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to lower costs and bring in operational
efficiencies while at the same time
Summary increasing security. Blockchain has the
potential to fundamentally change the
A new breed of blockchains are being
business and process governance. The
developed to become identifiable,
power of the technology cannot be denied
controllable and asset-agnostic. This
and hence, the world is willing to re-
evolving architecture demands new
engineer age old processes to implement
rules to explore use cases in the financial
industry. Here we outline three use-
case principles for bank CIOs that can Blockchain is fast coming of age in the
potentially guide their blockchain banking and financial services industry
investments in 2017. and its potential can be fully leveraged by
selecting the right use. This sentiment is
echoed across industries, with many large
Bitcoin, since its inception in 2009, has banks looking to exploit it for multiple
seized the imagination and attention of use cases. However, blockchain in its true
the world. However, 2014 onwards, the avatar may not be entirely suitable for
underlying protocol enabling Bitcoins, highly regulated financial institutions.
blockchain technology, is capturing the Hence, a new breed of blockchains is
center stage. Governments and industries cropping up to meet financial institutions
alike are looking to exploit the blockchain requirements.

2 I External Document © 2017 EdgeVerve Systems Limited

The New Era of Blockchain
- Innovation made Usable
Financial institution’s (FIs) priority has • Such networks allow control to a group
moved from understanding blockchain’s or an individual organization to decide
potential to what further needs to be who can participate, how consensus on
done for a blockchain to work within the viewing rights, membership and frequency
regulatory boundaries of the industry. of validations can be arrived at
Their aim now is to meet the key aspects
• Such a permissioned environment
that a financial institution requires in order
brings in certainty, predictability, and
to use it effectively. Three broad areas
accountability into the blockchain based
are emerging in the ‘New Era’ blockchain
Asset Agnostic
• The concept of creating value on the
• The pseudo-anonymity of the blockchain blockchain has been a point of controversy
does not work for FIs, where ‘identifiability’
from the time of its inception. Regulators
is key
have mostly taken a negative stance on
• To meet regulations like KYC/AML and the ‘value’ aspect while being open to the
FATCA, FIs need to be able to identify and blockchain itself
pinpoint the identity of the nodes
• Thus, a blockchain which is not tied to
• This is addressed by including the ‘real one asset (that is created on the chain or
world’ identity to the blockchain address otherwise) is an ideal way forward
based identity
• Such chains allow FIs to transfer legal
• ‘Auditability’ was always a strong point tender/instruments/documents or any
of traditional blockchains, but with other asset which can be digitized
‘identifiability’, it gets stronger
These adaptations of the blockchain make
• FIs can take this further and build a it extremely attractive to the financial
fool proof repository of identities on the industry. The FIs can now focus on the
blockchain use cases that interest them most, rather
than worry about the suitability of the
underlying technology. Key considerations
• A public blockchain gives very little for FIs to look at for developing use cases
control to its participants and is truly would be regulatory constraints, the
democratic in nature. This does work readiness of the ecosystem and of course
in many cases as FIs need to be able the nature of the process/area that is under
to exercise control on several aspects, consideration.
especially in the financial regulation space.
Therefore, the need and the proliferation of
private networks (or consortiums)

External Document © 2017 EdgeVerve Systems Limited I 3

Three Principles to Explore
Use Cases
FIs are cautious by nature. Blockchain • The general ledger integrity must be – any initiative of this scope to harness
technology has the potential to assured - all distributed ledgers that reflect a standard in a fast pace environment is
revolutionize financial transactions but account changes must be reconciled to definitely not easy, and sometimes a road
several challenges have to be overcome – bank’s enterprise GL block not a catalyst to innovation. What
one of the fundamental question from FIs happened to R3 in recent year has shown
In such a context a blockchain, when tied
is where to start for ‘proofs of concept’ of the difficulties of building an ambitious
to fiat or virtual currency, creates extra
blockchain use cases. consensus among a large group of key
complications with compliance and legacy
In 2016, Moody’s published a whitepaper integration. Instead, documents, records,
that identified 25 important use cases financial instruments and even private Therefore, FIs could first look at use cases
from over 100 use case candidates, most equities carried by blockchain could be an that could be implemented inside the
of which are still valid in 2017 – but a ideal way forward to avoid the compliance organization, or within a much smaller
collection of 25 use cases is still far more hurdles and regulation uncertainties. scale of consortium – it enables them to
than sufficient to give a clear view of test the technology in a time-to-market
However, central banks are catching up
exactly which use case fits most to a bank’s manner, and start small with niche-market
quickly. In countries where regulation
business. The new blockchain architecture use cases. Most FIs are interested in
supports blockchain innovation – for
– identifiable, controllable, and asset- blockchain but have not participated in
instance, the Monetary Authority of
agnostic – demands FIs to explore further major consortiums – for instance, regional
Singapore is testing blockchain for a new
what are the right use cases. In this and small-medium-size banks. Such FIs can
payment transfer project – FIs could adopt
chapter, we introduce three fundamental go ahead with this light-weight approach,
an aggressive approach to try blockchain
principles to help identify best-fit and even global multinational banks
payments in sandbox environments.
blockchain use cases, so that FIs can move could run a bi-model strategy to try both
forward to operationalize the technology Principle 2: Contained contained and consortium relevant use
and integrate it into current processes and cases.
R3 CEV, as one of the largest blockchain
systems. consortium, stated early on, that the Having said that, a bank should consider
Principle 1: Non-Monetary initiative will, ‘seek to establish consistent all these factors in a local context to
standards and protocols for this emerging determine the best-fit approach. There
In an era of cybercrime and stringent
technology across the financial industry’. are exceptions where agreement can still
regulatory requirements, blockchain
be efficiently made among a group of
regulation is a gray area in the financial However, the question for financial firms
banks. It could be achieved by a powerful
industry, creating some uncertainty is whether they should work together
centralized organization, for instance, a
around its implementation. Regulators are on a standardized consensus model that
financial holding company that includes
keeping an eye on blockchain technology, everyone agrees on or work independently
a family of banks, or a strong state-owned
especially in the area of: on different versions and let the market
banking association that represents a
decide. The other side of the coin is it
• The basic tenets of a KYC/AML takes time for a consortium to reach an
group of local credit unions.
compliance program (for instance FINRA
agreement, and extra efforts to implement
3310) require the customer identifies (who,
where, and which organization) must be
traced by blockchain payment system

4 I External Document © 2017 EdgeVerve Systems Limited

Principle 3: Distributed Centralized system has approved its However, blockchain, by its nature as a
efficiency in many business scenarios distributed record-keeping database,
It is essential to understand that from a
to handle mass volume transactions, for could demonstrate its true value, especially
business perspective, blockchain doesn’t instance, core banking. On the other hand, in a collaborative, distributed business
fundamentally change how payment or although no formal benchmark released environment. Typical scenarios include
money market works. However, blockchain to indicate any serious capacity issues for trade finance, international remittance,
as a technology platform can be adapted blockchain, efficiency (for instance network and syndicated loan. For these use cases,
to a business context – and potentially scaling problems) is a general concern to and with careful planning, FIs should
transform the whole process and not just blockchain but many other types have the confidence to deploy a scalable
operations. of distributed databases - where significant blockchain solution not only in a sandbox
overhead or replication associated with environment but also in a production
The dispute of the pros and cons between
these protocols exists. environment.
a centralized database and decentralized
database has been continued for decades.

External Document © 2017 EdgeVerve Systems Limited I 5

The Segmentation Model
Though there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ rule, and operational efficacy. Although this time-to-market and gain competitive
these three non-exclusive principles form business value is yet to be justified in a real advantage. Example use cases include
a segmentation model. It is designed to production environment, FIs that have a syndicated loan, and multi-bank KYC – if
help FIs further filter and identify suitable strategy to appeal tech-savvy consumers regulator as a catalyst to push for national
blockchain use cases. See figure 1. can explore the use cases to replace a KYC standard.
centralized legacy system to deliver a clear
Segment 1: Segment 4:
marketing message in innovation and
Ready Classic Open Regulation
digitalization. Example use cases include
It is a segment where the use cases can digital vaults and collateral management. Uncertain regulations keep bankers away
fulfil all three principals. These use cases, from using blockchain for payments in
though with a limited number, can
Segment 3:
a format of digital money – including
leverage the full advantage of distributed
Monopolistic Collaboration
fiat currency and loyalty points – in a
ledger, and be easily integrated into a Due to the complexity of building real world. However, an open regulation
legacy environment without a compliance a standardized protocol within a framework or sandbox approach (in both
breach. Example use cases include trade consortium, a monopolistic power in advanced markets such as Australia,
finance document transfer, digitizing collaboration - implying a holding group, Singapore and emerging region such as
paperwork for both inter and intra a monopoly banking association or a Eastern Africa) opens up new opportunities
organizations. mega-bank leading trade finance partners to re-design payment ecosystems using
– is a prerequisite to applying a business blockchain. Example use cases include
Segment 2:
scenario within a group of different same-bank international remittance.
Innovation Showcase
business entities quickly. By implementing
A distributed platform like blockchain blockchain, it should be able to improve
could potentially lead to cost optimization


Innovation Open
Showcase Regulation


Non- Monetary Monopolistic Distributed


Figure 1: Segmentation model to identify suitable blockchain use cases

6 I External Document © 2017 EdgeVerve Systems Limited

Many FIs select blockchain use cases due financial institutions. The battle for Authors:
to the hype surrounding this technology distributed-ledger pilots and business
Ethan Wang,
and not based on the local business and cases will define success for many
Product Manager, Infosys Finacle
regulatory context. The three principles innovation players in the financial services
and the segmentation model is designed and payment sectors. However a clear Shweta Shivaraja
to help these organizations to review its understanding of where next generation Product Manager, Infosys Finacle
blockchain investments and pipelines. blockchain is moving and how to explore
FIs are suggested to look into a multi- most suitable blockchain use cases will be
tier approach – adopting multiple key to deliver successful outcomes in this
segmentation approaches – to participate space – In spite of the challenges facing
blockchain development with a list of the blockchain, as technology becomes
prioritized use cases. more robust, blockchain will eventually
demonstrate its true value to reinvent
Several ‘proofs of concept’ of blockchain
banking and payment processes.
use cases have been put forward by

External Document © 2017 EdgeVerve Systems Limited I 7

About Infosys Finacle
Finacle is the industry-leading universal banking solution from EdgeVerve Systems, a wholly owned product
subsidiary of Infosys. The solution helps financial institutions develop deeper connections with stakeholders,
power continuous innovation, and accelerate growth in the digital world. Today, Finacle is the choice of banks
across 94 countries, and serves over 848 million consumers – estimated to be nearly 16.5 percent of the world’s
adult banked population. Over a billion bank accounts are powered by Finacle globally.

Finacle solutions address core banking, online banking, mobile banking, payments, treasury, origination, liquidity
management, Islamic banking, wealth management, and analytics needs of financial institutions worldwide.
Assessment of the top 1000 banks in the world reveals that institutions powered by Finacle enjoy 50 % higher
returns on assets, 30 % higher returns on capital, and 8.1 % points lesser costs to income than others.

For more information, contact

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