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Let’s Review: Chapter 4

When do you use a
gerund or infinitive?

• subject
• object of the verb or preposition
• certain verbs
• certain nouns

• after an adjective
• infinitive of purpose
• Verb + Object + Infinitive
• too and enough
• certain verbs
Chapter 5: Lesson 1

Causative Verb Patterns

Chapter 5: Lesson 1: Have, Let, Make, Help,
and Get, page 124
What do you notice that is different
from Chapter 4 about these verbs ?
I made him go home.
I let him go home.
I had him go home.
What is the standard rule with the
infinitive from Chapter 4, page 102?
Verb + Object + Infinitive
What formula do you see with the causative
verbs in Chapter 5, page 126?
Verb + Object + Base/Infinitive
• These verbs are the exception.
• They are in a separate category because of
their meaning.
What is their meaning? They cause
someone or something to do something,
so they are called causative verbs.
make= to force/cause someone to do something
have=to require/ask someone to do something
let=to allow/permit someone to do something
help=to assist/guide/or aid someone to do
get=to convince/persuade someone to do
Chapter 5 focuses on these 5 causative verbs.
(exception to V + O + Infinitive)

The coach madeV his playersO runBase for 1

Non-Causative Verbs = V+ O + Infinitive
V O Inf
The coach forced his players to run for 1
V O Inf
The coach ordered his players to run for
1 hour.
Complete the sentences using the base or the
infinitive form of the verb.
A Rio de Janeiro federal court can get Neymar
________(pay) $52 million for tax fraud.
A Rio de Janeiro federal court can get Neymar to pay
$52 million for tax fraud.
Is can get a causative verb in this sentence?
A Rio de Janeiro federal court can getV NeymarOV to
pay $52 million for tax fraud.
Ronaldo has his sister _____ (manage) his soccer
Ronaldo hasV his sisterO managebase his soccer
How many causative verbs are in this next
Ronaldo has his sister help him manage his
soccer career.
2 causative verbs = has and help
caus V OV caus V OV Base
has his sister help him manage
Are there

Budweiser puppy
Are there

• Super Bowl puppy

To Help You Remember: Only 3
causative verbs use the base form.
V + O + Base

My = make My = make
Left = let Last = let
Hand = have Hope = have

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