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Beverly Fajardo

Kimberly Anne Magtalas

Charina Ramos

Ann Valerie Silverio

Grace Ann Belmonte

Hanny Toledo

Janna Baloy

CS 426 – Business Plan

September 2018

“It is our mission to seamlessly customize client-focused materials so that we may continue to
meet our customer’s needs. We at Snapsack hold ourselves to be partners with our customers,
community, and environment.”
Executive Summary

Snapsack is a unique local brand that provides high quality but affordable knapsacks for
students and gym goers. Snapsack is not just your typical bag because it is ecological benign. It
is the loved brand for the tasteful youth seeking charming, unique and practical bags to express
their style. The company is distinctive in its field in which it offers customized bags. Customers
have the right to make “do it yourself” designs and see them turn into reality. One great feature
of snapsack is that they are design to keep wearers organized.

Today’s students are favoring messenger backs, purses, and single-shoulder bags as their
essential accessory as they make their trek from class to class. Medical research, however,
reinforces the notion that the traditional double-strap backpack, even if it’s not hip to the latest
trends, is the best route to ensure back health, but this is still not enough. Students today are
carrying more and more in their bags – sometimes up to 20 percent of their body weight – and
it’s taking a toll on their body. Snapsack strives to create the unique, comfortable customized
backpack that curbs this issue based on individualized user needs. We take your most accurate
current measurements and provide you with just the right size backpack for long-term health and
comfort. The primary use of backpacks is to mobilize your possessions, but the close second is to
mobilize them in a “cool” bag. With preset designs and countless color schemes, the possibilities
are endless, and you get to choose the one you like best. In making this choice, you can be
confident that you are not only getting a product that is high quality, but one that is sustainable;
all of our backpacks are eco-friendly and made from 100% recycled material.

Company Background/Situational Analysis

Since we don’t have physical store our online shop will be set up with models of the
different styles. Customers will visit our website to order their backpacks online. Each partner
will invest 15,000 toward the startup of Boston Backpacks. These funds will go toward
manufacturing, advertising, employee salaries, rent, and other initial costs. We plan on hiring 2-3
extra employees at the time of starting our business. We have plans to team up with local
colleges and school districts in order to promote our backpacks. We will attend vendor fairs at
these institutions where our products and services will be brought to the customer in a
convenient way. We have hopes to spread our company online; in doing this, previous customers
will have the opportunity to re-order online.

SWOT Analysis

Strengths Weaknesses
 Unique products  Low brand awareness
 Product’s quality  No physical store
 Intelligent and practical design  More established brands
Opportunities Threats
 Customer loyalty  Strong competitors
 Strong customer relationship  Competitive pricing
Initiating our company in Boston allows us to reach the vast population of students across
the city. The members of the managerial team each come from different backgrounds, bringing
innovative ideas to the table and allowing this to transcend into development of diverse product.
Additionally, our company’s focus solely on backpacks allows a concentrated effort on one
product rather than several different products and allowing us to continually strengthen it.

Management Team

Snapsack is a Limited Liability Partnership. We decided on this foundation because it

decreases the risk of financial loss for each partner; with such a large group, this seems like the
most fair and equal choice for all of us.

Kimberly Magtalas – Executive President of Snapsack

Kim will be a great asset to Snapsack as it begins its journey for success. She has an extensive
background in both customer service and leadership. In her past employment, she was
responsible for organizing and tracking merchandise as well as creating visually pleasing
displays. Kim is involved with volunteer work at her church and holds an executive position with
the summer program it sponsors. This position requires Kim to supervise approximately fifteen
people, create new and exciting ideas, and accommodate special requests in a polite and timely
manner. Kim also lives in Bulacan and is knowledgeable about the area. With her leadership
abilities, innovative thinking, drive for customer satisfaction, and knowledge of the environment,
Kim will help Snapsack achieve all of its goals.

Charina Ramos – Executive Vice President of Finance

Cha can attribute many great factors to Snapsack as it takes its first steps off the launch pad. As
practice manager, he has led a staff of ten for about a year. Her duties include creating the
weekly work schedule for the team, weekly ordering of goods to maintain a well-stocked
hospital, staying on a weekly and quarterly budget (items in the budgets including employee pay,
amount of money allocated for supplies, amount of promotion services, etc.). She also sets goals
and rewards for his team once a certain amount of production or appointments have been seen.
Using these managerial talents among other financial and intuitive skills, Cha will prove to be a
great asset to our company.

Beverly Fajardo – Executive Vice President of Marketing

Bev is currently studying communications, concentrating in Public Relations. Having someone
who has knowledge and creativity in the field of communications is essential when entering the
market with a startup company; Bev’s experience with this, especially in advertising and PR is
invaluable to our organization. Additionally, volunteering with a non-profit that works with inner
city kids has allowed him to make networking connections with schools where our backpacks
could be donated. Taking on many leadership roles in different clubs and organizations, Bev has
gained the experience to be a leader within Snapsack and is ready to take it to the next level.

Grace Ann Belmonte – Executive Vice President of Operations

Grace is a well-rounded individual with various different experiences that will benefit her work
with Snapsack. Grace’s creativity will be a huge asset in multiple company facets, such as the
development of exciting backpacks patterns and striking marketing publications. Grace has
experience in leadership having served on her respective student governing boards in both high
school and college. Collaboration, decision-making, and peer representation are all familiar
concepts to her, and she is ready to work on this exciting new project with these in mind.

Valerie Silverio – Executive Vice President of Sales

Val is suitable for any position within Snapsack. Whether it is a managerial, financial, or
creatively motivated position, she is ready to fill any spot any time, but is particularly strong in
the field of mathematics, making her an asset to the company’s financial organization. She is
available on a consistent schedule and is flexible for meetings, showing her commitment to the
project and her willingness to devote time to it. Val’s accomplishments in high school track and
field led her to be a strong leader, where she developed necessary skills that she can put to use in
her time at Snapsack.

Hanny Toledo – Executive Vice President of Human Resources

Organized, meticulous, and creative, Hanny is an excellent addition to the Snapsack managerial
team. She has experience with graphic design and is familiar with Adobe Illustrator and
Photoshop, which will be helpful for the company in relation to marketing strategies and
development. Her ability to keep organized will help tasks go smoothly and maintain the clean,
structured face of the company. These skills are great strengths that will aid in Snapsack’s

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