Can Vaccine Ingredients Cause Cancer

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Can Vaccine Ingredients Cause Cancer?

Ty Bollinger: Talk about some of the chemicals in the vaccines, some of

the additives, the adjuvants, and other ingredients that might be

Dr. Robert Scott Bell: Sure. I think the biggest class of them are heavy
metals. Mercury [is] A#1. If you look in a homeopathic materia medica there
are pages and pages and pages. Almost more than any other substance
listed in that materia medica, of potential effects and actual effects at even
minute doses − minute exposure to mercury.

And this affects every system of the body: the endocrine, the neurological
system, you name it. The digestive system, the epithelial tissue. Mercury is
the biggest baddy of them all and ultimately, I believe, facilitates cancer.

Now aluminum is their next go-to adjuvant because it hyperstimulates and

aggravates the immune cells and they want to elicit this antibody…
artificially is the best way to say it. And they think that’s going to be enough
to prevent you from getting a disease. But, if you’ve ever had chickenpox
as a child like I did… and I got my kids to chickenpox parties when they
were kids too to get it early. They now have what we call a “natural
immunity” against the chickenpox virus. But, does it last your whole life?

Well, apparently not in everybody because there’s something

called Shingles, which is a manifestation of the herpes zoster varicella or
the varicella virus in adulthood. In cases where you already had the
chickenpox, so you already have the antibodies and the recognition of that
virus. So why is it that even though you have the antibody you still succumb
to it in a different manifestation? It’s because the antibody is not sufficient
to protect you.

I don’t speak ill of antibodies. It’s not like I protest antibodies; I mean
they’re good, they’re fine. But they’re not really the way we primarily
interact or protect ourselves. They’re way down the list of issues.
Primary immunity is gut health, it’s liver health, it’s hydration, it’s
mineralization of the body. Let’s say you’ve weakened yourself to the point
where you’re no longer functional in an immune way. You can identify a
virus because you have an antibody and have not the energy or the
strength or the tools to address it and protect yourself, so what good is the
antibody then?

So it’s an immature understanding of immunology and yet they’re the ones

with the “duh”grees, which is why I call them a “duh”gree because they’re
not using the sense God may have given them. When they understand that
and they say “Of course, we’ve got to embrace the natural world. We’ve got
to restore integrity to the terrain. We’ve got to look at the floral issues,
we’ve got to get rid of the heavy metals,” and those are just some of the

We’ve got foreign RNA and DNA from animals, aborted fetal tissue in these
vaccines. You’ve got formaldehyde, you’ve got antifreeze-like compounds.
There are so many things that if you knew what was in it, as I said, [and]
you added that to a baby’s bottle you would be charged with attempted

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