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Tutorial letter 101/3/2018

Accounting Systems in a Computer



Semesters 1 & 2

Department of
Management Accounting


This tutorial letter contains important information

about your module.

1 Introduction ······································································································ 3
2 Purpose of and outcomes for the module ································································ 4
2.1 Purpose ··········································································································· 4
2.2 Outcomes ········································································································· 4
3 Lecturers and contact details ················································································ 5
3.1 Lecturers ·········································································································· 5
3.2 Department ······································································································· 5
3.3 University ········································································································· 6
4 MODULE RELATED RESOURCES ······································································· 6
4.1 General ············································································································ 6
4.2 Printed materials to support the online module ························································· 6
4.3 Telecentres for free computer and internet access ···················································· 7
4.4 Prescribed books ······························································································· 7
5 Student support services for the module ································································· 7
5.1 Contact with fellow students ················································································· 8
6 Module specific study plan ··················································································· 8
6.1 Study process ··································································································· 8
6.2 Study program ··································································································· 9
7 Assessment ···································································································· 12
7.1 Assessment plan······························································································ 12
7.2 Unique assignment numbers and due dates ·························································· 12
7.3 Submission of assignments ················································································ 13
7.4 Assignments ··································································································· 14
8 Examination ···································································································· 15
8.1 Examination period ··························································································· 16
8.2 Previous examination papers·············································································· 16
8.3 The importance of a positive study method···························································· 16
8.4 Tutorial letter with information on the examination ·················································· 17
9 Frequently asked questions················································································ 17
10 Conclusion ······································································································ 17
APPENDIX A: FIRST SEMESTER COMPULSORY ASSIGNMENTS ···································· 19



We are pleased to welcome you to this module and hope that you will find it both interesting
and rewarding. We shall do our best to make your study of this module successful. You will
be well on your way to success if you start studying early in the semester and resolve to do
the assignments properly.

Module format

Please note that this module is offered fully online meaning that all study material for this
module will be available on myUnisa. It is thus very important that you register on myUnisa
and access the module site on a regular basis. You have to be registered on myUnisa to be
able to access your learning material, submit your assignments, gain access to various
learning resources, “chat” to your lecturer or etutor and fellow students about your studies and
the challenges that you might encounter, and participate in online discussion forums and
blogs. Importantly, myUnisa contains the Learning Units tool, from which you will be able to
access the study material for this module if you have registered and have access to myUnisa.

Tutorial matter

You will receive a number of tutorial letters during the semester. A tutorial letter is our way of
communicating with you about teaching, learning and assessment. You will also receive a
study guide that will contain all the necessary material that you need to study for this module.

Tutorial Letter 101 contains important information about the scheme of work, resources and
assignments for this module. We urge you to read it carefully and to keep it at hand when
working through the study material, preparing the assignments and the examination and
addressing questions to your lecturers.

Please read Tutorial Letter 101 as it gives you an idea of generally important information
when studying at a distance education institution and within a particular College.

In Tutorial Letter 101, you will find the assignments as well as instructions on the preparation
and submission of the assignments. This tutorial letter also provides all the information you
need with regard to the prescribed study material and other resources and how to obtain it.
Please study this information carefully and make sure that you obtain all the necessary

We have also included certain general and administrative information about this module.
Please work through this section of the tutorial letter carefully.

Right from the start we would like to point out that you should read all the tutorial letters
you receive during the semester immediately and carefully, as they always contain important
and, sometimes, urgent information. Please note that Tutorial Letters with less than 20 pages
will only be available online.

Students need to be registered on myUnisa to be able to submit assignments, get online

Tutorial Letters, to get access to the library and other resources, to download study material
and to communicate with lecturers and other students.


2.1 Purpose

This module is mainly intended for people who are interested in qualifying as registered
chartered accountants (SAICA) or management accountants (CIMA) to develop the necessary
The aim of this module is to equip you, the student, with the theoretical knowledge needed to
understand the fundamental principles of information technology and information systems as a
user, manager, designer and evaluator. This module provides students with a broad
theoretical knowledge of computers and accounting information systems, with specific
reference to hardware, software, data communication, the role of data and communication
technologies in business, the management of information systems, developing new
information systems and information system controls.

2.2 Outcomes
Specific Outcome 1: Explain the nature of information, basic information system concepts
and the information systems department
Assessment Criteria
 The nature of information and an information system is described
 The relationship between information systems and information strategies is explained
 The information systems department is described

Specific Outcome 2: Explain the concepts of information technology infrastructure

Assessment Criteria
 Hardware components of a computer system are described, including the central
processing unit (CPU) and peripheral devices
 Software components of a computer system are described including systems and
application software
 The communication process is discussed including communication theory and

 Data communication networks are discussed including network topologies, geographic
scope and type of services

Specific Outcome 3: Describe the security and ethical risks associated with the use of
computers in business and the controls that should be in place to
minimise these risks

Assessment Criteria
 Information and accounting information systems risks and controls are defined by
giving context specific examples
 Ethical concerns in a computerised accounting information system are explained
 Appropriate information technology, processes and structures are described

Specific Outcome 4: Explain principles related to information systems development

Assessment Criteria
 The steps and methods used in the system development life cycle are described
 The alternative ways of developing or acquiring an information system are analysed

Specific Outcome 5: Distinguish between the types of strategic information systems and
their applications and explain electronic commerce concepts
Assessment Criteria
 The basic concepts of the different strategic information systems are outlined
 The applications of strategic information systems are described
 Electronic commerce terminology is defined by giving context specific examples
 Risks associated with electronic commerce are explained


3.1 Lecturers
The lecturers for this module are as follows:
Mrs. A. McGee
(012) 429 4421
Mr. N. J. Booyse
(012) 429 8931
E-mail: 1st Semester: AIN1501-18-S1@unisa.ac.za
2nd Semester: AIN1501-18-S2@unisa.ac.za

3.2 Department
All queries that are not of a purely administrative nature but are about the content of this
module should be directed to us. Please have your study material with you when you contact

The E-mail address and telephone numbers are included above but you might also want to
write to us. Letters should be sent to:
The Module leader (AIN1501)
Department of Management Accounting
PO Box 392
PLEASE NOTE: Letters to lecturers may not be enclosed with or inserted into assignments.

3.3 University
Contact addresses of the various administrative departments are available on the Unisa and
myUnisa websites.
Short summary of contact details

Website: http://www.unisa.ac.za or Mobi: http://mobi.unisa.ac.za

E- mail addresses, telephone numbers and SMS numbers:

SMS numbers/Telephone
E-mail addresses Use to enquire about:

012 429 2233 General enquiries relating to the

College of Accounting Science
Undergraduate@unisa.ac.za 012 429 2982 (CAS)
study-info@unisa.ac.za 43578 (sms) applications and registrations
assignments(not for submission
assign@unisa.ac.za 43584 (sms)
exams@unisa.ac.za 43584 (sms) examinations
despatch@unisa.ac.za 43579 (sms) study material
finan@unisa.ac.za 31954 student accounts
gaudeamus@unisa.ac.za n/a graduation ceremonies
myUnisaHelp@unisa.ac.za 43582 myUnisa
myLifeHelp@unisa.ac.za 43582 myLife e-mail accounts


4.1 General
All study material for this module will be available on myUnisa

4.2 Printed materials to support the online module

Because we want you to be successful in this online module, we also provide you with some
of the study material in printed format. This will allow you to read the study material even if
you are not online.
Remember, the printed support material is a back-up for everything that is found online on
myUnisa. It contains no extra information. In other words, you should NOT wait for the
printed support material to arrive before you start studying.

Please consult the myUnisa website for more information on the activation of your myLife
email address as well as to obtain access to the myUnisa module site.

PLEASE NOTE: Your lecturers cannot help you with missing study material. Please
contact despatch@unisa.ac.za or send a sms to 43579 for study material (also refer to par.
3 above). Keep in mind that all the tutorial matter for AIN1501 is available on myUnisa.

The most important study material for this module:

 study guide
 Tutorial Letter 101 at registration and others later (READ 101 FIRST)

Apart from Tutorial Letter 101, you will also receive other tutorial letters during the semester.
These tutorial letters will not necessarily be available at the time of registration. Tutorial letters
will be made available to you as soon as they are available or needed (for instance, for
feedback on assignments). Note that Tutorial Letters with less than 20 pages will only be
available online (myUnisa).

4.3 Telecentres for free computer and internet access

Unisa has entered into partnerships with establishments (referred to as Telecentres) in various
locations across South Africa to enable you (as a Unisa student) free access to computers and
the Internet. This access enables you to conduct the following academic related activities:
registration; online submission of assignments; engaging in e-tutoring activities and signature
courses; etc. Please note that any other activities outside of these are for your own costing
e.g. printing, photocopying, etc. For more information on the Telecentre nearest to you, please
visit www.unisa.ac.za/telecentres.

4.4 Prescribed books

No prescribed books are needed for this module. The study guide is the only study material
together with the tutorial letters, you need.


For information on the various student support systems and services available at Unisa (e.g.
student counselling, tutorial classes and language support), please consult the publication my
Studies @ Unisa that you received with your study material.

5.1 Contact with fellow students

5.1.1 Study groups

It is advisable to have contact with fellow students. One way to do this is to form study
groups. The addresses of students in your area may be obtained from the following

Directorate: Student Administration and Registration

PO Box 392

5.1.2 E-tutors

Unisa offers online tutorials (e-tutoring) to students registered for the module AIN1501.
Once you have been registered for a qualifying module, you will be allocated to a group
of students with whom you will be interacting during the tuition period as well as an e-
tutor who will be your tutorial facilitator. Thereafter you will receive a sms informing you
about your group, the name of your e-tutor and instructions on how to log onto MyUnisa
in order to receive further information on the e-tutoring process.

Online tutorials are conducted by qualified E-tutors who are appointed by Unisa and are
offered free of charge. All you need to be able to participate in e-tutoring is a computer
with internet connection. If you live close to a Unisa regional Centre or a Telecentre
contracted with Unisa, please feel free to visit any of these to access the internet. It is the
role of the e-tutor to guide you through your study material during this interaction
process. For you to get the most out of online tutoring, you need to participate in the
online discussions that the e-tutor will be facilitating


6.1 Study process

If you follow a specific study process, you may encounter fewer problems with your studies.
An example follows:
1. Complete reading through this tutorial letter.
2. Study the contents of the study guide and work systematically through the contents.

3. Complete assignment 1 (Compulsory assignment) and submit it to reach Unisa not
later than the due date. This assignment counts 20% (maximum) towards your year
4. Complete assignment 2 (Compulsory assignment) and submit it to reach Unisa not
later than the due date. This is of utmost importance as it counts 30% (maximum)
towards your year mark.
5. Complete assignment 3 (Compulsory assignment) and submit it to reach Unisa not
later than the due date. This is of utmost importance as it counts 50% (maximum)
towards your year mark.
6. When assignments are returned to you, mark it by using the suggested solution which
will be sent to you on the due date of the assignment.
7. After the completion/submission of assignment 01, 02 and 03, directly carry on with the
study programme. Do not wait for the return thereof or for the suggested solution.
8. Note that you need to submit any one of the first two assignments to be allowed to
write the exam. If you do not submit assignment 1 or assignment 2 you will not
gain examination submission.

6.2 Study program

To assist learners, a study programme is provided. This programme indicates the dates on
which certain sections of the study material as well as assignments should be completed. The
study program is based on the assumption that learners devote more or less 4 hours of study
to each topic. We are of opinion that this is within easy reach of most learners.

We are convinced that, if you adhere to this programme, you should have no difficulty in
mastering the subject. It is very important that the subject matter covered in the topics should
be mastered and not just skimmed. If you happen to register late or fall behind with this
programme, extra effort on your part will be necessary.

PLEASE NOTE: Learning only the solutions to the assignments off by heart is not enough to
help pass the exam. You need to focus on the self-assessments provided in the study guide.

Proposed study program for 2018

Learners enrolled for module in the first semester – 2018

Date Study material and assignments

Registration date to 01/02/2018 Study: Topic 1

02/02/2018 to 13/02/2018 Study: Topic 2
14/02/2018 Do: Compulsory Assignment 1
15/02/2018 Submit: Compulsory Assignment 1
23/02/2018 Due date: Compulsory Assignment 1

14/02/2018 to 22/02/2018 Study: Topic 3

23/02/2018 to 27/02/201 Study: Topic 4

28/02/2018 to 06/03/2018 Study: Topic 5

7/03/2018 to 12/03/2018 Study: Topic 6

13/03/2018 Do: Compulsory Assignment 2
15/03/2018 Submit: Compulsory Assignment 2
23/03/2018 Due date: Compulsory Assignment 2

13/03/2018 to 20/03/2018 Study: Topic 7

21/03/2018 to 28/03/2018 Study: Topic 8
29/03/2018 to 06/04/2018 Study: Topic 9
07/04/2018 to 09/04/2018 Revise: Topics 1 to 9
10/04/2018 Do: Compulsory Assignment 3
11/04/2018 Submit: Compulsory Assignment 3
11/04/2018 to exam Revision
13/04/2018 Due date: Compulsory Assignment 3

May/June Exam

Learners enrolled for module in the second semester – 2018

Date Study material and assignments

10/07/2018 to 17/07/2018 Study: Topic 1

18/07/2018 to 25/07/2018 Study: Topic 2

26/07/2018 Do: Compulsory Assignment 1

27/07/2018 Submit: Compulsory Assignment 1

03/08/2018 Due date: Compulsory Assignment 1

27/07/2018 to 03/08/2018 Study: Topic 3

04/08/2018 to 11/08/2018 Study: Topic 4

12/08/2018 to 20/08/2018 Study: Topic 5

21/08/2018 to 27/08/2018 Study: Topic 6

28/08/2018 Do: Compulsory Assignment 2

29/08/2018 Submit: Compulsory Assignment 2

24/08/2018 Due date: Compulsory Assignment 2

29/08/2018 to 5/09/2018 Study: Topic 7

06/09/2018 to13/09/2018 Study: Topic 8

14/09/2018 to 21/09/2018 Study: Topic 9

22/09/2018 to 25/09/2018 Revise: Topics 1 to 9

26/09/2018 Do: Compulsory Assignment 3

27/09/2018 Submit: Compulsory Assignment 3

26/09/2018 to exam Revision

28/09/2018 Due date: Compulsory Assignment 3

Oct/Nov Exam


Please note: Although students may work together when preparing assignments,
each student should write and submit his or her own individual assignment. In other
words, you should submit your own ideas in your own words. It is unacceptable for
students to submit identical assignments on the basis that they worked together. That
is copying (a form of plagiarism) and none of these assignments will be marked.
Furthermore, you may be penalised or subjected to disciplinary proceedings by the

7.1 Assessment plan

Assignment 1, 2 and 3 should be done on a mark reading sheet as the computer is marking
these assignments. The results will be mailed to you but keep in mind that admission will be
obtained by submitting compulsory assignment 1 on time and it will count towards your year
mark. Remember to add the unique number of your assignment to your mark reading sheet.

Plagiarism: Plagiarism is the act of taking words, ideas and thoughts of others and
passing them off as your own. It is a form of theft which involves a number of
dishonest academic activities.

The Disciplinary Code for Students is given to all students at registration. Students
are advised to study the Code.

7.2 Unique assignment numbers and due dates

Assignments are numbered consecutively per module, starting from 01.

Your answers in respect of the assignments should be addressed to Unisa (not to the lecturer
concerned) and should reach the University not later than the dates specified below. (Refer to
the study programme in par. 6.2).

Assignment nr Due date Assignment type Unique number

First semester

01 23 February 2018 Compulsory 825338

02 23 March 2018 Compulsory 779883

03 13 April 2018 Compulsory 659878

Second semester

01 3 August 2018 Compulsory 782432

02 24 August 2018 Compulsory 597178

03 28 September 2018 Compulsory 829811

Please indicate the provided unique number on your mark reading sheet. Failure to do so will
result in no admission to the exam.

7.3 Submission of assignments

Compulsory Assignment 1: This assignment should be received by the University no later
than the due date (Refer to par. 6.2). Assignment 1 will contribute 20% (maximum) towards
your year mark. The year mark will contribute 20% towards your final mark.

Compulsory Assignment 2: This assignment should be received by the University no later

than the due date (Refer to par. 6.2). Assignment 2 will contribute 30% (maximum) towards
your year mark. The year mark will contribute 20% towards your final mark.

Compulsory Assignment 3: This assignment should be received by the University no later

than the due date (Refer to par. 6.2). Assignment 3 will contribute 50% (maximum) towards
your year mark. The year mark will contribute 20% towards your final mark.

Please diarise the due dates (Refer to par. 6.2) on which you are to submit your answers in
respect of the various assignments so that they reach the university on or before the due date.

PLEASE NOTE: Any assignments received after the due date will not be marked.

Note that you need to submit any one of the first two assignments to be allowed to write
the exam. If you do not submit assignment 1 or assignment 2 you will not gain examination

7.3.1 Compulsory assignments and the 20% year mark
The submission of the compulsory assignments will prove that you are an active student
and therefore submission of either assignment 1 or assignment 2 will earn you
admission to the examination and all the assignments will jointly contribute 20%
(maximum) towards your final mark. Assignment 1 will contribute 4% (maximum)
towards the final mark, assignment 2 will contribute 6% and assignment 3 will contribute
the other 20%.

The mark you earn in the examination will count 80% and your year mark will count 20%.

For example, if you earn 70% together for the compulsory assignments and 48% for the
examination, your final mark will be 52.4%.
Thus (70% x 20%) = 14% and (48% x 80%) = 38.4%.
Final mark is 14% + 38.4% = 52.4%.
You will undoubtedly realise the importance of commencing your study programme early
so that you can earn a good year mark.

NOTE: Failure to submit either assignment 1or assignment 2 will result in the
student not being admitted to the examination. A sub-minimum of 40% in the
examination is required. The year mark will not count in the case where the sub-
minimum of 40% was not obtained.

7.4 Assignments
7.4.1 Assignments and learning
Assignments are seen as part of the learning material for this module. You are actively
engaged in learning when you do the assignments, study the reading text or discuss the
work with fellow students or tutors.

For general information and requirements as far as assignments are concerned, see the
brochure my Studies @ Unisa which you received with your study material.

7.4.2 Finality of due dates

Assignments which are received after their relevant due dates disrupt our marking
program. The uncontrolled submission of assignments furthermore creates
administrative problems.

No extension will be given for the submission of assignments as the solutions to

assignments will be forwarded automatically to all learners after the due date. No
correspondence or telephone conversation will be conducted in this regard.

7.4.3 Commentaries and feedback on assignments

You will receive the correct answers automatically for multiple-choice questions.
However, solutions to compulsory assignments will be sent to all students registered for
this module in a follow-up tutorial letter, and not only to those students who submitted the

As soon as you have received the solutions, please check your answers. The
assignments and the solutions to these assignments constitute an important part of your
learning and should help you to be better prepared for the next assignment and the

7.4.4 General remarks

Please note: Enquiries about assignments (e.g. whether or not the University has
received your assignment or the date on which an assignment was returned to you) must
be addressed via e-mail (assign@unisa.ac.za) or via sms (43584). You might also find
information on myUnisa. To go to the myUnisa website, start at the main Unisa website,
http://www.unisa.ac.za, and then click on the ‘login to myUnisa’ link under the myUnisa
heading on the screen. This should take you to the myUnisa website. You can also go
there directly by typing in http://my.unisa.ac.za.

Assignments should be addressed to:

The Registrar
PO Box 392

Assignments for Ain1501 are supplied in addendum.


To be admitted to the AIN1501 exam you need to hand in either assignment 1 or assignment
2. The mark you earn in the examination will count 80% and your year mark will count 20%.

8.1 Examination period

This module is offered in a semester period of more or less fifteen weeks. This means that if
you are registered for the first semester, you will write the examination in May/June 2018 and
the supplementary examination will be written in October/November 2018. If you are
registered for the second semester you will write the examination in October/November 2018
and the supplementary examination will be written in May/June 2019.

During the semester of the module, the Examination Section will provide you with information
regarding the examination in general, examination venues, examination dates and
examination times.

8.2 Previous examination papers

Previous examination papers are available to students on myUnisa as well as in the exam
tutorial letter which you will receive nearer to the exam. You may accept that examination
questions will be similar to the questions asked in the activities in your study guide.

8.3 The importance of a positive study method

Examination statistics have proved that those learners who prepare their work thoroughly and
who complete all the assignments have a better chance of obtaining a pass in the examination
than those learners who are content with doing no more than the minimum work.

Only after you have acquired the necessary knowledge should you read through the
assignment for the first time, work out the solutions under examination conditions and submit
your answers to us so that they will reach the University on or before the due date of the
assignment (not after the due date).

The assignment should in effect constitute your first revision of the work which you have
studied. In other words, the assignment should not serve as a check list of the work to be
studied for the completion of the assignment, but should, when the assignment is attempted,
serve as a test of the knowledge you have acquired by studying the work.

When you receive the solutions and compare the suggested solutions with your own, you are
provided with an opportunity of revising the work for a second time.

If you persevere with such a rigid program of study you will reap the benefit of sustained
practice in answering questions and will undoubtedly enjoy success in the examination.

8.4 Tutorial letter with information on the examination

To help you in your preparation for the examination, you will receive a tutorial letter that will
explain the format of the examination paper and will contain an old examination paper as an
example of the type of questions (not the content) that you may expect. Please note that
Tutorial Letters with less than 20 pages will only be available on myUnisa.


The Studies @ Unisa brochure and links on myUnisa contain the most relevant study
information that you will need but we have also compiled a short question and answer list for
AIN1501 students.

Q1. Can I postpone my examination to the following semester?

A1. This is one of the questions which should not be directed to lecturers. Please refer this
question to the examination department.

Q2. Can I be given an extension on my assignment date?

A2. No. Solutions to assignments are publicised on the due date of the assignments.

Q3. Can the examination venue/address be changed after registration?

A3. Yes, contact the examination department.

Q4. Can the assignments be submitted via my UNISA?

A4. Yes.

Q5. Are there discussion classes for this module?

A5. No, the discussion classes are replaced by e-tutoring.

Q6. What happens if I do not submit either assignment 1 or assignment 2?

A6. You will not be allowed to write the exam.

Q7. What happens if I got sick on the day of exam?

A7. Go to Doctor, obtain a doctors certificate and contact the examination department to
apply for admission to the next examination period.

Q8. Does the examination paper only consists of short or multiple choice questions?
A8. No, please go to myUnisa module page to see the format of an AIN1501 exam paper.

We hope that you will enjoy this module and we wish you success with your studies
Kind regards.
Mrs A. Mc Gee
Mr N. J. Booyse


Assignment 1: Due date 23/02/2018

Assignment 2: Due date 23/03/2018

Assignment 3: Due date 13/04/2018


Assignment 1: Due date 03/08/2018

Assignment 2: Due date 24/08/2018

Assignment 3: Due date 28/09/2018


Please note: This tutorial letter contains two different assignment sets for the 1 st and 2nd
semester. Please read carefully and choose the correct one to submit.

Semester Due date Unique number

1 23 February 2018 825338

Please ensure that the compulsory assignment reaches the University before the due date – if
it is received late you will forfeit the 20% (maximum) of your year mark.

(Assignment 1 refers more or less to topics 1 to 2 in the study guide).

This assignment consists of 10 questions.


Do not send this in if you are registered for the 2ND semester!


This assignment consists of 10 questions

Please select the most appropriate answer to the question and mark it on the mark-reading sheet.
Each correct answer counts one (1) mark:

1. The process of creating information.

1) Activity, information, data, knowledge, decision-making
2) Activity, data, information, knowledge, decision-making
3) Knowledge, activity, data, information, decision-making
4) Information, knowledge, data, activity, decision-making

2. Information should be easily available to users in order to meet their needs.

1) Accurate information
2) Up-to-date information
3) Accessible information
4) Reliable information

3. Which one of the following is not a component of computerised information system?

1) People
2) Places
3) Procedures
4) Databases

4. This system collects, records, stores and processes financial data to supply information to
decision makers.
1) Financial Information System
2) Information Technology System
3) Information Strategy System
4) Accounting Information System

5. An IT department with staff and functions situated in a single location.

1) Outsourced department
2) Localised department
3) Centralised department
4) User support department

Continued on next page…..

6. Which one of the following is not a disadvantage of decentralising the Information System
1) The risk of tasks, functions and data duplication may exist
2) It is harder to control the Information System(IS) department
3) IS staff will be conscious of IS and business needs on regional level
4) Lack of coordination between department, as offices are independent

7. Low-power, short range radio technology use to link devices such as phones wirelessly.
1) Universal Serial Bus
2) Bluetooth
3) LAN cable
4) System port

8. The speed at which the CPU executes instructions.

1) RAM speed
2) Memory speed
3) Performance speed
4) Clock speed

9. Not a factor to consider when choosing a computer operating system.

1) Hardware compatibility
2) Software compatibility
3) Level of security
4) Power consumption

10. These utilities are used to reduce the size of files.

1) File managers
2) File utilities
3) Data compression software
4) Anti-virus and anti-spam software


Please note: This tutorial letter contains two different assignment sets for the 1st and 2nd
semester. Please read carefully and choose the correct one to submit.

Semester Due date Unique number

1 23 March 2018 779883

Please ensure that the compulsory assignment reaches the University before the due date –
if it is received late you will forfeit the 30% (maximum) of your year mark.

(Assignment 2 refers more or less to topics 1 to 6 in the study guide).

This assignment consists of 20 questions.


Do not send this in if you are registered for the 2nd semester!


This assignment consists of 20 questions
Instructions for questions 1 to 10:
Please select the most appropriate answer to the question or statement and mark it on the mark-
reading sheet. Each correct answer counts one (1) mark.

1. Data that has been processed in such a way that it becomes meaningful to the person who
receives it is known as:
1) Information
2) Knowledge
3) Activity
4) Decision-making
2. Not a control classified according to function.
1) Preventative control
2) Detective control
3) Corrective control
4) General control
3. Which one of the following can be classified as part of utility software?
1) Database management system software
2) Data compression software
3) Network management software
4) Software bugs
4. Conversion of data into a form called cipher text that cannot easily be understood by
unauthorized people.
1) Firewalling
2) Routing
3) Encryption
4) Translation
5. An output device to a computer
1) Printer
2) Keyboard
3) Computer mouse
4) Central processing unit
6. One of the two ways in which controls in an information system environment can be
classified if they are classified according to type.
1) General controls
2) Batch controls
3) Data transmission controls
4) Asset controls

Continued on next page…..

7. Detective controls include _______________.
1) antispyware
2) encryption
3) activity logs
4) antispyware

8. An example of computer crime.

1) Errors
2) Rootkit
3) Waste
4) Vulnerability

9. An example of an internet application:

1) The world wide web
2) E-mail and instant messaging
3) File transfer protocol
4) All of the above

10. Formal document that describes the procedures to be followed by the organization when
addressing threats to the information system.
1) Information system security policy
2) Information strategy
3) Information policy
4) Security strategy

Instructions to questions 11 to 15:

Indicate whether the following statements are true or false, use a 1 on your mark-reading sheet to
indicate a true statement and a 2 to indicate a false statement.

1. – True
2. – False

11. A bus network links computers in circular pattern, thus each device is connected to two
other devices.

12. A set of two or more components (for example people and methods) that serve a common
purpose or to reach a specific outcome, are referred to as a system.

13. A WAN connects computers within a limited area by making use of virtual private networks.

14. Touch screens can be classified as both input and output devices regarding hardware

15. Operational controls are standardised input forms to reduce data entry errors and
identification controls and passwords.

Continued on next page…..

Instructions to questions 16 to 20:

Choose the correct word/s out of the given words to complete the following sentences. Mark the
correct number of the chosen word/s on the mark-reading sheet.

1. Rootkit
2. Software Piracy
3. Malware
4. Blended threat
5. IP spoofing

16. _________________ means to forge the source IP address thereby concealing the actual
IP address and making it appear to be the IP address of a trusted or authorized source.

17. _________________ is the illegal distribution of programs for business or personal use.

18. A(n) _________________ refers to a combination of different malware used to exploit the
vulnerabilities in a system.

19. A(n) _________________ is a tool that grant an attacker continuous full access to a
computer while hiding its presence.

20. _________________ refers to malicious software designed to destroy and interrupt

business operation and information through illegal access and use.


Please note: This tutorial letter contains two different assignment sets for the 1 st and 2nd
semester. Please read carefully and choose the correct one to submit.

Semester Due date Unique number

1 13 April 2018 659878

Please ensure that the compulsory assignment reaches the University before the due date –
if it is received late you will forfeit the 50% (maximum) of your year mark.

(Assignment 3 refers more or less to topics 1 to 9 in the study guide).

This assignment consists of 30 questions.


Do not send this in if you are registered for the 2nd semester!


This assignment consists of 30 questions
Instructions for questions 1 – 15:
Indicate whether the following statements are “TRUE” or “FALSE”. Each correct answer counts
one (1) mark.
Indicate a true statement with a 1 on the mark reading sheet and a false statement with a 2 on the
mark reading sheet.

1. Operating system software is classified as utility programs.

2. Win-Zip is an example of data compression software.

3. Encryption is the conversion of data into a form called Zip that cannot be easily
understood by unauthorised people.

4. A LAN (Local Area Network) is a network that connect or linked different computers in
a relatively small area.

5. For information to be useful within an organisation, it must be amongst others;

accurate, reliable and timely.

6. DNS is an acronym for Domain Name System.

7. The Group Support System (GSS) is an integrated system that provides management
with a wide variety of decision orientated information.

8. A Knowledge Management System (KMS) is used to support the creation, capturing,

storing and distribution of expertise and knowledge by using people, procedures,
software, databases and devices.

9. A Transaction Processing System (TPS)) collects an organisation’s daily business

transactions, processes these into useful information, stores the data and information,
and retrieves the transactions (raw data) and information (processed data) to provide
documents and records for business functions.

10. A Management Information System (MIS) integrates the data gathering and data
processes of departments and functions across an organisation into one single system
of integrated applications.
11. E-marketing encompasses all business processes including research and
development, finance, marketing, manufacturing and human resource activities
enabled by technology.

12. Preventative controls are the first layer in the internal control shield.
Continued on next page…..

13. The purpose of system maintenance is to finalise and install the system and to make
everything, including users, ready for its operation. The implementation stage puts the
planned changes or new system into action.

14. A denial of service (DoS) attack occurs when an organisation's corporate image or
web messages are illegally changed resulting in commercial embarrassment or
damage to an organisation's brand image.
15. A combination of on-site and off-site outsourcing is referred to as mixed outsourcing.

Instructions for questions 16 to 30

Please select the most appropriate answer to the question and mark it on the mark-reading sheet.
Each correct answer counts one (1) mark:

16. Not a characteristic of a Management Information System.

1. supports decisions at operational and management control levels
2. provides reports using a fixed and standard format; for example, reports for
inventory control where different managers can use the same report for different
3. provides assistance for managers and employees to work together on projects.
4. provides reports in hard and soft copy; although managers use visual displays on
screen, reports are also printed

17. Not a category of a Decision Support System (DSS).

1. Data-driven
2. Event-driven
3. Model-driven
4. Document-driven

18. Not an example of a detective control.

1. Smoke detectors
2. Activity logs
3. Fire extinguishers
4. Hash totals

19. The team that is responsible to ensure that existing software is fixed if necessary,
updated regularly or modified when required.

1. Maintenance team
2. Problem solving team
3. Project team
4. Incident response team
Continued on next page…..

20. The purpose of this stage is to plan and document a solution, uses the information from
the investigation and analysis of the current methods, and identifies methods that might
achieve better results.
1. System implementation
2. System planning
3. System implementation
4. System design

21. This type of analysis determines what to do to solve the identified problem. It starts by
clarifying the overall goals of the organisation and determining how the existing or
proposed information system helps meet these goals.
1. System analysis
2. Team analysis
3. Design analysis
4. Project analysis
22. This system development approach make use of workshops and focus groups to gather
the requirements of the new system from the end-users. This method speeds up
development. This approach makes the adapting of changes to system requirements
much easier and also reduces paper-based documentation. User participation is
facilitated and source code is automatically generated.
1. Prototyping
2. Outsourcing
3. Rapid application development
4. End user development lifecycle

23. Not a step involved in system analysis.

1. Investigate the collected data
2. Collect data and understand the requirements
3. Set up a committee or team to do the system analysis
4. Document the system deployment

24. An example of a contingency control.

1. Fire safety plan
2. Antivirus software
3. Data transcription
4. Firewall

Continued on next page…..

25. The principles, values, standards, or rules of behaviour that guide the decisions,
procedures and system of an organisation in a way that contributes to the welfare of its
key stakeholders, and respects the rights of all constituents affected by its operations.
1. Code of principles
2. Code of conduct
3. Code of adherence
4. Code of ethics

26. The three elements of an information strategy.

1. Information system strategy, Information technology strategy and Information
management strategy
2. Information system strategy, Information technology strategy and Information support
3. Information design strategy, Information technology strategy and Information
management strategy
4. Information system strategy, Information provision strategy and Information
management strategy

27. An example of an control measure that try to prevent and detect errors when entering
information into the information system in order to ensure validity, timeliness and
1. Data observation and recording
2. Logic checks
3. Audit trails
4. Run-to-run totals

28. Controls classified by type.

1. Application controls and detective controls
2. General controls and application controls
3. Detective controls and general controls
4. Preventive controls and detective controls

29. Controls classified by function.

1. Preventative, detective and general
2. Detective, application and input
3. Preventative, detective and corrective
4. Preventative, corrective and pro-active

Continued on next page…..


30. Correct term for a suite of protocols that governs network addresses and the organisation
and packaging of information to be sent over the internet, and allows computers to
communicate with one another.
1. Packet switching
2. DNS
3. Network configuration



Please note: This tutorial letter contains two different assignment sets for the 1 st and 2nd
semester. Please read carefully and choose the correct one to submit.

Semester Due date Unique number

2 3 Aug 2018 782432

Please ensure that the compulsory assignment reaches the University before the due date – if
it is received late you will not be admitted to the examination and you will forfeit the 20%
(maximum) of your year mark.

(Assignment 1 refers more or less to topics 1 to 2 in the study guide).

This assignment consists of 10 questions.


Do not send this in if you are registered for the 1st semester!


This assignment consists of 10 questions
Instructions for questions 1 to 10.

Please select the most appropriate answer to the question and mark it on the mark-reading sheet.
Each correct answer counts one (1) mark:

1. Not a component of a computerised information system.

1) Activities
2) Hardware
3) Software
4) Procedures

2. Not a characteristic that makes information usable for users in decision-making.

1) Accurate
2) Electronic
3) Reliable
4) Accessible

3. A system the interacts with its environment.

1) Closed system
2) Flexible system
3) Open system
4) Defined system

4. A strategy that involves selecting, operating and managing the technology elements of the
information system strategy.
1) Information technology strategy
2) Information management strategy
3) Information system strategy
4) Information design strategy

5. Which one of the following is not a benefit of an information strategy?

1) Ensure that the required information is acquired, retained and shared with all
2) Ensure better quality information and therefore better decisions by management.
3) Organisations will use it to determine human resource productivity.
4) Organisations are more likely to create sustainable competitive advantage.

Continued on next page…..

6. Which one of the following cannot be classified as an input device for a computer?
1) Keyboard
2) Touch-sensitive screen
3) Computer Mouse
4) Wireless printer

7. Correct sequence when Central Processing Unit execute instructions.

1) Fetch instruction, Execute instruction, Decode instruction, Store results.
2) Decode instruction, Fetch instruction, Execute instruction, Store results.
3) Execute instruction, Fetch instruction, Decode instruction, Store results.
4) Fetch instruction, Decode instruction, Execute instruction, Store results.

8. Illegal distribution of software and programs for business and personal use.
1) Software vandalism
2) Software hacking
3) Software hijacking
4) Software piracy

9. Not an important task or function that an operating system perform.

1) Processor task management
2) Memory management
3) Single user control
4) Application program interface

10. An operating system that allows different users to make use of the computer’s resources at
the same time.
1) Multi-user operating system
2) Embedded operating system
3) Single-user, single task operating system
4) Single-user, multi-tasking operating system


Please note: This tutorial letter contains two different assignment sets for the 1st and 2nd
semester. Please read carefully and choose the correct one to submit.

Semester Due date Unique number

2 24 August 2018 597178

Please ensure that the compulsory assignment reaches the University before the due date – if
it is received late you will forfeit the 30% (maximum) of your year mark.

(Assignment 2 refers more or less to topics 1 to 6 in the study guide).

This assignment consists of 20 questions.


Do not send this in if you are registered for the 1st semester!


This assignment consists of 20 questions
Instructions for questions 1 to 10:
Please select the most appropriate answer to the question or statement and mark it on the mark-
reading sheet. Each correct answer counts one (1) mark.

1. Can be erased by exposing it to ultraviolet light.

1) RAM
2) ROM

2. With respect to an information system, processing involves the conversion or transformation

of _______ into useful outputs.
1) Facts
2) Knowledge
3) Information
4) Data

3. A(n) _______________ protects an organisation’s private networks from external invasion.

1) router
2) firewall
3) smoke detector
4) raised flooring

4. Software that monitors and logs attempts to access computer system and networks by
unauthorised entities.
1) Antivirus software
2) Intrusion detection system
3) Antispyware
4) Spam management software

5. Not a principle relating to the ethical treatment of information.

1) Integrity
2) Professionalism
3) Confidentiality
4) Neatness

6. 7-zip is an example of ________________.

1) data compression software
2) back-up software
3) antivirus software
4) network management system
Continued on next page…..


7. Facilitates interaction between a user and the computer system.

1) Application program interface (API)
2) Single-user operating system
3) User interface (UI)
4) Linux

8. Not a purpose of a communication network.

1) Sharing software
2) Sharing hardware
3) Sharing internal memory
4) Information preservation

9. An internal or private network that is under the control of a single organisation.

1) Star organisation
2) Ring network
3) Metropolitan area network
4) Intranet

10. A system quantity or value that cannot be internally controlled.

1) System variable
2) System parameter
3) System input
4) System feedback

Instructions for questions 11 to 15:

Indicate whether the following statements are true or false, use a 1 on your mark-reading sheet to
indicate a true statement and a 2 to indicate a false statement.

1. – True
2. – False

11. A closed system is not affected by its environment, and it in turn, affects its environment.

12. Information system strategy is a long-term plan for a system in order to provide information
to support business strategy.

13. One of the objectives of an organisation’s information system department is to monitor

return on investments in information system.

14. Computer hardware refers to the physical parts of a computer system.

15. An URL is an unique address assigned to each computer connected to the internet, which
identifies the computer to other hosts.

Continued on next page…..

Instructions for questions 16 to 20:

Choose the correct word/s out of the given words to complete the following sentences. Mark the
correct number of the chosen word/s on the mark-reading sheet.

6. Preventative controls
7. Application controls
8. Detective controls
9. Output controls
10. Input controls

16. _______________ is to prevent and detect errors when entering information into the
information system in order to ensure validity, timeliness and accuracy.

17. ________________ is the first layer in the internal control shield.

18. If controls are classified according to type the two types are general controls and

19. ________________ search for, uncover and identify adverse events after they have

20. The generation and investigation of discrepancy reports is an example of

________________ .


Please note: This tutorial letter contains two different assignment sets for the 1 st and 2nd
semester. Please read carefully and choose the correct one to submit.

Semester Due date Unique number

2 28 September 2018 829811

Please ensure that the compulsory assignment reaches the University before the due date – if
it is received late you will forfeit the 50% (maximum) of your year mark.

(Assignment 3 refers more or less to topics 1 to 9 in the study guide).

This assignment consists of 30 questions.


Do not send this in if you are registered for the 1st semester!


This assignment consists of 30 questions
Instructions for questions 1 – 20:

Please select the most appropriate answer to the question and mark it on the mark-reading
sheet. Each correct answer counts one (1) mark.

1. True regarding a closed system.

1) Provide output to its environment
2) No interaction with its environment
3) Affects its environment
4) Feedback into environment

2. Brief description of an accounting information system.

1) Information system that creates additional processes to the normal business
2) Collects, records, stores and processes financial data.
3) System that managers use to make strategic decisions.
4) Stores non-financial data for recordkeeping purposes.

3. How we measure the speed of a printer.

1) Dots per minute
2) Printed dots per inch
3) Printed dots per page
4) Pages per minute.

4. Facilitates the input and output of audio signals.

1) Power supply
2) Computer screen
3) Network card
4) Sound card

Continued on next page…..


5. Software to accomplish a specific task, other than running the computer system.
1) System software
2) Application software
3) Embedded software
1) Operating system

6. An internal user of the information of a company.

2) Employee
3) Shareholder
4) Supplier
5) Government

7. Main memory of a computer and volatile.

1) ROM
2) RAM
4) LED

8. An aspect to consider when selecting a suitable network configuration.

1) Security
2) Area of convergence
3) Primary memory
4) Hard disk size

9. Inappropriate use of computer equipment and resources, resulting in excessive costs and
decreased profits.
1) Mistakes
2) Waste
3) Error
4) Threats

10. Grant an attacker continuous full access to a computer while hiding its presence.
1) Worm
2) Rootkit
3) Blended threat
4) Spyware

Continued on next page…..

11. Not an example of a detective control measures.
1) Activity logs
2) Audit trails
3) Smoke detectors
4) Training of staff
12. Not an example of contingency controls.
1) Fire safety plan
2) Sufficient drainage
3) Activity logs
4) Cold site
13. Occurs when copyrighted software is illegally copied and constitutes a crime.
1) Software hacking
2) Software duplication
3) Software piracy
4) Software vandalism

14. Security weakness or flaw in the information system that creates an opportunity for attack
and influence the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data and information.
1) Risk
2) Vulnerability
3) Virus
4) Threat

15. Information should be respected and not disclosed unless there is a professional or legal
reason to do so.
1) Professionalism
2) Integrity
3) Confidentiality
4) Objectivity

Continued on next page…..

Instructions for questions 16 to 20

Indicate if the statement is true or false by indicating a 1 on your answer sheet for a true
statement and a 2 on your answer sheet for a false statement.

1. – True
2. – False

16. The redesigning of business processes is called reprocessing.

17. Win-Zip and Win-RAR are examples of data compression software.
18. The session layer is the fifth of the OSI framework.
19. The second step in the implementation of a disaster recovery plan is to form a planning
committee to design a disaster recovery strategy.
20. Focus groups and questionnaires can be methods use to conduct system maintenance.

Instructions for question 21 to 25

Choose the correct word(s) that matches the provided description, Mark the relevant number of
the system next to the question number on the mark reading sheet.

1. Release
2. Slipstream upgrade
3. Patch
4. Version
5. Software licence

21. Significant program change that often requires changes in the documentation of the
22. A minor change to correct a problem.
23. A minor upgrade, typically a software code adjustment or minor bug fix, usually not
announced to users.
24. Gives the user the right to use the software in the licensed environment.
25. Major program change, usually with more features.

Continued on next page…..

Instructions for question 26 to 30

Choose the correct information system that matches the provided description, Mark the relevant
number of the system next to the question number on the mark reading sheet.

1. Knowledge management system

2. Enterprise resource planning system
3. Management information system
4. Executive support system
5. Transaction processing system
26. Provides decision orientated information in order to accomplish organisational objectives.

27. Examples include amongst other SAP and Oracle.

28. Supports the sales, purchasing and accounting functions in an organisation.

29. Specialised decision support system.

30. The customer relationship management system is an application of this type of system.

UNISA 2018


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