The New World Order Is All About Control & Manipulation

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The New World Order Is All

About Control & Manipulation

It is all about demonic control and manipulation of the masses

I have been asked by those new to this website, “what is the new world
order’s endgame in all of this?”. We know they want a one world globalist
system which will involve economics and religion but at the foundational level
how are they building this “new world?”. A “new world” which shall abandon
Christianity altogether and embrace error with a crooked smile. A “new
world” where homos and sodomites can run around in the streets naked
without any fear of being corrected by the crooked government’s of the
world. Yes, in this brave “new world”, all shall have their say and be
considered “equal”.

The social justice movement is only preparing the way for Antichrist whilst
most think this movement to have noble purposes. It does not.
Nevertheless, I ask again, what is in the roots of these ailing and ill hearts
that seek a completely new society?

Pride. Just like the devils fell from heaven men have fallen away from Christ
and Catholic truth. Men didn’t want truth so they were handed lies to be
embraced as truth. Make no mistake, the men of the Brotherhood of Death
including the Jews are prideful. Scripture says they are stiff-necked and due
to this they do not see clearly spiritually speaking.

They missed out on the true Messiah and are preparing the way for the

Just as those in the Old Testament sought to become “gods” (in the building
of babel) so too do we see these evil men suggesting that men are gods
themselves yet again. They love this world and Christians do not. There
world is largely based around economics, therefore, they need a system in
which they control the masses. That brings me to answering the original
question being asked.
The New World Order is all about control and manipulation. It is purely
demonic. They are giving “new understanding” to what “love”, “justice” and
“unity” are. They are preparing the way for Christians to abandon Jesus
Christ for the False Christ coming. Those who deny this fact live in a cave or
watch 6 hours a TV a night.

Those not wanting to listen to our arguments are also prideful.

They don’t want the truth therefore God is and will continue to hand them
over to falsehood. They have hearts far from Christ. Jesus Himself said “if
they were of us they would have remained with us”. Who is with Tradition? It
certainly is not those following the new principles of Vatican II which are
coming under the guise of “pastoral guidance”.

The New World Order wants you to submit. Believe it or not! They want to
trick you into thinking you are doing good while serving their purpose. They
want you to watch mainstream media. They want you dumbed down and
without the ability to critically think. They want you to submit to immodesty
and pornography.

They want you to believe there is no other way outside of what they suggest
which is why they need to dominate the media.

We have heard over and over again the government is here to help us and
clear-thinking Christians no other wise. We know we are being manipulated
like rats in this endtimes maze.

They know better than you so eventually the Antichrist will give the
commands and the U.N and varying nations will be subjected into following
his lead. “They” know how to better use your home and who ought be
educating your children. “They” know what foods are best for you to eat.
“They” know better what economic program we ought be following and what
religious program must be embraced in order to fit into this new society. We
are just far too stupid to think for ourselves so they believe. Again, this
demonic because it has nothing to do with Jesus Christ and truth.
Had we actually been following Christ and the true Faith we never would
have arrived at this point but here we are. Now, the hijacked Vatican
promotes principles which are foundationally important to the New World
Order as most sadly jump for joy when they see Francis the FreeMason on

I cry when I see Francis too but it is not for the same reasons. I see souls
falling into hell when I see this impostor’s face. We are going to get what we
deserve to say the least.

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