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August 23, 2018

The Board of Directors of the Northeast Hamilton Community School District in the counties of Hamilton
and Wright, State of Iowa, met in regular session Thursday, August 23, 2018, in the Elementary Media
Center, Blairsburg, Iowa.

ITEM I. – Call to Order – Eric Patterson, Board President, called the meeting to order at 6:04 p.m.

ITEM II. – Roll Call – Members answering roll call were Ms. Greenfield, Ms. Burton, Mr. Pruismann and Mr.
Patterson. Ms. Zorn was absent.

ITEM III. – Welcome to Visitors and Media Representatives – Board President Patterson welcomed the
visitors to the meeting and thanked them for coming.

ITEM IV. – Constituent Communications – None.

ITEM V. – Approval of Consent Agenda –

1. Approval of the Agenda

2. Approve Minutes of July 26, 2018 Board Meeting
3. Presentation/Approval of Financial Reports
4. Presentation/Approval of Bills and Claims

Motion by Mr. Pruismann, seconded by Ms. Greenfield, to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion carried with
all members present voting aye.

ITEM VI. – Reports – Superintendent Mr. Kruger gave reports on the following items:

1. Mr. Kruger reported he attended the School Administrators of Iowa Conference in Des Moines
August 6-8.
2. Mr. Kruger reported a flag ceremony kicked off the first day of school and professional
development on writing was held for staff in the afternoon.
3. Mr. Kruger reported Open House went well last Thursday. Many families were able to check out
the greenhouse and STEM classroom.
4. Mr. Kruger reported he is still working with the insurance company regarding the lightning strike
and fire alarm.
5. Mr. Kruger reported the District received an email from Matt Gillaspie of Piper Jaffray. The
District’s revenues for the Local Option Sales Tax will be $71,548.96.
6. Mr. Kruger reported that the building and grounds look good for the start of the new school

ITEM VII. – Old Business

1. Facility Projects Update – Mr. Kruger had a meeting with Peterson Construction and FEH Design
to discuss target timelines for upcoming projects. Roofing on old main should be done by the
end of September and should take 5-8 days to complete. The window project will take 4-5
weeks to complete and should be done around Thanksgiving. The AC project should be done
around Thanksgiving as well.
2. Interim Board Update – Eric Patterson, Board President, reported that a study is being done to
track enrollment trends, enrollment projections, cost of utilities and transportation costs.
3. Mighty Trojan Childcare Update – Mr. Kruger reported the daycare continues to grow and is at
maximum numbers for the infant room. More staff have been hired to help with the increased
The Iowa Association for the Education of Young Children (IAAEYC) is offering Child Care
WAGES IOWA, a project that provides education-based salary supplements or bonuses to early
care and education providers working with children ages birth to five. The project is designed
to increase retention, education and compensation.
Jodi Lehman, Childcare Resource and Referral, is impressed with the daycare and is
recommending it be used as a model for other daycare centers.

ITEM VIII. - New Business

1. Appoint Board Secretary – Following a recommendation from Mr. Kruger, Superintendent, a

motion was made by Mr. Pruismann, seconded by Ms. Burton, to appoint Kathy Biere as School
Board Secretary for the 2018-2019 school year. Motion carried with all members present voting
2. Administer Oath of Office to Board Secretary – Eric Patterson, School Board President,
administered the Oath of Office to Kathy Biere, School Board Secretary.
3. Designate Financial Depositories – Following a recommendation by Kathy Biere, School Board
Secretary, a motion was made by Ms. Greenfield, seconded by Ms. Burton, to approve the
following financial depositories: ISJIT (Iowa Schools Joint Investment Trust) for $1,000,000
and Iowa Falls State Bank for $3,000,000. Motion carried with all members present voting aye.
4. Designate Legal Counsel – Following a recommendation from Mr. Kruger, Superintendent, a
motion was made by Ms. Greenfield, seconded by Mr. Pruismann, to approve Danielle Haindfield
as lead attorney and the Ahlers Law Firm as legal counsel for the 2018-2019 school year.
5. Informal Board Meeting Dates with Stratford and Webster City – The following dates for
informal board meetings with Stratford and Webster City will be as follows:
a. Monday, October 8, 2018 at 5:00 p.m. in Webster City
b. Wednesday, January 16, 2019 at 4:30 p.m. in Stratford
c. Thursday, April 25, 2019 at 5:00 p.m. in Blairsburg
6. Early Literacy Grant – Mr. Kruger informed the Board the District received an Early Literacy
Grant in the amount of $13,391 for successful progression of early readers.
7. Start of School – Mr. Kruger reported it was a good first day of school.

8. Open Enrollment – Motion by Ms. Burton, seconded by Ms. Greenfield, to approve three open
enrollments into the district. Motion carried with all members present voting aye.

ITEM IX. – Personnel – None.

ITEM X. – Announcements – None.

ITEM XI. – Other Business – None.

ITEM XII. – Adjournment - It was moved by Mr. Pruismann, seconded by Ms. Greenfield, to adjourn the
meeting at 6:42 p.m. Motion carried with all members present voting aye.

The next board meeting will be Thursday, September 27th at 6:00 p.m. at the Elementary Media Center.


Kathryn R. Biere, Secretary Eric Patterson, President

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