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Analysis of Using Plastic in Fried Food


Present to
In partical fulfillment of the requirement
For Graduated Student of SMAN 4 Berau
In the Academic years 2017/2018

Compiled by :
NIS/NISN :1178/0009470130

Approval Sheet 1

This is to certify that paper of Febry Zulqoidah has been approved by The
Paper Advisor for further approval by the Board of Examiners.

Berau, 30th November 2017


Surya Darma, S.Pd.

NIP. 19760606 200012 1 002

Acknowledged by

The Principal of SMAN 4

Dr. Ahmadong, M.Pd.
NIP. 19811210 200312 1 004

Approval Sheet 2

This is certify that paper of Febry Zulqoidah has been approved by the
Board Examiners as requirement the graduated SMAN 4 Berau in the academic
years 2016/2017.
Berau, 28th February 2018





Acknowledged by

The Principal of SMAN 4 Berau

Dr. Ahmadong, M.Pd.
NIP. 19811210 200312 1 004


Zulqoidah, Febry. 2017. Analysis of Using Plastic in Fried Foods. Scientific

Written. SMAN 4 Berau. Advisor: Surya Darma, S.Pd.

Keywords: Plastic, Fried foods, Health

Fried is one of the most popular snacks in the community ranging from
children, adolescents, even adults also like fried foods. Fried is very popular in
various circles because of its cheap price, it tastes delicious and tasty, and easy to
find. Lots of fried sellers contained on the street.
Delicious and tasty taste is very targeted by the community, so many
traders try to make their food taste more tasty and delicious by adding harmful
materials such as plastic. Plastics added in fried foods are very harmful to human
Therefore, we must be able to identify the characteristics of fried foods
containing plastic so that we can avoid the disease that we do not want.


First of all the writer expresses her thanks to Allah SWT that has blessed
her to finish the paper. Sholawat and salam go to Muhammad SAW the last

The writer also expresses her appreciation and deepest gratitude to Mr.
Surya Darma, S.Pd as the second advisor for his kindness, advice, support
developing, prepare the materials and guidance for all during the process on paper
Similiarly deep acknowledgement is addressed to Mr. Dr. Ahmadong,
M.Pd.The Principal of SMAN 4 Berau that recommended and approved the writer
finish her paper.
She appreciates and expresses her deep gratitude to her parents. Mr.
Rusmin and Mrs. Marni from whom she receives never ending-love
encouragement and prayers on most tiring days. She also expresses her deep
gratitude to her bestfriend on their supporting to finish this paper.
Finally, she dedicates her gratitude to all her friends in science programme
of SMAN 4 Berau and for their information and helps the writer. Realizes that this
paper is not perfect. However, the writer hopes that this paper is usefull for those
who need it.

Table of Contents
Chapter 1..............................................................................................1
1.1 Background...........................................................................1
1.2 Research Content..................................................................3
1.3 Objectives of Writing............................................................3
1.4 Significances of Writing.......................................................4
Chapter 2..............................................................................................5
2.1 Plastic....................................................................................5
2.2 Fried food............................................................................14
Chapter 3............................................................................................18
3.1 Setting of Research.............................................................18
3.2 Focus Research...................................................................18
3.3 Data Resource.....................................................................19
3.4 Data Collection Techniques................................................19
Chapter 4............................................................................................23
4.1 Analysis of Data..................................................................23
4.2 Discussion...........................................................................26
Chapter 5............................................................................................34
5.1 Conclusion..........................................................................34
5.2 Suggestion...........................................................................35
Curriculum Vitae

Chapter 1

In this section the writer would like to show some information such as
below; background , research questions, objectives of writing, and significances
of writing.

1.1 Background

Food is one of the basic human needs to survive. Food is also a very
important factor for human growth and development. Without the food, of course
human beings will be difficult to grow and develop as well as difficult to move
because there is no energy that works on the body. Foods consumed by humans
must contain nutrients to meet the needs required by the body and able to form a
healthy body. These nutrients can be carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and
minerals. In addition to containing nutrients, food should also be safe for
consumption. Foods that are safe to eat are foods that are not contaminated by
harmful substances and hygienic. Foods that are contaminated with harmful
substances will make these harmful substances attack the inside of our body so
that they can cause cancer, unhygienic foods will also spread the bacteria in the
body and can cause other diseases such as diarrhea, headache, nausea, dizziness,
vomiting, abdominal pain, and fever.
Food is very important for humans, therefore many culinary businesses are
starting to rampant. Many food manufacturers are competing to cultivate a variety
of delicious and delicious food. But often to save time, many sellers are selling
fast food and easily obtain such as noodles, ice, snacks, fried foods, and more.
Increasing people's appetite to consume fast food and beverage in addition to
practical and packed with interesting, there are various different flavors presented.
In general, people use cooking oil to process food, for both side dishes and
snacks. That food is known as fried foods. It's tasty, crunchy, and cheap prices

make people love it. Therefore, one type of snack market that many popular or
popular among the general public in Indonesia is fried food. Fried is very easy to
get through fried traders that we often encounter on the side of the road or around
with a pic or cart. Frying raw materials can be in the form of tofu, tampe, and
banana coated with flour dough and marinade. In addition to easily obtained, the
price is also very cheap fried is about Rp1000 - Rp3000 per seed
Merchants will use Food Additives (BTM) in their diets to make them more
durable, appear more attractive and taste sharper. BTM is safe to use, but some are
carcinogenic. However, there are often fraudulent merchants who want to earn
more. They often add harmful chemicals as additives in their foods. So people
become restless about the content contained in the fried food they consume. The
use of chemicals such as dyes and food preservatives or foodstuffs is done by the
merchants so that the food they sell looks more attractive, more durable, and more
economical. But the health impacts of the use of these chemicals are bad for the
people who consume them. Health problems that will be faced by consumers such
as acute food poisoning and the accumulation of chemicals that are carcinogenic.
One of the most dangerous food additives often used by fried swords is the
plastic that we often use in our daily lives. The use of plastic at this time has been
very widespread with various functions. In general, the plastic function is as a
packer, but there are still people who cheat by misusing the use of plastic.
The merchant will make the fried food taste more crispy and savory and
durable by placing the plastic in a boiling cooking oil. Plastic mixed together
when pouring cooking oil into the pan then melt in hot oil or plastic mixed when
the hot oil is boiling. The plastic melt makes the oil contaminated by harmful
substances present in the plastic and will stick to fried foods and allow the transfer
of harmful substances into fried foods. Fried foods containing plastic if consumed
by humans can cause cancer. This is because some of the plastic packagings
comes from polyethylene, polypropylene, and polyvinylchloride materials which,
when burned or heated, can cause dioxin, a substance that is highly toxic and
causes cancer and can curb one 's immune system.

Strategic places that are often used for the actions of cheat merchants are
generally located in crowded areas and in student and college environments, such
as schools and colleges. They use the place because many students like to buy
food that is attractive, tasty, quick, easy to get, and they do not really care about
the content of what is in the fried foods.
Based on the above example, the writers is interested to work on "Analysis of
Using Plastic in Fried Foods".

1.2 Research Question

Based on the background that has been put forward, the writer can make the
questions that will be answered in this paper. Here's the question:
1. How is the impact of fried foods contaminated with the human body?
2. How to distinguish fried foods contaminated plastic and non-contaminated
3. How is the condition of fried foods sold in the community?
4. What is the percentage of fried foods safety from plastic contamination in
Berau District?

1.3 Objectives of Writing

This scientific work contains the things that aim to solve the problems that
occurred in this study. Here are the questions:
1. To know the effect of fried contaminated plastic to the human body.
2. To know the difference between fried foods contaminated by plastic and
not contaminated by plastic.
3. To know the safety of fried foods sold in the community.
4. To know the percentage of fried foods safety from plastic contamination
in Berau District.

1.4 Significances of Writing

After reading this paper, readers can know:

1. Communities can know the effects of plastic contaminated frying on
their bodies.
2. Communities can know the difference between fried contaminated
plastic and that is not contaminated by plastic.
3. Communities can know the safety of fried foods sold among them.
4. Communities can know the percentage of fried safety from plastic
contamination in Berau District.

Chapter 2
Review of Literatures

In this chapter, the writers focus on paragraphs with others opinions and
opinions of themselves with support or approval of the use of plastics in fried

2.1 Plastic
The term plastic includes synthetic or semi-synthetic polymerization
products. They are formed from organic condensation or polymer addition and
may also comprise other substances to improve performance or economy. Plastics
are substances that have a degree of crystallinity lower than fiber, and can be
softened or molded at a certain temperature, if not mixed interconnect with each
other. Plastic can be printed and reprinted according to the desired shape.
Plastics can be designed with a lot of variation in properties that can
tolerate heat, hardness, reliency, and others. Coupled with its adaptability, its
general composition and its light weight ensure that plastic is used almost in all
industrial and household areas. Plastics can be categorized in many ways but
most commonly by looking at their polymers (vinylchloride, polyethylene, acrylic,
silicone, urethane, etc.). Another classification of plastics is the polymer; long
chain of atoms that bind to each other. This chain forms many units of recurrent
molecules, or monomers.
The development of plastic comes from the use of natural materials, such
as: shellac gum, to chemically modified natural materials such as nitrocellulose
natural rubber and finally to man-made molecules such as epoxy, polyvinyl
chloride, polyethylene. Plastic materials were first used since the 19th century.
This can be seen from the number of plastics made and printed. However, in the
1990s, plastic became the material or part of a desirable need. This is evident
from the increase in plastics created and printed during that time.

Each year, the need for plastic is growing. In the 2000s plastic molded
hundreds of millions of tons. Imagine not, how many people need plastic because
almost all materials and tools we use are made of plastic, such as bottles,
sandals, bags, baskets, buckets, and glasses. Plastic to be excellent because it is
considered durable, strong, and light. Although almost the same as metal (durable
and strong), but the metal is considered too heavy and expensive. Finally, it makes
the plastic needs in the world higher.
Of the amount of plastics commodity with recycled is not balanced. As
many as billions of plastic bottles have become almost useless rubbish every year,

while the only one recycled millions of plastic bottles. This is causing the problem
of plastic waste in the world increasing every year.
Plastic replaces the cue billiards originally made of cement. Alexander
Parkes was the man who first introduced the term plastic. At that time, Parkes
introduced it to a Great International Exhibition in London in 1892. One result
was when the cement ball bill originally made of cement was replaced by the
findings of this Hyatt. Unfortunately, Hyatt findings are considered less good
because this type of plastic is very easy to melt in hot air and eventually damaged
shape. When cellulose was made into a filmmaker then called celluloid in early
At almost the same time, exactly 1897, another type of plastic called
formaldehyde resins or called bakelite. However, this type of plastic is then
referred to as modern plastics. One of the famous products when it was when this
type was used as a mixture of chalk maker. This type of plastic mixes between the
formaldehyde resin with manufacturing techniques with electrical (electrical).
Smith's plastic is tougher and rigid. Broadly speaking, in 1839 - 1894 is the era of
the emergence of semisynthetic type of plastic. While at the beginning of the 20th
century (1908 - 1932) is the most productive era of the emergence of types of
plastics, ranging from plastic which is then used as nylon thread, PVC is more
elastic, until the white foam or that we often know with Styrofoam found by Ray
McIntire in 1954.
Entering the modern era, from 1940 to 1980, plastic-making materials were
not just from cellulose, alcohol, or resins, but some were mixed with crystals.
Which is rigid, durable, and transparent like transparent crystals. This type of
plastic is then widely used as vehicle lights or lamps other lights.


There are many plastics produced each year, this is due to an increase in
the need for plastics, especially in household needs. Many housewives refuse to
use plates, bowls, glasses of glass, but they prefer to use plastic-based plates,
bowls and glass cups. They prefer plastic because plastic is not easily broken and
The amount of plastic used and the recycled plastic is unbalanced, causing
the plastic to be wasted and causing environmental pollution to increase each year.
Therefore, we should replace the use of household appliances from plastic with
ceramic or glass-based equipment.

Plastics are widely used in everyday life made from various chemicals.
Some of the chemicals in plastics that are harmful to health are Dioxins, Furans,
Bisphenol A, Styrene, Antimony Trioxide, and Softener.

Dioxin is a chemical compound classified as carcinogenic and toxic.
Dioxin is a very powerful poison that can produce negative effects in humans with
very low doses only. These compounds are concentrated in fat, especially in
breast milk. Dioxin is known to cause cancer. Dioxins can also disrupt the
hormonal system resulting in negative effects on reproduction, development and
the immune system. developing children and fetuses are most susceptible to dioxin
contamination, although in very small amounts it often results in a permanent
effect lasting a lifetime.
Furan is a heterocyclic chemical compound. Furans can cause irritation
when exposed to the skin. Furan is also a toxic compound and is a carcinogen. If
contaminated furan compounds in a long time or repeatedly can cause damage to
the internal organs. These compounds are thought to cause genetic damage.
Bisphenol A, or better known as BPA, is a synthetic compound of carbon
having a chemical formula (CH 3) 2C (C6H4OH) 2 and is a derivative group of
diphenylmethane and bisphenol. Plastics made from bisphenol A are clear and
strong, used to make various general consumer goods, such as drinking bottles,
sports equipment, CDs, and DVDs, as well as for industrial use, such as water
pipe layers.
BPA has hormone-like characteristics. BPA can inhibit endocrine where it
will mimic the function of natural hormones. Bisphenol A with low doses will
cause permanent changes in the pubic organ, increase prostate levels, and
decrease the hormone testosterone. BPA also increases the likelihood of breast
cancer, prostate cells become more sensitive to hormones and cancer, and make a
person become hyperactive. Fetuses, infants, and children approaching puberty
are the most susceptible to the negative effects of bisphenol A.
Styrene is part of the benzene group. Styrene causes disorders of the
thyroid gland, disrupting the nervous system causing fatigue, accelerating the
heart rate, causing insomnia, the body becomes trembling and becomes easily
agitated. At high levels, styrene can cause loss of consciousness and cause death.
For women, this substance is bad for the menstrual cycle. As for pregnant
women, styrene can migrate to the fetus through the placenta. In children, these
substances can cause cancer, decreased fertility, and sterility. Children who are
contaminated styrene can also lose creativity and passivity. Another effect of this
substance is the reduction of the immune system that causes the body susceptible
to infection.
Antimony is a semi-metal silver white compound which is also used for
microelectronics and fire retardants. In addition, antimony can be used in
medicine such as treatment of parasitic infections. Antimony and its derivatives
are toxic, and their poisoning effects are similar to the effects of arsenic
poisoning. An antimony dust is dangerous if inhaled and in some cases can be
fatal, at small doses of antimony causing headaches, dizziness, and depression
(Bowater, 2010). Contamination of long-acting antimony trioxide compounds may
cause skin irritation and respiratory tract.
In women, antimony trioxide can increase menstrual problems. While in
pregnant women, these compounds increase the potential for miscarriage or lead
to IUGR (intrauterine growth restriction), namely the slow growth of the fetus in

the mother's uterus during pregnancy. Children born will most likely experience
slow growth until the age of 12 months.
Softeners are widely used in the manufacture of plastics there are several
kinds, among others; ESBO (epoxidized soybean oil), DEHA (in (2-ethylhexyl)
adipate), and PBC (biphenyl polychloride), ATBC (acetyl tributyl citrate), and
DEHP (at (2-Ethylhexyl) phthalate). ESBO commonly used as insecticide
material. For the environment, ESBO is capable of killing zooplankton. This will
result in disruption of food chains of sea animals. It will also affect the disruption
of protein sources, especially fish, humans.
DEHA softening substances have activity similar to estrogen hormone that
will damage the reproductive cycle. In pregnant women, deha can damage the
chromosome to produce a defective fetus. DEHA is carcinogenesis and can lead
to liver cancer. While PCB is a substance that is necrosis, which can kill the
tissue, and carcinogenesis, which can cause cancer in humans. Early symptoms of
PCB contamination include pigmentation of the skin and lumps, abdominal and
hand disorders, and weak legs.

(source :
kesehatan.pdf )

So the dangers of plastic are numerous. Dioxins contained in plastics are

dangerous because they are toxic and can cause cancer and can disrupt the
hormonal system. As a result, the fetus will be susceptible to contamination
causing a permanent deformity. Bisphenol-A (BPA) also has the same
characteristics as hormones. So that BPA will mimic the natural hormone and
inhibit the endocrine that will cause permanent abnormalities in the pubic organ.
Fatigue, insomnia, shaking, and easily agitated can also occur when the
plastic contains styrene. In addition, styrene is also bad for women who are in
menstrual and pregnancy cycles, because styrene can migrate to the placenta.
Antimony can also cause skin irritation and respiratory tract disorders. Softening
agents on plastics can cause a disruption of the food chain in marine animals that
could have an impact on humans because if the marine ecosystem is depleted it
will be difficult for humans to get food from the sea. Especially for people living
in coastal areas.

There are 8 properties of plastic. First, the plastic is lightweight with a

specific gravity of 1,1 - 1,6 (Mg metal = 1.75), moisture resistance and corrosion
resistance, dielectric good, transparent or colored, has a good vibration damping,

metal, lower strength than metal, and not heat resistance and low dimensional
The types of plastics are divided into sections based on their physical
properties, their performance and their use, their number of carbon chains, and
their source.
Based on its physical properties, the plastic is divided into 2 ie
thermoplastic and thermoset. Thermoplastics are a type of plastic that can be
recycled or reprinted by reheating process. For example politeien (PE),
polystytren (PS), ABS, and polycarbonate (PC). While Thermosets are a type of
plastic that can not be recycled or printed again. The thermosets can not be
recycled because reheating on the plastic will cause damage to the molecules.
Thermosetting plastics are commonly present on epoxy resins, bakelites,
melamine resins, and urea-formaldehyde.
Based on the performance and its use, plastic is divided into 3 types of
commodity plastic, engineering plastics, and special engineering plastics. Plastic
commodities are not heat resistant and not very good. Examples are PE, PS, ABS,
PMMA, and SAN. Plastic commodities are commonly found in electronic
materials, food wrappers, and bottles. Plastic technique is heat resistant, has a
temperature above 100 degrees Celsius, good mechanical properties. Examples
are PA, POM, PC, and PBT. Engineering plastics are found in automotive and
electronic components.
Based on the number of carbon chain, plastic is divided into 6 types.
Plastics with 1 to 4 carbon chains of gases such as LPG and LNG. The number of
carbon chains 5 to 11 is liquid as gasoline. The number of carbon chains 9 to 16
is fluid with low viscosity. The number of chains of 16 to 25 is fluid-shaped with
high viscosity like oil. Number of chains 25 to 30 in solid form eg paraffin and
wax. And the number of carbon chains 1000 to 3000 is plastic. For example
polstiren and politeien.
Based on the source, the plastic is divided into natural polymers and
synthetic polymers. Natural polymers are commonly found in wood, animal skin,
cotton, natural rubber, and hair. Synthetic polymers are subdivided into three,
which are naturally present, present in nature but made by artificial processes,
and modified natural polymers. Synthetic polymers that are not naturally present
are nylon, polyester, polypropylene, and polystyrene. Synthetic polymers found in
nature but made by artificial processes are synthetic rubber. And synthetic
polymers derived from natural polymers that have been modified are celluloid
and cellophane. The basic ingredients are cellulose but have undergone radical
modification resulting in loss of their chemical and physical properties.

(source : )

So, the plastics commonly used by cheaters in the addition of plastic in

their fried food is plastic bags or plastic that is often used to pack an item. Usually
the plastic is white transparent.

The plastic is included in the thermoplastic type when viewed on the basis
of its physical properties. Is a commodity plastic when viewed from the
performance and its use. It has about 1000 to 3000 carbon chains and is sourced
from synthetic polymers that do not exist naturally.

In every plastic packaging that we often encounter there are various types
of plastic there must be a symbol / code that we need to know before to be used
again. This code was issued by The Society of Plastic Industry in 1998 in the
United States and adopted by code system development institutions, such as ISO
(International Organization for Standardization). In general the symbol or code
identifier is as follows:

Numbe Symbol Type of Plastic

1. Polyethylene Terephtalate


High Density Polyethylene

Plyvinyl Chloride


Low Density Polyethylene





Other , usually a

PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate) is a durable, strong, lightweight, and

easy to form polyester resin when it is hot. Its concentration is about 1.35 - 1.38
grams / cc, this is what makes it sturdy. The molecular formula of Terephalate
Polyethylene is (-CO-C6H5-CO-O-CH2-CH2 -O-) n.
This plastic is commonly used for clear plastic bottles / transparent /
translucent such as mineral water bottles, juice bottles, and almost any other
bottle of drink. This type of PET / PETE bottle is recommended only once,
because if used too much, let alone used to store warm water let alone heat, will
result in a layer of polymer in the bottle will melt and remove carcinogenic
substances (can cause cancer).
In making PET, it uses a substance called antimony trioxide, which is
harmful to workers associated with processing or recycling, since antimony
trioxide enters the body through the respiratory system, which is the result of
inhaling dust containing the compound. For female workers, these compounds
increase menstrual problems and miscarriages, even if given birth, their child is
likely to experience slow growth until the age of 12 months.

HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) is a strong, hard and rigid resin

derived from petroleum and is often formed by blowing it. The molecular formula
is (-CH2-CH2-) n.
This plastic is commonly used for milk bottles that are milky white,
tupperware, gallons of drinking water, folding chairs, and others.
HDPE is one of the safest plastic materials to use because of the ability to
prevent chemical reactions between HDPE plastic packaging and packaged food /
HDPE has a stronger, harder, smoother and more resistant to high-
temperature properties. Just like PET, HDPE is also recommended only for once
use, because the release of antimony trioxide compounds continues to increase
over time.

PVC stands for Polyvinyl Chloride. The molecular formula is (-CH2-

CHCl-) n. Polyvinyl Chloride is a hard and hard resin that is not affected by other

Recycled logos are sometimes black or red with the number 3 in the
middle, and the V-V text means PVC (polyvinyl chloride), which is the hardest
type of plastic to recycle. This plastic can be found on cling wrap, and bottles.
PVC contains DEHA that can react with food packed with PVC plastic
when it comes into direct contact with the food because DEHA is melted at -15
degrees Celsius temperature. The reaction that occurs between PVC and food
packed with plastic is potentially harmful to the kidneys, liver and weight. We
should look for alternative food wrappers that do not contain any softener, such
as plastic made from polyethylene or natural materials such as banana leaves.
LDPE (Low Density Polyethylene) is a plastic that is easily formed when
the heat, made of petroleum, and the molecular formula is (-CH2- CH2-) n. LDPE
is a hard, strong resin and does not react to other chemicals, LDPE is probably
the most high-grade plastic.
Recycle logo printed with the number 4 in the middle, as well as writing
LDPE (low density polyethylene) is a type of brown or thermoplastic plastic made
of petroleum. Usually LDPE can be used for food places, plastic packaging, and
bottles are soft. The mechanical properties of LDPE plastic types are strong,
slightly translucent, flexible and somewhat fatty surfaces. At temperatures below
60 degrees Celsius is very resistant to chemical compounds, water vapor
protection is quite good, but not good for other gases such as oxygen.
These plastics can be recycled, both for goods that require flexibility but
are strong, and have good resistance to chemical reactions. This LDPE material
is difficult to destroy, but it is good for food because it is difficult to react
chemically with food packed with this ingredient.

PP (Polypropylene) is a polymer plastic that is easily formed when hot,

the molecular formula is (-CHCH3-CH2-) n. PP is flexible, hard and fat resistant.
Recycled logos with 5 in the center, and PP writing (polypropylene) are
the best choice for plastics, especially for food and beverages such as food
storage, drinking bottles and foremost bottles for babies. Characteristics are the
usual transparent bottles that are not clear or cloudy. Polypropylene is stronger
and lighter with low steam penetration, good fat resistance, stable to high
temperature and shiny enough.

PS (Polystyrene) is a polymeric plastic that is easily formed when heated,

the molecular formula is (-CHC6H5-CH2-) n. PS has very rigid properties in
room temperature.
The recycled logo with the number 6 in the center, and the PS
(polystyrene) written in 1839, by Eduard Simon, a pharmacist from Germany, was
accidentally. PS is commonly used as a material to eat styrofoam, where to drink
disposable, and others. Polystyrene is an aromatic polymer that can remove
styrene material into the food when the food is in contact. In addition to food,
styrene can also be obtained from cigarette smoke, vehicle fumes and building
construction materials. This material should be avoided, as it is harmful to the
health of the brain, disrupts the female hormone estrogen that results in
reproductive problems, and growth and nervous system, as well as the material is

difficult to recycle. Even if recycled, this material requires a very long and long
This material can be identified by the code of number 6, but if it is not
listed the number code on the plastic packaging, this material can be recognized
by burning (the last way and should be avoided). When burned, this material will
emit an orange yellow flame, and leave the soot.
Products with label 7 are made of a mixture of two or more types of plastic
(1 to 6). Sometimes label 7 indicates that the resin material is unknown.
This type of plastic is usually in place of food and beverages such as
sports drink bottles. Polycarbonate can secrete its main ingredient Bisphenol-A
into foods and beverages that are potentially harmful to the hormone system. So
as much as possible avoid Polycarbonate plastic material.

In Indonesia, there are still many plastic items that do not include these
symbols. So if there are goods that are not symbols should be avoided. indeed, the
symbolic plastic is much more expensive than the non-symbolic, but when
compared to the health of the family and loved ones, quality is the main choice
Special plastics with codes 1, 3, 6, and 7 (polycarbonate), all have a
chemical hazard. This does not mean that plastics with other codes are completely
secure, but need to be studied further. So, if we have to use plastic, it would be
safer to use plastic with codes 2, 4, 5, and 7 except polycarbonate whenever
possible. If there is no plastic code on the packaging, or if the plastic type is not
clear. For example in code 7, where it is not always a polycarbonate. One of the
best safest ways is to contact the manufacturer and ask them about the type of
plastic used to make the product.

(source : )

Plastic packaging bags that we often use everyday for wrapping

polystyrene-based and polyvinyl chloride (PVC). Plastic bags are actually not
clear history of its use because of the recycling process is not guaranteed
cleanliness. Recycling also uses certain chemicals so that PVC-based plastic bags
are not entirely safe. The manufacture of PVC plastic bags also uses lead
stabilizers (Pb), Cadmium (Cd), and white tin (Sn) to prevent damage inside.
The ingredients used in the manufacture are very harmful for our body's
health. Because the vinyl chloride monomer in PVC can be released into food
when interacting with oily or fatty substances, even if it is hot. In addition, the
addition of lead, cadmium, and lead is also harmful to health because of lead and
cadmium is toxic to the kidneys that can trigger cancer and compounds contained
therein can disrupt the endocrine system.

2.2 Fried Food

Fried or fried flour is a variety of foods dyed flour dough and then fried
soak in a lot of hot cooking oil.
In Indonesia fried food is a popular snack. Fryers can be found on the
sidewalk or around with a pic or a cart. The ingredients are coated flour and fried
dough, among others; fried banana, tempeh, tofu, oncom, yam, cassava, cireng,
breadfruit, and bakwan (flour mixture mixed with cabbage and carrots) One of
the most popular types of fried in Indonesia is tofu sumedang Corncob and can
also be categorized in fried category Fried is usually eaten with cayenne pepper.
For foreign fries such as Malaysia and Brunei, fried foods are also
commonly encountered such as bananas and fried sweet potatoes. While in
Japanese cuisine, shrimp fried vegetables and shrimp are called tempura, eaten
with dipping sauce dipped in a sweet and light salty soy sauce. In the UK the fried
fish is popular and usually accompanied by other fried foods such as potatoes,
pineapples, and flour-fried apples. In France and Belgium the fries are popular
as snacks. In the United States, the so-called fried foods are the main ingredients
dyed dough made from a mixture of wheat flour, eggs, and milk which is then fried
in cooking oil. Wheat flour or corn flour is usually used to paste the ingredients.
Corn bonggolan or canned corn is also commonly fried. Fried apples are also
popular in America. Another variation is the type of crab meatballs or fried clam
meatballs and fried zucchini.
In a new report published in the Flavor journal, researcher Charles
Spence, professor of experimental psychology at Oxford University, who reviewed
various studies related to sound and perceptions of flavors expressing the sound
of food was very influential on the dining experience. If food does not make a
sound means to be regarded as nothing.
"Our brains all the time are trying to take correlations from the
surrounding environment," says Spence. One study from Leeds University in 2007
revealed how important crispy meat is. "We often think that meat flavor and
aroma is what attracts most consumers, but research proves that texture (crisp)
and sound are important factors," he said.

(source :
54433/alasan-ilmiah-orang-lebih-suka-makanan-renyah-dan-garing/ )

From the results of the report in the journal we can conclude that one of
the causes why fried is very liked by the public is because the taste of the food is
not only influenced by our tongue, but also influenced by our other senses such as
the aroma of the lively and fried sound is crunchy and tasty will make people who
consume them will feel addicted to enjoy it. Even not only people who consume it

who feel addicted, but people who are around it will also feel drooling when
listening to the crisp sound of the fried.
As Charles Spence says, this happens because our brain will try to try to
take a correlation from the environment. That is, people will use the sound of the
food to judge how delicious the flavor of the food consumed. For example when
we are eating fried food, of course the fries will produce a loud and crisp sound.
Therefore, the sound can show how the texture of crispness of fried foods are
consumed and make us feel addicted to fried foods.

Fried food is considered poor nutrition because in reality in Indonesia

changes in consumption patterns of food one of which is the consumption of fast
food, which is usually called snacks in the community. it is estimated that snacks
will continue to increase given the limited time for family members to process
their own food. The benefits of snack foods are cheap and easy to come by, and
the tastes are delicious and match the tastes of most people.
Hazardous Favorite Food snacks of 22 types of snacks are asked in
Susenas, one of which is fried. The Susenas data of the 2002 consumption module
mentioned that fried food was selected by almost half of households in Indonesia
(49%). Other preferred snacks in Indonesia are noodles (bakso / boil / fry) (45%)
and snacks (39%). Viewed from the neighborhood, noodles and fried foods are the
favorite snacks in urban areas. More than half of urban households bought
noodles (58%) and fried foods (54%).
Fries in general have a high calorie content, fat / oil content and high
oxidanya. When taken regularly can cause obesity, hyperlipitdema and coronary
heart disease. In prosese frying often occurs many karsiogenik substances, which
has been proven cancer tendency for those who consume fried foods much higher
than those who do not / less consume fried foods.
Most street-fried snacks also use used cooking oil and many also use
cooking oil that has been mixed with other cheaper oil. This mixed (cooking)
cooking oil is thought to be a health hazard.
According to the American Heart Association, foods cooked under oil can
contain triglycerides. Fried foods such as fried bananas, fries and fried ice cream
belong to this category. In addition to raising triglyceride levels. Even if the food
is fried in heart healthy plant-based oil, it still contains triglycerides, which can
increase triglyceride levels in the body.

(source :
makanan.html )

Apart from the fried sound factor that makes people addicted, it is also
preferred by the people because the price is cheap and easy to get and the image
tastes good and matches the tastes of most people.
But behind it all, it turns out fries is the most dangerous snacks of 22 other
types of food. This happens because most of the fried foods sold off the street
often use used cooking oil or mixed oil which is very dangerous for the health of
the body.

Some fried sellers sometimes add harmful ingredients in their products.

Therefore, there are some food fries that should be suspected if we find signs like
the following; fried with shiny color means fried is fried with oil mixed with
plastic. White patches on fried foods also come from plastics melted in oil The
plastic melt is not perfect so it will clot and stick to the fried skin. Fried but
crunchy but slightly bitter must also be avoided because it can be fried with chalk
that will make the fried remains crispy even though it has been cold for hours.
Cheap fried prices are also suspect because they can contain formalin so durable
for days. And last is a fried smell that smells and a strange taste. Because these
fried foods usually contain too much MSG and other flavors.
Dangers of eating fried foods for health there are various kinds. Impaired
digestive health is a possible disorder because food coming through the oral
cavity will be passed on to the digestive organs such as the stomach. This is
because the fried foods that contain lots of bad fats turned into acid and the
stomach is not able to hold it so it can cause stomach pain. Usually people who
have too often eat food fries usually often experience interference in the chest
area that includes breathing and will feel crowded. This happens because of the
movement of stomach acid into the esophagus which is a food channel that plays
a very important role in the flow of food into the mouth of the stomach. Very
severe possibilities can happen to you, especially in the area of your intestines
which with too much you consume fried foods can provide a very big chance to
trigger cancer. This can happen because the oil that is often in use by the vendors
of fried foods is used oil that has been repeatedly in continuous use so that its
nature has been turned into toxins. The possibility of further horror is potentially
great for getting gastric disease which is a wound in the area surrounding the
stomach and intestines. The disease is characterized by an unbearable pain in the
digestive system. This disease can also occur caused by a factor of bacteria that
develops by the name of pylori.

(source :
makanan-gorengan.html )

So fried foods containing these harmful substances can be avoided. Avoid

fancy yellow gold is striking because based on that sentence, there is the

possibility of these fried foods have been contaminated with plastic inserted in hot
oil. Foods sold at very cheap prices also allow the fried food to come from
materials that are not feasible for use, such as flour that has been outdated, old
tempe, and old oil or oil that has been dioplos. As a result, we will suffer from
dangerous diseases if we consume them.
Therefore, to avoid the things that are not desirable, we should be careful
in choosing food. In fact we can also fry our own food using coconut oil or new
oil. Avoid draining the fried food using newspapers or other inked paper, because
the ink contains lead and is easy to stick to oily food. Food should be drained
using a kitchen paper or other absorbent material that can be in contact with food.

Chapter 3
Research Methods

In this section the writers focus on the discussion of research settings,

subjects and research objects, data sources, data validity, data collection

3.1 Setting of Research

In this section the wtiters notifies the date and place of study
The time and place of research implementation are:

No Date of Research Place of Research
1 13 November 2017 The writers’s home
2 19 November 2017 The writers’s home
3 19 November 2017 Primary school area
4 19 November 2017 Junior high school area
5 19 November 2017 Market area
6 19 November 2017 Lotus harbor area
7 19 November 2017 Port area

3.2 Focus Research

Subjects are target populations that have certain characteristics that

researchers set to study and then drawn conclusions. The subjects in this study are
tempe fried flour fried itself and tempe are sold in the community.
The object of research is something that is the core of the problematic
research. The object of this research is the plastic content contained in the fried

3.3 Data Resource

The research data collected from the research conducted at the writers's
house and took samples of 5 fried foods sold in several places visited by the

3.4 Data Collection Techniques

Based on the above title, the writers perform data retrieval through
experiments / experiments.
 A bowl
 Knife

 Tray
 Teflon
 Tweezers
 Glasses

Picture 1. Glasses Picture 2. Knife Picture 3. A bowl

Picture 4. Tray Picture 5. Teflon Picture 6. Tweezers

Material :
 Tempe
 Cooking oil
 Flour
 Water
 Plastic

Picture 1. Tempe Picture 2. Cooking oil Picture 3. Fluor

Picture 4. Water Picture 5. Plastic

Ways of working :

1. Prepare the tools and materials.

2. Put the flour into 2 different bowls. In the first bowl, mix the flour with a
little water. While in the second bowl, flour is not mixed with anything.
3. Stir the flour and water in the first bowl until it is shaped like a paste.
4. Cut a thin thin tempe, then dip the tempe into a bowl of flour mixed with
water. After that, put the tempe into the next bowl which contains only
flour and sprinkle the cloves to all parts of the tempe.
5. Put enough cooking oil into the tone, turn on the stove, then wait until the
cooking oil starts to heat up.
6. After hot cooking oil, put some plastic sheet into hot oil and let the plastic
melt and mix with hot oil.
7. Then enter the tempe that has been flour into the pan and cook the tempe
until cooked.
8. Once cooked, remove tempe and drain.

Chapter 4
Results of Research and Discussion

In this section the writers would like to show some information

such as bellow ; analysis of data and discussion

4.1 Analysis of Data

 Fries made at the writers's home

Fried food without plastic Fried using plastic
The smell is not so stinging The smell of fried food is very stinging
Oil does not look shiny on the surface Oil looks shiny on the surface of fried
of fried foods foods
Not look tasty Looks tasty
Good taste Slightly bitter taste
Oil is not so sticky The oil felt sticky
If placed in tissue, the oil will stick to If placed in the tissue, oil slightly taped
the tissue to the tissue
If burned fried will not release black If burned it will issue black droplets

 Fried food in the elementary school area

Characteristics of plastic Fried foods cointain plastic
Yes No
fried foods
The smell is stinging - ✓✓
Oil looks shiny on the ✓✓ -
surface of fried foods
Looks tasty ✓✓ -
Slightly bitter taste - ✓✓
The oil felt sticky - ✓✓
Remove a little oil if - ✓✓

placed on the tissue
Bring out black droplets if - ✓✓

 Fried food in the junior high school area

Characteristics of plastic Fried foods cointain plastic
Yes No
fried foods
The smell is stinging - ✓✓
Oil looks shiny on the ✓✓ -
surface of fried foods
Looks tasty ✓✓ -
Slightly bitter taste - ✓✓
The oil felt sticky - ✓✓
Remove a little oil if - ✓✓
placed on the tissue
Bring out black droplets if - ✓✓

 Fried food in the market area

Characteristics of plastic Fried foods cointain plastic
Yes No
fried foods
The smell is stinging - ✓✓
Oil looks shiny on the ✓✓ -
surface of fried foods
Looks tasty ✓✓ -
Slightly bitter taste - ✓✓
The oil felt sticky - ✓✓
Remove a little oil if - ✓✓
placed on the tissue
Bring out black droplets if - ✓✓

 Fried food in the lotus harbor area

Fried foods cointain plastic

Characteristics of plastic Yes No
fried foods
The smell is stinging - ✓✓
Oil looks shiny on the ✓✓ -
surface of fried foods
Looks tasty ✓✓ -
Slightly bitter taste ✓✓ -
The oil felt sticky - ✓✓
Remove a little oil if - ✓✓
placed on the tissue
Bring out black droplets if - ✓✓

 Fried food in the port area

Characteristics of plastic Fried foods cointain plastic
Yes No
fried foods
The smell is stinging - ✓✓
Oil looks shiny on the ✓✓ -
surface of fried foods
Looks tasty ✓ -
Slightly bitter taste - ✓✓
The oil felt sticky - ✓✓
Remove a little oil if - ✓✓
placed on the tissue
Bring out black droplets if - ✓✓

4.2 Discussion

 Fries made at the writers's home

Picture 1. Plastic tempe surface Picture 2. Tempe placed on the

(left) and tempe without plastic tissue. Tempe plastic (right) without
(right) plastic (left)

Picture 3. Tempe without burnt 26

Picture 4. Tempe plastics burned
Picture 5. Melt resulting from the
burning of plastic tempe

At the time of tempe without plastic burned, the fire will be difficult to
burn it and take a little time for the fried can burn. When burns of fire emerge only
slightly, the fire quickly goes out, and does not produce any melt.
While in tempe containing plastic, tempe more easily burned. Burning
flames will also grow, and over time the fried will produce a black melt.

 Fried food in the primary school area

Picture 1. Surface oil on the fry Picture 2. T empe from primary

from the primary school area school area burned

Picture 3. The oil condition attached
to the tissue

Tempe surface looks a bit shiny. When the tempeh will be burned, the fire
is very difficult to burn it and when the fried burns the resulting fire will be small
as in figure 3. This indicates that the tempe is not contaminated by plastic and safe
for consumption.

 Fried food in the junior high school area

Picture 1. Tempe surface obtained Picture 2. Tempe burned

from junior high school area

Picture 3. The result of burning

The fried surfaces look very shiny, this can still happen because too much
oil is contained therein. When burning, the fire quickly grasp the fried food and
the fire gets bigger and harder to extinguish. The result of combustion in the form
of brown liquid, allegedly the liquid is a non-plastic cooking oil. These fries
contain no plastic, but it is still suspect because the fire is very large and difficult
to extinguish. Enlarged fired flame and difficult to extinguish can occur due to
other factors such as additional ingredients used by the seller to fry looks more
crispy and tasty.

 Fried food from market area

Picture 1. Surface of tempe Picture 2. Tempe to be burned

contained in market area

Picture 3. Tempe that has been

In tempe contained in the Market, the surface of the fried food is not shiny
at all and the dough of flour is only slightly visible. To burn the fried, it takes a
long time fried abar can burn. When the fire started burning fried, the fire
produced was very small and the fire very quickly died. This indicates that fried
foods are safe for consumption, in addition to the oil that is not so much, these
fried foods are free from harmful plastic contamination.

 Fried food in the lobus harbor area

Picture 1. Surface of tempe Picture 2. Tempe will be burned

contained in lotus harbour area

Picture 3. Burning fire on tempe
originating from lotus harbour

This tempe surface looks shiny, this happens because of the amount of oil
contained in the fried food. When this fried chew tastes casual but when in
swallow, this fried taste bit bitter. Then when the fried food is burnt, the fried is
flammable and the flame burns with long duration and the small fire size is not
enlarged, but no melt or liquid is produced in the burning.
The fried yng found in lobus harbour area is not so safe to eat because
there are still some things that can be suspected as different fried flavor when
chewed and swallowed and burning fires are burning with a long duration.

 Fried food in port area

Picture 1. Tempe surface in the port Picture 2. Newly burned tempe


Picture 3. Tempe that had been
burning for a while

From the picture shows that the tempe has a shiny surface. This fry is hard
to burn, when he burns then the fire will quickly spread to other tempe and
immediately die. In this case it is seen that this tempe is a tempe that is safe to eat
because there is no plasik content in it.

From the results of the research, it can be seen that the fried foods
containing plastic are fried foods that have a stinging aroma, the oil is clearly
visible on the surface of tempe (looks shiny), looks more tasty, slightly bitter taste,
the oil feels sticky, the oil is attached to the tissue less, and when burned fried will
put out black droplets.
Oil is clearly visible on the surface of the tempe because the plastic has
been fused with tempe, making it difficult for the oil to permeate into the tempe.
Sticky oil also occurs because of the plastic content in it. Then the oil will be
slightly attached to the tissue because some tissue is more attached to the fried
part, so the oil does not seep into the tissue But the above characteristics is not a
strong evidence to indicate that the fried contain plastic because it can be affected
by other fakor fried. The most powerful feature to prove that the fried food is to
burn it and the fried produce a black melt.

Based on the above research, we can see that none of the five samples of
fried foods contained in Berau contain plastic. This indicates that the fried in
Berau is 100% safe from plastic contamination.

Chapter 5

In this section the writers will convey conclusions and provide suggestions

5.1 Conclusion

The addition of plastic in the fried food is very dangerous, such as

digestive system disorders, liver damage, kidney failure, increase the risk of
miscarriage for pregnant women and the most severe can cause cancer.
Addition of plastic is also not good in the frying process because the plastic
contains harmful ingredients such as dioxin, BPA, styrene, antimony, and a
softener that is harmful to health. These substances will be released from the
polymer and mixed with oil and can contaminate the food being fried. If these
substances enter the digestive system then the body will be difficult to digest it so
that food will accumulate in the body.
Foods that are fried using plastic certainly have the following
characteristics; the smell is sting, the oil is clearly visible on the surface of the
fried (looks shiny), looks more tasty, bitter taste, the oil feels a bit sticky, if placed
on the tissue then the oil will stick to the tissue, and when burned will produce
black droplets. Of these characteristics, the most recent feature is the best way to
ascertain whether the fried food is plastic or not, since other characteristics may
be affected by other factors such as less good oil factor, or other additives factor.
From the results of this study, it is proven that none of the five fried foods
sold in Berau district using plastic. Therefore, the security of fried food to plastic
is 100% safe because Berau still has not been affected with the outer areas such as
those in Java or Sumatra.

5.2 Suggestion

For people who like fried foods, be careful when choosing foods that exist
on the roadside. Because there is a possibility that the food you eat is an unhealthy
food. Instead, you can make your own home with ingredients that are guaranteed
Most people who like to consume fried foods are children. So for parents,
try not to let your child consume food that is sold outside of which is not
guaranteed health. Take your time to make healthy food for your child to avoid
unwanted disease.
For fried sellers, it is expected not to add plastics or other harmful
ingredients in your food. Good and tasty food is what consumers love, but equally
important, consumer health is your top priority. Use safe ingredients to make your
food taste more tasty and tasty. So that consumers will feel satisfied with the food
you have production.






Curriculum Vitae

This writers is named Febry Zulqoidah. She was

born in Tg.Redeb, February 7, 2000. She was the first
daughter of the couple Rusmin and Marni and has 2
younger brothers named Afriza Ahmad Naufal and Abdul
Hafiz Al-Gazali. She lives on Pemuda Street Gg.Pulau
Panjang Tg.Redeb, Berau. She has a hobby of singing and
reading books.
She started her education from Kemala Bhayangkari 5 Kindergarten in 2005 -
2006. Then she continued her primary school at SDN 002 Tg.Redeb in 2006 -
2012. Then she continued her education at SMPN 1 Berau in 2013-2015. And
now, she is currently studying at SMAN 4 Berau from 2015. Now he is a 12th
grader and takes science program.
The organization that has been followed by the writers is as a member of
PMR Puri in 2016. Achievements ever achieved by the writers, she get the Third
Hope Champion in the Japanese Writing Competition Bunkasai 2016 in
Balikpapan east of east-kalimantan north.
The writers aspires to become a doctor or game developer. Her hope in
writing this Scientific Writing is for people to know the content of plastics
contained in the fried foods they buy so they are protected from dangerous

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