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a. Explain ‘You are the people’. To whom was Perón referring?

It is well known that previous to Perón’s rising, the Argentine Republic did not embrace the
ideals or presence of the great mass. Therefore, when Perón was rising to power he knew his
strategy would be appeal to the working class. Thus, when he refers to “You the people”, he
is referring to all the workers (whether unionized or not).
b. How would you describe the tone of Perón’s speech?
Definitely, he knew how to appeal to the people. Not only using rhetorical devices, but also
infesting the Argentine nation with the Peronist ideology and sentiment. For example, by
referring to himself in third person he establishes himself as a figure.
c. With reference to its origins and purpose, assess the value and limitations of this source
for an historian studying the events of 17 October?
As it is a primary source it is very valuable to any historian wanting to evaluate the insight of
Perón on his own rule. It is very biased since we get his own perspective on Peronism and the
basis of its ideology. At the same time, the purpose of this source – as it is a speech – might
be to directly gain supporters by creating a sense of unity and belonging of the bigger nation
Argentina. Especially, following Peron’s resignation and possible jailing, it was a response to
his descamisados who had shouted “We want Perón”. However, some of the limitations
might be that since this speech was issued by Perón himself, he thinks to much of himself.
Hence, why he over glorifies his picture.
d. How does this source help you understand the significance of 17 October and the reasons
why it went down in Argentine history as ‘Loyalty Day’?
Most probably due to the fact that Peronistas displayed their support to the new ideals of the
Argentine nation, and despite what the legislation said they demanded the release of the
colonel of the people.
a. What is the message of Source M?
Source M is an eyewitness’s account of the 17 October events. Rather than showing
Peronism from the oligarchy, it shows it from the people’s point of view. The workers. But
especially, this eyewitness seems to be young therefore he was born in between the birth of a
nascent nation. As he himself mentions, “I was in the centre of a scene that divided the
history of Argentina in two.
b. In context, what is the significance of ‘My father was a socialist’?
As he claims, his father was a socialist. Therefore, although he was a worker, he believed that
this revolution was destined to the socialists.
c. With reference to its origin and purpose.... assess the value and limitations of Source M
and the photo in the ToK box above to an historian studying the impact of the events of
the 17 October?
The value of the source might be that it was brewed from first-hand exeperience. Therefore,
he was in the centre of all the revolution, On the other hand, limitations might be that rather
than focusing on the experience itself in the Peronist era, it focuses on insignificant details.

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