) You wouldn’t want to see my fertilizers Ms. Loren.
Ms. Loren: Okay, so here is the candidacy form. After filling out the checked lines, submit it to
me together with the other requirements.
(Hon. Morado enters the room)
Hon. Morado: Hello Ms. Loren, can I have a candidacy form for city mayor?
Hon. Ledesma: Oh… look who we have here? Hon. Morado! Nice to see you in a rainy day.
Hon Morado: Of course, Hon. Ledesma. The perfect season to extinguish a fire
Hon Ledesma: Hmmm… Not all fires can be extinguished by water Hon. Morado. According to
my religion teacher, there’s one fire that can never be extinguished by water- hell.
Hon. Morado: I know Mr. Ledesma. And besides, a lair of burning demons needs to be exorcised
by an exorcist.
Dr. Cruz: If the exorcist is powerful enough to exorcise hell.
Dr. Castro: What if the priest has the power?
Dr. Cruz: Then, let’s give it a try.
Dr. Castro: Bring it on Dr. Cruz!
Dr. Castro: I wouldn’t mind doing it now Dr. Castro.
Ms. Loren: Hey! Hey! The Mayor’s debate will still be next week. I just want the documents to be
passed right now understand? Ok. Mr. Ledesma please hand me your documents. Mr. Morado,
please finish your form.

Scene 3: Pagpupulong
Ms. Loren: Ladies and Gentlemen, this is moment we are waiting for! Welcome to the City of
Santisima’s Pagpupulong! From Kadamay Party, let us welcome Hon. Ledesma! From Sulong-
Bayan Party, let us welcome, Hon. Morado. Each party will be given an ample time to deliver their
speeches. Are you ready?
Ms. Loren: The first to deliver would be you Hon. Ledesma.
Hon. Ledesma: Good day my fellowmen!
It’s been a great honor and privilege to stand here in front of you as a representative who whole-
heartedly accepts the duties and responsibilities of a mayor in this very wonderful, organized and
peaceful city of Santisima.
As a vice mayor of this city, I want to continue the plans and projects as well as the eminent
leadership which was being practiced with the present administration.
Once I will be elected as the City mayor of this Town, all of the constituents of this city will have
a brand new I phone 10X Hahaha
Free tuition fees for all the students here in the UM unlimited food to all the beggars Hahaha And
if you will support me in this election, then I will win this election Hahaha Vote me because I am
the key to success (Evil laugh)
Ms. Loren: Thank you Mr. Ledesma. It’s your turn Hon. Morado.
Hon. Morado: There’s no such thing as constant in this world than change. As the clock ticks
continuously with its impregnable hands, changes adamantly take place from the biggest to the
smallest denominations.
But let us always remember taung-bayan that it us who makes the changes! The question is, are
you ready risk for progress?
A pleasant morning.
As the 1st councilor of this city, I have seen how our land wept for a little hope that one day, devils
would no longer manipulate its people. My decision to run may be a risky one but I could either
hide in fear or go out and fight for development.
I’m not begging for your vote but I want you all to vote wisely. Vote the candidate who has the
heart and will to be the father of the citizens of Santisima City, the power to make something out
of nothing and the commitment to reform what nust be reformed. And I believe that person is me.
If I will win the election, I would first establish peace and order to excumulgate those roaming
entities. Second, I would rehabilitate our roads for a smoother transportation. Lastly, I would
encourage investments to give employment to the people.
Before ending my speech, I would like to tell you this…The change is now.
A pleasant day!

Scene 4: Councilor Morado’s office

Mr. Morado: Alright! I can smell victory against those vicious demons
Dr. Castro: You’re right Mr. Morado. According to a survey I made, you got the majority of the
Mr. Morado: This will be a step of eradicating those devils.

Scene 5: Hon. Ledesma’s Office

Hon. Ledesma: So how did you find the mayor’s debate?
Dr. Cruz: Honestly, it’s quite good but on a survey, I conducted, it was found that the majority of
the people’s vote goes to Hon. Morado.
Hon. Ledesma: No! It can’t be!
Mr. Cruz: Calm down Hon. Ledesma. It’s just a survey. We have the power. The only ace we got
to win the election is to use your power.
Hon. Ledesma: Use my power?
Dr. Cruz: Exactly! We have to bribe Ms. Loren to manipulate the ballots. She is in need of big
money right now. If she refuses, threat her and her family. We have to do it on time Mr, Ledesma.
Tomorrow will be the election day. It has to be this evening.

Scene 6: The threat

Ms. Loren: Come in!
Hon. Ledesma: Oh hello Mr. Loren.
Ms. Loren: Hey, what’s your toy?
Ms. Ledesma: You know Mr. Loren, things aren’t going well right now in our town. Our mayor
has caused much damage in our society. In status quo, a leader like me is in need for the
rehabilitation of those broken pieces.
Ms. Loren: So, what’s your point?
Hon. Ledesma: Maybe we could trade things off here. According to Mr. Cruz’s research, you are
in need of big money right now. Your house is loaned in the bank. Your properties are starting to
vanish for the treatment of your husband’s cancer. Well, I have here a 4 million cheque. I think
that’s enough money to pay your problems. But, there’s no such thing as taken for granted right
now. In exchange of that money, you have to manipulate the ballot and let me win the election.
Ms. Loren: No! You can’t just pay my profession! You can’t tame me Mr. Ledesma! Not me!
Hon. Ledesma: Oh really? How about this one? I already used the hook. Now I’ll be using the
crook. I think your husband needs to rest now. As well as your sisters, your brothers, your mom
and dad and the cherry on top, your sons.
Ms. Loren: Please Mr. Ledesma. Don’t do this to me.
Hon. Ledesma: How cute it is seeing a tiger transform into a vulnerable cat. That’s my pet. So,
what would you chose Ms. Loren? Cash or slash?
Ms. Loren: For the love of my family, I’ll take the cash.
Hon. Ledesma: That’s good. So, I’ll better keep going. I still have things to do. Bye for now Ms.

Scene 7: Election
(Both Hon. Ledesma and Hon. Morado would vote as well as Dr. Cruz and Dr. Castro)
Scene 8: Counting of election:
Ms. Loren: Ledesma. Lesdesma, Ledesma, Ledesma, Ledesma, Ledesma, Ledesma, Ledesma,
Ledesma, Ledesma
Anna: Wait, aren’t there any votes more Mr. Morado Ms. Loren?
Ms. Loren: Well, I have nothing to do with that Anna. All of the ballots I picked were all for Mr.
Anna: As far as I know Ms. Loren, Mr. Morado got the highest public vote during our private
Ms. Loren: But that doesn’t mean Mr. Morado would win the election in a flashflood result!
Anna: I know Ms. Loren but it’s already our 8th box right now and almost 95% we tallied are Mr.
Ledesma’s name. That’s so impossible Ms. Loren!
Ms. Loren: In politics, impossibility is only for those weak-hearted species.
Anna: So, what are trying to imply Ms. Loren?
Ms. Loren: That Mr. Ledesma has all the chances to win the election.
Anna: Chances? The survey was just after the Pagpupulong. And I’m pretty sure people won’t
shift their decisions that fast, unless a manipulation was made.
Ms. Loren: Are you accusing me?
Anna: Why? Are you guilty for such act Ms. Loren?
Ms. Loren: Nope. Manipulations are only for those desperate and hypocritical animals. But let me
tell you this Anna; in politics, possibilities are close to limitless. Just because you’ve seen visible
results it doesn’t mean it would be that way until the end. Everything can change in a blink of an
eye. The first thing you knew, there’s a bubble floating infront of you and in a sudden glimpse, the
bubble disappears.
Anna: I’m sorry Ms. Loren, I was just carried away by my emotions.
Ms. Loren: No worries Anna. Let’s just continue counting.

Scene 9: Announcement
Ms. Loren: And now, as the head chairman of COMELEC on this city, I now announce the won
mayor for this year’s election. Congratulations…Hon. Peter John Ledesma!
Hon. Morado: No! It can’t be! You manipulated the ballots!
Hon. Ledesma: Oh no Mr. Morado, don’t be so overwhelmed. You have no evidences to prove
your claims. I know it’s a hard defeat for you but I guess your powers are not enough to exorcise
those devils. See you when I see you.
Dr. Cruz: Congratulations! A job well done for the new king of this kingdom.
Hon. Ledesma: Of course, let’s get this one done.
Hon. Ledesma: Today, I stand infront of you as the new mayor of Santisima City. With dutiful
power, I would oust my utmost capacity to serve you all will heart and soul. It would be a long run
for us but believe me when I say that it would be a run worth running. Have a happy trip to my
administration City of Snatisima! Have a happy trip.

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