Ojt Job Internship Program

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Hi! Nice to meet you! I’m Madel Campomanes Abear. Currently a senior student of JH.

Cerilles State College – Dumingag Campus taking up the degree, Bachelor of Science in

Information Technology majoring in I.T. I’m presently looking for an Internship Program that will

allow me to use my professional and technical expertise in the field of Information Technology.

Over the past years and ‘till the present, I’ve been strengthening these skills through my studies,

experiences and applications of the theories that I’ve learned not just inside the four-corners of my

school but also to the outside world as will. Ever since I can remember I have always had an

interest in computers. Doing and solving the messy part of it makes my time more precious,

remarkable and great that would spark my day to the highest level of satisfaction.

When I browse the web, I read from you’re website that your company is currently in-need

of an IT Practitioner that would handle the minor technical stuff of your office. So I decided then

to make a move to express my willingness to fill up the said vacancy.

I’m relay looking forward to be part of your progressive company and hoping to contribute

to the company’s success.

Bye for now, Thank you and God Bless.

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