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Project by A. Caffieri, S. Manfredi, K. Pathak, P.



IED Torino
Bachelor of Arts

Project Libido by G. Barbera, A. Guerri, F. Vecchiatini

Transportation Design
Bachelor of Arts Degree - TRANSPORTATION DESIGN | Design

INTERNATIONAL NETWORK Title* Bachelor of Arts Degree
in Design

11 LOCATIONS Specialisation Transportation Design


Coordinator Michele Albera

Duration 3 years, full-time

10000 STUDENTS A YEAR Credits 180

Language English

Starting date October

UNDERGRADUATE, Further studies Postgraduate, Masters,

Specialisation courses


* This BA is recognised by

Italian Ministry of Education
and Research (MIUR) as an
Academic Diploma Level I.

Project Syrma in collaboration with Quattroruote

The Transportation Designer is a muktifaceted
and rapidly evolving professional figure,
in need of a continuous research and a deep
understanding of the social and psychological
dynamics related to the concepts of mobility,
transports, urban scenarios and vehicles.
Bachelor of Arts Degree - TRANSPORTATION DESIGN | Design

The Transportation Designer is a professional who researches and develops

innovative projects combining technical knowledge, skills
and experimentation with a great expertise of materials, aerodynamics,
feasibility, design and ergonomics.
He imagines and creates the shape and content of any transportaion vehicle
or system, defining style and functionality; the designer’s style is language,
sublime synthesis between form and thought.
This figures also demonstrates the knowledge and the ability to analyse
socio-economical and business systems, cultural contexts and scenarios,
as well as all the aspects that affect distribution and marketing, local
and global rules and administrations. As per today, the Transportation
Designer work for Style Centres both inside and outside automotive brands,
or as freelancers in agencies, specialised public and private institutions or for
urban offices related to mobility systems. They are progressively becoming
knowledgeable figures, of great cultural and creative consciousness.

Project Shiwa in collaboration with Quattroruote

Job prospects
Transportation Designer, Car Designer,
Bike Designer, Yacht Designer.
Bachelor of Arts Degree - TRANSPORTATION DESIGN | Design

The course is focused on experimental developing the ability to make coherent and
design applied to different areas in direct reasoned choices.
synergy with major companies from the The course offers also the opportunity to
industry. The future designer learns to explore some of the technical/instrumental
perform a constant confrontation between and engineering contents related to Bike
the theoretical and technical know-how Design (Motorcycle) and Yacht Design
and its practical applications in by implementing specific training activities
the development of projects, thanks to through optional subjects.
the design methods. These projects are To complete the educational offer, IED runs
aimed at offering solutions to sociological, a series of meetings about the preparation
techinical or technologcal problems. and organization of the portfolio, along with
Gaining autonomy, the student manages cultural activities. The objectives are to
the design process independently. At the enhance the professional outlook of each
same time, students explore the project’s students as required by the labour market
historical background related to art, fashion, and to obtain credits for the final grade.
semiotics, communication and architecture,

METHODOLOGY The graph represents the ratio

between theoretical content and

AND STRUCTURE design workshops, featuring all

of the Undergraduate courses.

Training is divided into six semesters,

for a total duration of three years,
each one with a specific purpose.
Bachelor of Arts Degree - TRANSPORTATION DESIGN | Design

The undergraduate path is based The second year is a moment of in-depth For students who do not have a certificate, The Final Project is developed in a professional
on cultural, methodological, technical, study, in which the method and tools IED shall organise in-house language courses simulation context in 2 semesters and 2 steps:
technological tools and their application are experienced through structured design or courses organised in collaboration with the first one dedicated to research and
through increasingly complex projects workshops. The cultural, economic and certified institutes to get the required detailed study of theoretical, technical tools,
in collaboration with external partners technical disciplines in the study plan help proficiency. During these three years, project necessary to develop the concept.
(agencies, companies, institutions). students in deepening and integrating workshops, cultural seminars, competitions, The second one consists of the practical
Students can partially define, in relation contents and phases of the design process, conferences, special projects, visits realisation of the project itself and
to their training needs, their individual study allowing them to acquire knowledge and to production plants and companies will an in-depth analysis in terms of
plan choosing among specialisations competence in specific professional areas. be proposed as well. marketing/communication strategies.
(if available), “optional” training activities
and “extra-curricular” activities offered During the third year, students are
by IED network or one of the Partner introduced to cultural themes of increasing
universities. complexity and get the latest tools
for the development and communication
The first year is introductory and seeks of the project. Project planning takes 1ST YEAR
to provide students with the technical, on a dominant role and students learn
cultural and basic design tools, necessary to independently manage the development
to manage their creativity and identity. of a project. By the third year, students 2ND YEAR
The training activities aim at making enrolled in the courses taught in Italian
students familiar with the basic technical have to show proficiency in the English
equipment and allow them to acquire language, while those enrolled in the courses 3RD YEAR
an adequate design methodology taught in English have to show proficiency

and a solid cultural preparation. in a second foreign EU language

(preferably Italian). Students who possess Final Project Design Cross-disciplinary projects
a certificate are assigned credits and are
admitted directly to the final test. Workshop with Companies Cultural Disciplines and Techniques

Project Pegaso, Ferrari World Design Contest 2011

by G. Ceccio, G. Pierin, M. Politano
Bachelor of Arts Degree - TRANSPORTATION DESIGN | Design

The educational training alternates frontal of renowned professionals as lecturers,

lectures and lab activity through individual constantly supporting students in their

Project Sting66 by A. Bajwa, C. Fenizia,

M. Finocchiaro, M. Swalem, X. Zhou
or multidisciplinary team projects. learning experience. Students can
The project activity, which is both theoretical benefit from a privileged student/teacher
and technical, is developed in close relation thanks to the limited number
collaboration with professors and asserted of participants on a course. Workshops
professionals of the industry and combines and cross-disciplinary projects carried out
tangible design and constant updating in teams of students from different
of the learning content. IED method - based backgrounds develop a multidisciplinary
on learning by doing and project culture - approach. The projects are carried out in
allows students to immediately apply the collaboration with companies, organisations
acquired knowledge and translate it into and institutions, and allow students
practical design skills, essential in the job to get in touch with the production system.
market. IED faculty can count on its team

A teaching method that

builds its value on discussion,

exchange and relationship

among students, faculty
and companies.

Project Piaggio Pulse by A. Vetrucci

1ST YEAR aspects, ergonomics,
technologies. Students focus on
an industrial product, paying
HISTORY OF special attention to the use of
CONTEMPORARY ART materials. They learn to apply
The course illustrates the most the design process phases with
important artistic movements regards to the specific
and their leading personalities constraints imposed by
in the modern and contemporary ergonomics, marketing
age. In addition to describing and production technologies.
how art has evolved in history,
Bachelor of Arts Degree - TRANSPORTATION DESIGN | Design

it aims to develop a critical

understanding of art’s codes Materials constitute the basic
and of art as a complex visual tools or translating an idea into
text and as a phenomenon a creation. The course focuses
perceived in particular in terms on the expressive potential of
of its relations with other the various materials, both
forms of expression and traditional and experimental.
communication (photography, The teaching is approached
advertising, cinema etc.). from a technical and scientific
standpoint. This course
DESIGN METHODS examines materials’ physical,
This course provides students chemical and morphological

Project Demiurgo by B. Fiori

with the tools they need characteristics (the latter
to examine the connection relating to their forms, finishes
between a product and the and colours)
processes behind its creation. in theoretical lessons. It also
These theoretical foundations explains the methods used to
enable students to understand transform materials and the
which scientific and cultural industrial and craft processes
factors intervene during used to work with them on an
the project and to manage industrial scale, in craftsmanship
the disciplines that contribute and for conservation.
to putting the final work
together. The design process HISTORY OF DESIGN 1
is a combination of functional, The convention is that the
technological, formal study of design history starts
and ergonomic issues. from the second half of the
The course goes through nineteenth century, when the
different phases, from how social, technological and
the idea is formulated to the industrial factors - necessary

actual creation of the object, for developing the first serial

making students develop productions - were first
methodological and analytical consolidated. This course
tools: functional and formal analyses the leading Italian
and international movements MODELING TECHNIQUES 1 transposing their design work and shadow. Students learn to the curriculum discusses with the cognitive
in design culture. Using a series This course provides students into 3D. This technical design interpret a subject by acquiring the relationship between design and methodological tools they
of examples to illustrate with the theoretical basis is then used to develop mastery of the many traditional and a material’s expressive need to locate works not only
a reasoned approach, the course and practical tools they need a 3D styling model. and computerised techniques qualities, including its in a chronological framework,
summarises on the one hand to build visual and expressive of illustration. construction and structural but more significantly to convey
the formation of archetypes models, using the most suitable DESIGN 1 properties. the relations between expressive
of category and form and, materials. A 3D overview The aim of this course is to put PERCEPTION THEORY AND idioms, the requirements
on the other, the evolution enables shapes and volumes basic design methods into THE PSYCHOLOGY OF FORM DRAWING TECHNIQUES of the automotive industry,
of construction techniques to be examined and a check practice and to draw up This course offers AND TECHNOLOGIES clients and end users.
and rituals of usage. to be run on their feasibility the roadmap for creating an understanding of sensory Starting out from the This course furnishes a historical
With its heritage of visual in terms of the laws of physics a work, from the concept to perceptions and cognitive drawing techniques learned and comparative analysis
knowledge, design history and techniques of elaboration. the hypothesis of the production processes, illustrating in Technical Drawing, of the styles and functions
confers the ability make a critical A model is also used to check process, complete with related the scientific theories that this course implements of the means of transport used
interpretation that underlies on proportions and masses and, techniques. The course includes explain how our senses work the practices of illustration, before the advent of the car
the process of designing a work. as a consequence, to alter their the creation of a design with and correlating those functions from freehand drawing to and their repercussions on
lines and volumes. The focus a low level of complexity. with research into multimedia tools, to facilitate the birth of the car, presenting
Bachelor of Arts Degree - TRANSPORTATION DESIGN | Design

is on the practical and sensory The aim of the application the psychology of form. fast, effective communications an overview of the spread of the
A study of the principles natureof the experience and workshops is to design a car It uses the medium of the when presenting a job. car and the evolution of its style
and procedures underlying on developing the ability to view or another mean of transport, applied sciences to impart The approach is to use the most and structure, together with
descriptive geometry, projections things in 3D. taking its complexity into account the techniques for analysing suitable methods to describe an analysis of issues of symbolism,
and perspectives is the basis and providing input about the relationship between every phase of the project: of form, of technology
for freehand and technical GRAPHIC DESIGN its proportions and the type objects, space and persons preliminary sketches done and of the market.
drawing, providing students Using graphic composition of its components. and provides the crucial skills freehand, the pantone technique,
with the proper tools for programs to acquire IT literacy The project is conducted by they need to design a work refinements of style using digital MODELING TECHNIQUES 2
communicating and representing makes it easier for students means of diagrams, exercises in relation to sensory responses. programs and the creation This development on the
their work. to express an idea and enables in free perspective, coloring The psychology of form of rendering and photo-realistic practices of model-making is
In this course, students learn the digital tools of representation and intuitive sketches. establishes relations between images. Lessons of theory designed to support the courses
the graphic idiom necessary to be correlated with the notions mechanisms of perception and practical applications in design, which need models
to acquire expressive of visual perception. ILLUSTRATION and the issues related to the use illustrated by the lecturer are to study and present, culminating
independence and are also This highlights criteria of legibility This course teaches students we make of form, together followed by guided exercises, in the construction of prototypes.
taught to draw from life, and the hierarchy between about the tools, the means, with the consequential whose purpose is to put Students now learn the more
The course aims to impart the components of a work. the supports and the materials development of creative, the instrumental skills learned complex techniques of model-
awareness of space, i.e. the Study of 2D and 3D image for traditional and digital languages. into practice. making, combining familiarity
ability to dismantle real volumes processing programs enables drawing, training them with the most sophisticated
and to experiment with graphic students to maximize the impact to practice observation HISTORY OF DESIGN 2 software digital modelling
techniques of two and three-
dimensional representation.
Students how to create quick,
of a concept, manage 2D images
and modify their contents,
as well as to create renderings.
and represent their subjects
correctly. Learning to draw calls
for more than just technique,
ND This course provides a reasoned,
documented approach to
the history of design in Italy
packages with the practices
of craftsmanship. The structure,
organised as a workshop,
clear sketches: erspective, The course provides students skill and aesthetic taste: the MATERIALS TYPOLOGY 2 and the rest of the world, implies that the techniques
composition and quality of line. with the tools for making a clear, ability to observe attentively This course develops illustrating its movements, are learned directly and
They are also taught the personal presentation of their is also important. How to use students’ analytical skills schools and institutions, provides a pragmatic approach
different techniques of drawing: creativity and skills. color as the basic tool of visual and understanding of materials together with the firms and to facilitating students’
from sketches to renderings and Students learn the new communication, to highlight in the framework of a project. the designers who set up the understanding of geometries
the final presentation. techniques of computerised information and make the It examines the physical milestones in the evolution and volumes. The curriculum
The lectures in technical drawing graphics, studying the methods message intelligible. Similarly, and mechanical properties and the trends in car design and also contributes to their search
deal with orthogonal projections for representing and the construction of a 3D of several families of materials the design of other means of for a personal idiom.

of flat figures, solids communicating ideas and environment enables them in relation to the technologies transport. The course stimulates
and complex and sectioned projects using digital sketching to describe the relationships that can be used to work with students to adopt a critical DESIGN 2
solids, culminating in plans of software. They also learn all between volumes, surfaces them and to related advantages approach to expressions of Developing on the theme
form. the skills necessary for and the play of light and risks. In particular, design, so as to furnish them of the information learned
during the first year, students look at the leading 3D image and approaches of analysis. a design for a car interior. purpose is to impart to students
must now demonstrate
they have gained a design
methodology by drawing
processing programs used for
modeling surfaces, assembling
forms with elementary units,
The course studies the lifestyles
within which affinity groups
come about and the dynamics
RD The design process is supported
by 3D modeling software.
the principles governing
the physical modeling of design
projects. From the first drawing
up projects with a greater automatically generating of social interaction, with DESIGN 4 3D RENDERING to using specific modeling
degree of complexity and more perspectives, texturing surfaces the irrelative processes of In this course, students are TECHNOLOGIES materials to make an object,
itemised definition of formal and rendering, as well as for dissemination, communication called on to face a project This course develops on they learn to express
and technical details. composing virtual models codes and languages. of increasing complexity the material taught in the 3D the project’s complexity of
The purpose of this course as natural evolutions of The aim of the course is to and work on it independently, Computer Model-Making volumes.
is to raise students’ awareness sketches. Students must learn develop students’ ability to read so as to search for and develop Techniques course focusing on
and build on their creativity the skills of producing and and interpret the behaviors their own expressive idiom. using special software packages DESIGN 5
by means of exercises that give managing static photo-realistic and social dynamics where The course is devoted to advanced to produce renderings. Students work on the Final
them an opportunity to work images, post-production with a creative work intervenes, design and to simulating By developing on the expressive Project, having the chance of
on individual and group design retouching and putting projects understand the socio-cultural professional situations, and design potential of these applying what they have learned
experiences to give tangible into their contexts. dimension of the situations dealing with design issues that digital tools, the course imparts with the production of models
shape to their ideas. of its use and acquire awareness arise in a variety of industries. the methods that students need on a higher level of development
Bachelor of Arts Degree - TRANSPORTATION DESIGN | Design

This course takes a closer look of their underlying significance Students have to demonstrate to master for 3D modeling and complexity.
at car designs in a given market With this project, students are to a design. they have learned to work and, above all, for managing
segment and at designs for asked to deal with a higher level independently and are capable the entire process of
another means of transport. of difficulty. They are guided by DESIGN MANAGEMENT of making coherent and communicating their work.
Starting with a brainstorming tutors in a workshop to develop This course provides students well-reasoned decisions. They also acquire independence
session, students deal with style the concept for a car or another with the skills for planning, The aim of this course of expression and interpretation,
definition, volumes means of transport, including promoting and managing is to undertake every phase from the concept to animating
and proportions and they a detailed study of feasibility, cultural and design activities, of the design of a car or its details, producing flexible
conduct graphic researches volumes and proportions. with a special focus on of another means of transport, interactive videos.
with sketches. They may also work free hand the market. The strategic from the sketch to the modeling,
The experience culminates with and use 3D modeling. principles of marketing, which to the rendering and the PHENOMENOLOGY OF
a final presentation of the project, Students now acquire skills in aim at identifying, developing visualisation, of both interiors CONTEMPORARY ARTS
with effective renderings the perspective representation and launching every product, and exteriors, complying with This course conveys an
and a presentation of the of various kinds of car interiors are adapted to the specific the nomenclature applied to understanding of the dynamics
sketchbook. The design process and the techniques of graphic field of the creative industries, the vehicle and the restrictions that lead to the birth of new
is supported by 3D modeling representation, learning about for the purpose of understanding imposed by its category and trends from an artistic and
software. the relationships between the and anticipating the expectations by the requirements of safety. sociological standpoint: what
types and the dimensions of and needs of consumers Students now work on projects are they? Where do they come
3D COMPUTER an interior’s components. and users. Students acquire involving high-end cars, with from? How do they spread?
MODEL-MAKING TECHNIQUES The course develops on issues strategic marketing tools, such a high degree of technological And how are they expressed
This course encompasses related to the car package as phases and methods of content, conducting all in a globalised world? Students
everything that students need and to its habitability, execution, time frames, costs the phases of the design process are provided with the ability to
to know about digital 2D and 3D ergonomics and functionality. and benefits, as well as learned to date: brainstorming, undertake independent
imaging processes. Students work to assigned briefs the mechanisms leading defining the style in accordance research, to read and interpret
Applications range from and use modelling software. markets and consumption, with the package received, the leading trends currently
creating and reconstructing social context and targets. verifying its volumes holding sway and the ability to
3D environments to designing SOCIOLOGY OF CULTURE The course develops the skills and proportions, developing observe and forecast future
and representing objects This course provides students that students need to manage its style, doing graphic research scenarios, fashions and trends.
and products. The aim with the fundamental principles the various phases of and making the final
is to teach both artistic of sociology, illustrating the creative process and design presentation, also making MODELING TECHNIQUES 3

and expressive representation the discipline’s historical origins, teams, coordinating a variety a 3D model if suitable. This third course in
and industrial prototyping its various schools of thought of different skills and orienting They now develop on their model-making is a practical
in a professional environment. and, as a consequence, the work to cater for market stylistic and technical research workshop development of
The course takes an in-depth the different methods expectations. for the purpose of creating increasing complexity, whose

School of Art and Design for Business
Bachelor of Arts Degree in Design

Subjects Credits


GRAPHIC DESIGN 8 STUDYING IN ITALY AND WORLDWIDE This wide-ranging group of International
DESIGN 1 8 Organisations provide the chance for
ILLUSTRATION 4 IED is not just an excellent Italian school students to take part in the Exchange Study
Bachelor of Arts Degree - TRANSPORTATION DESIGN | Design

PERCEPTION THEORY AND THE PSYCHOLOGY OF FORM 4 but mainly a network with branches Program and in the Erasmus + Program
Interdisciplinary Lectures/Seminars/ Workshops 4 in Italy, Spain, Brazil and partnerships in all and to spend a semester abroad at one
Total credits required 1st year 60 continents. of our partner universities.

2ND YEAR Students are the core of connections among IED ALUMNI
MATERIALS TYPOLOGY 2 4 professors, professionals, companies,
DRAWING TECHNIQUES AND TECHNOLOGIES 4 institutions and Partner Universities in Italy IED Alumni is a network connecting IED,
HISTORY OF DESIGN 2 4 and abroad. the students and partner companies. Alumni
MODELING TECHNIQUES 2 4 can take advantage of an orientation service
DESIGN 2 10 The international atmosphere fosters a direct for job placement and counseling to start
3D COMPUTER MODEL-MAKING TECHNIQUES 10 comparison between different cultures and a professional career.
DESIGN 3 6 designing methods, training a contemporary
SOCIOLOGY OF CULTURE 6 designer, always on point speaking of the CAREER
DESIGN MANAGEMENT 6 latest trends, both locally and internationally.
The international dimension is confirmed IED organises Career Days where students
Interdisciplinary Lectures/Seminars/ Workshops 6
by the diversity of students nationalities: can meet companies and supports graduated
more than 90 every year. students through a dedicated placement
Total credits required 2nd year 60
IED has about 150 academic partnerships
3RD YEAR in Europe, Asia, United States and Canada, LABS
Australia and New Zealand and Latin
American countries and it is part of Cumulus Labs are the core of IED training, the places
(International Association of Universities where theoretical skills can be translated into
and Colleges of Art, Design and Media), practice thanks to the latest technologies.
ELIA (The European League of the Institute
of Arts), WDO (World Design Organization), SERVICES
10 ENCATC (European Network on Cultural
Interdisciplinary Lectures/Seminars/ Workshops Management and Policy). It also maintains IED offers its students many services:
Foreign language 2 links with various International Universities Admission Center, International Student
and Academic Associations, including: Desk, Accommodation, Agreements.

Total credits required 3rd year 60 ADI (Association for Industrial Design),
NAFSA (Association of International For further details please visit
Total credits required during 3 years 180 Educators), and EAIE (European Association
for International Education).

IED always recommends
to check with local diplomatic authorities
about Visa requirements and calendars,

verify with IED Advisor special promotions
and relevant deadlines, complete
the enrolment process four months before

the beginning of the course.

In order to identify which course best suits

you, or to explore the development of the
profession that you want to undertake,
IED offers you the help of an Advisor.
Click on Book Interview or Request
Bachelor of Arts Degree - TRANSPORTATION DESIGN | Design

Information from the web page of any

course to get in touch with the IED Advisor
assisting you in your choice. After choosing
the course best fitting your expectations,
you are ready to start the admission process.


IED procedures
The procedure is started by clicking
Apply Online on
1) Submission of dossier
2) Admission interview
3) Admission confirmation
4) Enrolment confirmation
and dossier finalisation
A dedicated IED Advisor assists you
throughout the whole process.

A Portfolio is strongly suggested to show
the candidate’s creative aptitude and
support the application. It could be an
organised selection of works (if available),
a brand new creative self-introduction,
or a presentation on a chosen topic through
different/mixed media. SCHOLARSHIPS
Latest review: 11/17

Deadline IED supports the most talented applicants


Depending on the chosen course and awarding scholarships on a merit basis.

country of origin/destination, different For further information please contact
deadlines may be imposed by official IED advisors or visit
procedures, in addition to the selective entry.

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