Finite-Time Blow-Up in Dynamical Systems: Alain Goriely A, B L, Craig Hyde B

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28 December 1998



EL.SEVIER Physics Letters A 250 ( 1998) 311-318

Finite-time blow-up in dynamical systems

Alain Goriely a,b*l, Craig Hyde b
3 Department of Mathematics. University of Arizonu, Building #89, nrcson, AZ 85721, USA
h Program in Applied Mathematics, University of Arizona, Building #89, Tucson. AZ 85721. USA

Received 19 August 1998; revised manuscript received 19 October 1998: accepted for publication 19 October 1998
Communicated by CR. Doering

A new method to detect finite-time blow-up in systems of ordinary differential equations is presented. This simple
algorithmic procedure is based on the analysis of singularities in complex time and amounts to checking the real-valuedness
of the leading order term in the asymptotic series describing the behavior of the general solution around movable singularities.
Illustrative examples and an application to a magneto-hydrodynamic problem are given. @ 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.

PACS: 0?.9O.+p; 02.30.Hq; 03.40.Kf; 05.45+b; 47.lO.+g

Keywvds: Singularity analysis; Finite-time singularities

1. Introduction for a system of ODES and we consider systems of au-

tonomous nonlinear polynomial ODES,
The problem of finite-time blow-up for partial dif-
ferential equations (PDEs) is a most active domain i = f(x), X E R”, (1)
of research in applied mathematics [ l-31. Literally
where f = dx/dt and boldface denotes vector. The
hundreds of papers have been written on the prob-
general solution is a solutionthat contains n arbitrary
lem for different sets of equations, and fundamental
constants and will be denoted x = x( t; cl,. . . c,). In
physical problems, such as the existence of solutions
the same way, the solution based on the initial condi-
for the Euler equations, rely on the analysis of finite-
tion x(0) = x0 will be x = x( t; x0). A solution will
time singularities for PDEs [ 4,5]. However, despite
exhibit$nite-time blow-up if there exists t, E IR and
the overwhelming interest of the applied mathematics
xg E IR” such that for all M E R, there exists an E > 0
community in this problem, the analog problem for or-
dinary differential equations (ODES) has hardly been
investigated [ 61. To the best of our knowledge, the It - t*l < E *II x(t;xo) II> M, (2)
simple question of whether or not a system of ordi-
nary differential equations exhibits finite-time blow-up where I/ II is any 1” norm. Equivalently, we use
has not been answered, or even thoroughly addressed. “lim,,,* II x(t, x0>II -+ 0” to denote such a blow-
Here, time is understood as the independent variable up,
It is known that nonlinear ODES exhibit movable
singularities depending on the initial conditions.
’ E-mail: These singularities are complex valued functions of

0375.9601/98/$ - see front matter @ 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved
PII SO3759601(98)00822-6
312 A. Guriely. C. Hyde/Physics Letms A 250 (1998) 311-318

the initial conditions and therefore might not appear quadrant of the phase space. The blow-up time can be
in dynamics constrained to the real axis. The prob- again obtained by considering (4) wherever it applies.
lem of finding the location of the singularities as a Finally, we observe that the lower-order terms g(x) do
function of the initial conditions cannot be solved in not change the main result. Blow-up can be delayed
general. However, we show here that it is possible but it cannot be avoided in the entire phase space. One
to find necessary and sufficient conditions for the of the possible effects of the lower terms g(x) is to
existence of an open set of initial conditions leading create regions of phase space where the solution is
to finite-time blow-up. That is, the solution based on bounded (for instance the choice C&= 0 and Ix0 1 < xl
this set of initial conditions will cease to exist after a for the potential on Fig. lb leads to periodic orbits or
finite time t,. fixed points).
In order to illustrate the problem and the method, we Now, we can compare this analysis with the analy-
consider a one-degree of freedom Hamiltonian system sis performed locally around the singularities. Around
with polynomial potential a singularity r, E C, the following asymptotic expan-
sions can be found,
g = ax’l + g(x), (3)
x = a!(t* -t)“(l+h(t*-t)), (5)
where g(x) is a polynomial of degree less than II
with g(0) = 0, n 3 3 and a $0. This system has a where h(t, - t) is, in general, a Taylor series in a
Hamiltonian H = ii2 + V(x) with potential V(x) = root of its argument. Its explicit form can be found
-ax”+’ /(n + 1) - J” g(x) dx. Depending on the par- but is not relevant here. The leading term (Y(t, - t)”
ity of n and the sign of a, this system can exhibit is related to a and n in the following way,
finite-time blow-up. Already it can be seen that not all
trajectories diverge to infinity. Indeed, the fixed point _ 2 Jn-1) --
p= 1-n’ (6)
x = 0 is a particular solution which does not exhibit a(1 - n)2’
finite-time blow-up. This is why we are interested in
We see that the asymptotic form of the solutions
proving the existence of an open set of initial con- around the singularities depends only on the dominant
ditions rather than proving that all initial conditions
term ax” and not on the lower order terms. Depending
lead to a blow-up. The analysis of the singularities on the sign of a and the parity of n, the leading coef-
of this system is straightforward when one considers ficient cx can be real or complex. If II is even, there
the graph of the potential functions. Depending on the
always exists a root 2 CY= “_V2(1 +n)/u(l -n)‘E
parity of n and the sign of a, four different cases can
R. If a is positive and n is odd, there are two such real
be discussed. (See Fig. 1.) If n is odd and a is neg- roots: (Y= 5 “-’d2( 1 + n)/u( 1 - n)2 E IR. However,
ative (Fig. la), then all orbits are bounded in phase if a is negative and II odd, there is no real root for
space and there is no possibility of blow-up. If n is odd Q. These observations indicate that whenever one
and n is positive, then by choosing Ix/ large enough of the leading coejkients of the asymptotic series
( 1x1 > x, on Fig. lb), an open set of initial condi- is real, finite-time blow-up occurs. Moreover, when
tions {xa, kc} leading to finite-time blow-up can be blow-up occurs in two different quadrants of phase
easily found. Moreover, for these initial conditions, space (Fig. 1b), two different series with real leading
the blow-up time t, can be explicitly computed, coefficients can be found.
cc This simple example seems to indicate that there
is a simple connection between the real-valuedness of
t, =
the leading coefficient and the occurrence of blow-up.
This connection was shown to remain valid in general
with E = H(xo, ko). If the potential is uneven (n for systems of ODES [ 71. It is the purpose of this paper
even), then independently of the choice of a, there to illustrate this result and show how it can be applied
always exists a critical value x, such that x > x, (for
a > 0) or x < x, (for a < 0) leads to a blow- ‘The root n = $6 for c > 0 and b E W, is the positive real
up. However, the blow-up now occurs in only one number n such that a6 = c.
A. Goriely, C. Hyde/Physics Letters A 250 (1998) 31 l-318 313

Fig. I The different possible potential configurations

to particular dynamical systems arising in nonlinear Second, for Hamiltonian systems, the accepted def-
science. inition of integrability is the so-called Liouville inte-
Before proceeding, we mention a few problems ap- grubilizy [9]. Let H = H(xl,... ,x,,;_vl.. ..,y,,) be
pearing in applied mathematics where the occurrence a Hamiltonian function of a canonical set of variables
(or absence) of finite-time blow-up is relevant. (xk, yk). This system is Liouvi//e integrable if (i)
First, as mentioned earlier, in dynamical systems there exist n - 1 independent constants of motions
theory the first step of the analysis is to find the do- (JI,... , J,_ 1) in involution with H (that is {H, Jk} =
main of existence of the solutions. If the solutions are 0 for all k) ; and, as stressed by Flaschka in Ref. [ lo],
defined for all time, the system is conrplete [ 81. In (ii) the IZ different systems of Hamilton’s equations
the case where the solutions are only defined on a derived by taking H and the II - 1 constants of mo-
semi-interval, the system is complete in positive (neg- tion (J, , . . , J,_ 1) as Hamiltonians have solutions
ative) time. The usual way to prove the completeness defined for all time. As a consequence, in order to
of a system is by exhibiting a Lyapunov function, or a prove that a system is Liouville integrable, one has to
first integral, and showing that it controls the asymp- not only exhibit n - 1 constants of motion in invo-
totic behavior of the solutions. It is only recently that lution but also show that the corresponding Hamilto-
completeness for the Lorenz system was proved [ 81. nian flows based on these constants of motion do not
In general, a Lyapunov function cannot be found, and exhibit finite-time blow-up. In some cases, the par-
proving the domain of existence of the solution be- ticular form of the constants of motion allows one to
comes an intricate, if not impossible. exercise. prove the absence of singularities. However, an anal-
ysis of the constants of motion cannot always decide
314 A. Goriely, C. Hyde/Plrwics Letters A 250 (1998) 31 l-318

on the existence of the flows. The method we describe used to prove the integrability of systems of ODES
here gives an explicit way of checking the existence through the so-called PainlevP property and P&/e&
of these flows. test [ I 8,191 but has been shown more recently to pro-
A third application is fluid dynamics. Many authors vide valuable insight into the dynamics of noninte-
have conjectured that the Euler equations lead to a di- grable systems [20]. In order to analyze the occur-
vergence in finite time. In order to test this hypothe- rence of blow-up for solutions of system ( 1 ), we build
sis, simplified models have been derived showing the local series of the form [ 2 I 1
spontaneous formation of singularities [ 1 l-141. In the
same way, the formation of singularities in the ideal x=ly(a,p,t) Zcy@(l l th(7,log7)), (7)
equations of incompressible magneto-hydrodynamics
where r = t, - t and /z( 7y, logs) is a power series
has been shown to have important physical implica-
in its argument which vanishes as 7 --f 0. The nota-
tions such as the occurrence of solar flares in the solar
tion a+’ refers to the vector whose ith component is
dynamo problem. Simplified models reduce the equa-
. In the rest of this paper, we restrict the class
tions of magneto-hydrodynamics to simple systems of
of systems under consideration so that they have se-
ODES where the existence of real time singularities
ries solutions (referred to hereafter as $-series) with
has to be proved [ 161.
p and q rational. That is the G-series is a Puiseux se-
The fourth application concerns the existence of sin-
ries in 7 whose coefficients are polynomial in log 7. In
gularities for PDEs. As we mentioned earlier, the ex-
this case. it has been repeatedly argued that /I( ‘, .) is
istence of singularities in PDEs is a major problem in
a convergerzl power series in its arguments for 7 small
applied mathematics. We do not claim that the results
enough [ 23-321. This fact will be of importance in
described here could be easily generalized to the case
the following.
of PDEs. However, in many instances, the process of
In order to obtain the leading behavior n7P of the
proving the occurrence of blow-up in the solutions of
solution around t, we look for all the truncations 7
PDEs reduces to the analysis of systems of ODES con-
of the vector field f = j + f such that the domirzurlt
trolling the blow-up [4]. The analysis of these sys-
behavior x = m-p, LYE C[ is an exact solution of the
tems is, in many cases, a straightforward application
truncated system i = T(X) and
of our results.
The fifth potential application of our method is the ”
f(cr(l* -t)P) - &(t* - t) p++ 1, (8)
numerical computation of blow-up. There exist many ,+,*
different numerical methods for computing blow-up
with p E Q” and each PI > 0. Each truncation de-
in differential equations [ 171. The main problem is to
fines a balance ((r, p) and every balance corresponds
be able to differentiate between a blow-up induced by
to the first term cy~p in an expansion around movable
a numerical scheme and the intrinsic blow-up of the
singularities. For such an expansion to describe a gen-
equations themselves. The methods that we develop
eral solution, the $-series must contain II - 1 arbitrary
here may provide an alternative way to test whether
constants in addition to the arbitrary parameter t,. The
a large class of systems exhibit blow-up and could position in the power series where these arbitrary con-
be used to decide on the most appropriate numerical
stants appear is given by the resonances. Each balance
methods taking into account the occurrence or absence
defines a new set of resonances [ 191. They are given
of blow-up. by the eigenvalues of the matrix R,

R = -Do - Diag(p), (9)

2. Main theorem
where Df(cu) is the Jacobian matrix evaluated on
In order to study the occurrence of blow-up, we an- CT. The resonances are labeled r;, i = 1,. . , n with
alyze the solutions locally around their singularities. rI=- 1. In view of our assumption, the only resonances
This is done in the framework of singularity analy- allowed here are rational. A general solution is a for-
sis, a set of methods based on the construction of lo- mal solution x = 1y(cy, p, t) with balance (a. p) such
cal series around movable singularities. It is typically that r,; E Qf for all j > 2.
A. Goriely. C. Hyde/Physics Letters A 250 (1998) 311-318 315

We can now state the main theorem of this paper: that LYE Iw”. Moreover, as proved in [ 71, the blow-up
will occur for an open set of initial conditions located
Theorem. Consider the polynomial system L = f(x), in the phase-space orthant sign(a).
f : R” + W”, a nonlinear polynomial and assume that In the same way, the absence of finite-time blow-up
the general solution can be locally expanded in a con- (on open set of initial conditions) will be guaranteed
vergent Q-series. Then the two following statements if 1y $! lP V(a.p) E S.
are equivalent:
(a) There exists an open set of initial conditions
X0 C KY’such that for all x0 E X0, there exists t, E Iw 3. An example: the Rikitake system
for which lim,,,* I/ x( t, xa) II+ co.
(b) There exists a general solution x = W(a, p, t; c) The model under consideration was first derived by
with LYE R”. Rikitake in 1958 and consists of two identical single
Faraday-disk dynamos of the Bullard type coupled to-
A complete demonstration of this theorem is be- gether and is used by geophysicists as a conceptual
yond the scope of this Letter and is given together model to study the time series of geomagnetic polarity
with other results in Ref. [7]. The main idea is to reversals over geological time [ 151. It reads
show that there exists a continuous one-to-one map
between the open set of initial conditions and the set .i= -px+zy, ( 10a)
of arbitrary constants appearing in the $-series. As a
j = -p_v + (z - a)x, (lob)
consequence, a real open set of initial conditions lead
to a real e-series that describe the behavior of the so- ;
L- - I - bxy. (IOC)
lutions around a real singularity.
The traditional Rikitake model is recovered by setting
b = 1. We now show that depending on the value of
2. I. The procedure
b the solutions of the Rikitake model exhibit (for an
open set of initial conditions) finite-time blow-up. To
The procedure to check the occurrence of finite-
do so, we isolate two possible balances. The first one
time blow-up by using the theorem presented here is
particularly simple. corresponds to the truncation of the vector field y1 =
The first step consists in finding all the possible (zy, zx, -bxy), with balance
balances (cu, p) by considering all the truncations of
the vector held f that satisfy the condition (8). This pt = (-1,-l. -I), a,= ($&,l)
gives a list of balances D = {(a;, pi); i = I.. . . , PI}
ii ii
that correspond to the first term a+ in a series around ora1 = z,z,-l . (11)
a movable singularity. The problem is that the number ( >
vz of possible balances can become very large as the with resonances -1,2,2. The second balance corre-
dimension n of the system increases. Not all these
sponds to the truncation & = (zy, -ax, -bxy), with
balances correspond to the expansion of the general balance
solution around a movable singularity.
The second step of the procedure consists in check- Pg = (-2. -1, -2),
ing which balances defines a general solution. To do &2i f2i -2
so we consider each element of f3 and compute the ffz= -&‘-&-‘Q- , (12)
( )
eigenvalues of R as defined by (9). If the number of
positive eigenvalues is n - 1 then the balance under with resonances - I, 2,4. Therefore, both balances
consideration corresponds to a general solution. Let correspond to a general solution.
6 c B be the set of all balances with such a property: As a direct application of our theorem, we conclude
6 = {(a,~) E BISpec(R) E (IR.+)n-’ U {-l}}. that if b > 0, there is no finite-time blow-up in the
Finally, the system under consideration will exhibit Rikitake model (for open set of initial conditions)
finite-time blow-up if one of the element of G is such since no balance LYI,a2 are real. However, for b < 0
ii6 A. Gorieiy. C. Hyde/Physics Letters A 250 (1998) 311-318

the balances are all real and there exist open sets of There are several possible balances. However. only
initial conditions leading to finite-time blow-up. one gives a full set of non-negative rational reso-
Finally, we stress that even when finite-time blow- nances. We find by checking the eigenvalues of R (see
up is ruled out (for b > 0) the solutions are not Eq. (9) ) that the resonances are { - I, 0, 0,3,3,6) for
bounded and can still blow-up in infinite time. Indeed, the following balance,
there is a simple particular solution: x = y = 0, z = t
with such a property. p=(-2,-3,-I,-2,-l,-2), (20)

CY= (6, -6, cys, 2P - a3, as, -aus>. (21)

4. An application
The arbitrariness of the leading terms (~3, (y reflects
the fact that r = 0 is a resonance with multiplicity 2.
We now apply our results to a physical system where
This is a balance that yields a general local solution of
blow-up is only known to occur numerically but for
the form (7). Note that the leading order coefficients
which the existence of blow-up has never been rigor-
are real, or can be chosen real for the proper initial
ously demonstrated.
data. Thus, our theorem predicts that there is an open
The system in question, introduced by Klapper,
set of real initial conditions (which make cyy and cyg
Rado and Tabor [ 161, models ideal three-dimensional
real) for which the general solution to this system
incompressible inviscid magnetohydrodynamics. The
blows up in finite time.
trace equations for such a system near magnetic null
Interestingly enough, our result can also be used to
points are defined as follows,
give an estimate of the blow-up time. Indeed, close to
T, = Trace[ (Vu)“], the singularity the dynamic is controlled by the most
dominant part of the vector field (the truncation 7 of
P,l.,l, = Trace[ (Vu)“( Vb)“‘] , (13)
the vector field associated with the given balance). For
where u is the fluid velocity field and b is the mag- the system i = f(x), the two first equations decou-
netic field. The significance of a finite-time singular- ple leading to a simple closed system ;i-i = x:. There-
ity in the magnetic field is the associated blow-up in fore, if the system is close enough to the singularity,
the current which in turn can cause the release of vast the blow-up time can be predicted by integrating this
amounts of energy: this is, for example, believed to be system. That is if, for a given time tl, we know the
the mechanism behind the formation of solar flares. values of xi(ri) and xl(tl), then
The Klapper-Rado-Tabor model gives the evolution
of the gradient of the magnetic field whereas the cur-
rent is given by the curl of the magnetic field. The
blow-up of the gradient causes then the curl to blow-
We now prove the existence of finite-time singular- where Ei = iii (ti)’ - $xi (tl)‘. This last integral
ities using our main theorem. can be expressed in terms of an elliptic integral of the
Written in the variables (xi ,.x2, x3, x4, x5, x6) = first kind,
(Tz, T3, PI,z, P2.2, PIJ, PZ,I ) the model reads

x’, = -2x1_ + 2x3, (14) t* = tl + 5F m (,,sing) , (23)

ii’7 = -ix; - px, + 3x4. (15) where

ii = ia2 + @Xi - x4, (16)
1 - A-x,Ct,)
i4 = +,x~ + $x3 - $x2 + 23YX3?
(17) 1 +vsx,(t,) >.
.i4=‘,-x6, (18)
In order to get close to the singularity, we can start with
&j = -fx,.q + $?x,. (19) an initial condition x0 = x(O) and compute the value
A. Goriely, C. Hyde/Phy.sirs Letters A 250 (1998) 31 I-318 317

x (tl ) by expanding the solutions in Taylor series up large systems of ODES such as the ones obtained by
to a given order N, discretizing PDEs.
An interesting conclusion of this work is that finite-
time blow-up is controlled by the most nonlinear terms
X(t) = C Uit’ + 0( fN-+‘) 1 (24) of the vector field. The lower terms (such as the diag-
onal linear terms) can create regions in phase space
where a0 = x0 and the values of the coefficients cl; as where the solutions are bounded but cannot prevent the
functions of x0 can be found by inserting the Taylor solution from blowing up elsewhere in phase- pact.
series in the system f = f(x) and equating power by We have focused our analysis on generic blow-up;
power. This Taylor series has a finite radius of con- the same analysis can be performed to check the blow-
vergence t,,, which can be found by studying the up of particular solutions. In turn this is done by care-
Taylor approximations as N increases. We can now fully checking the asymptotic behavior of these so-
choose tl < t,,, and find the value of x (tl ) . These lutions and identifying the corresponding local series
values are then used to compute the blow-up time t, around the movable singularities. This analysis will
through an estimate like (23). This method is not a give a complete picture of the possible blow-up in dy-
general method since it is not guaranteed that t,,, will namical systems.
be in the radius of convergence of the p-series (in- Finally, we can use the asymptotic series to find
deed tmnx could be constrained by complex rather than basins of attractions of singularities. Indeed the
real singularities). However, further approximations asymptotic $-series can be used to find initial con-
of the solutions can be obtained by analytic continua- ditions for which the solution blow-up. These initial
tion and/or Pad6 approximants. conditions can then be continued backwards to obtain
For the system studied here this method provides an global basins in phase-space. This will, hopefully, be
excellent approximation of the blow-up time. As an ex- the subject of latter work.
ample, we choose the following initial conditions lead-
ing to blow-up: x0 = (-20, -10, -20, 178/3,5,24)
and y = 20, /3 = 4. Using successive Taylor approxi- Acknowledgement
mations with N < 25 we find that tmaxz 0.55. Picking
tl = 0.5, we obtain x1 (tl) z -4.78, .il(tl) x 59.23 This work was supported by DOE grant DE-FG03-
and t, z 1.50, to be compared with the numerical 93-ER25 174. The authors are indebted to Isaac Klap-
per, Anita Rado and Michael Tabor for providing them
value t *.num = 1.54 obtained by using the dedicated
ATOMFT package [ 391. with the MHD example which served as a motivation
for this work.

5. Conclusions

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