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netstat -tlpn - "TCP Daemons accepting connection"

netstat -ulpn - "UDP Daemons accepting connection

2. free

free -tl - (instead of free, because it gives some more useful infos,
about HighMem and LowMem memory regions (zones))

3. ps

pstree -p -a -l -G - "Active Process Overview"

ps aux --sort=-%cpu,-%mem|head -25

4. fdisk

fdisk -l| grep "^Disk " | grep "/dev/"


rpm -qa | grep multipath - "Multipath Package Version"

chkconfig --list multipathd - "Multipath Service Status"
/sbin/multipath -v2 -d -ll - "Multipath Devices Basic Information"
/sbin/multipath -v3 -d -ll - "Multipath Devices Detailed Information"
grep -vE '^#|^ *$' /etc/multipath.conf - "Multipath Configuration File"
exec_command "for MultiPath in \$(/sbin/multipath -v1 -d -l); do ls -l
/dev/mapper/\${MultiPath}; done" "Device Mapper Files"
cat /var/lib/multipath/bindings - "Multipath Bindings"

5. Network

ip -s l - "Detailed NIC Statistics"

ip route - "Network Routing"

netstat -r - "Routing Tables"
ip neigh - "Network Neighborhood"

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