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September 6, 2018

Alex Mooney
Mooney for Congress

Mr. Mooney,

With 62 days until the 2018 General Election, I respectfully challenge you to a series of three
debates in West Virginia’s Second Congressional District to provide the voters of the Mountain
State the opportunity to make an informed decision on November 6. These debates will provide
the people of West Virginia the opportunity to hear firsthand our positions on the issues.

In addition, I propose that these debates, which should be moderated by nonpartisan entities
such as a media outlet, occur in each of the geographic regions that comprise the Second
Congressional District, including Charleston, Elkins and Martinsburg. Each of these debates will
be free and open to the public as well as media. They should be held in the first three weeks of
October before the beginning of early vote on October 25. Please take note: there will be no
prescreened questions.

For four years now, you have refused to hold an in-person, in-state town hall meeting with the
people of the Second District. Also, you have refused to debate an opponent during either of
your campaigns in West Virginia.

The people of West Virginia deserve better.

West Virginia faces unique challenges and has unique opportunities. One thing is for sure: the
people of West Virginia’s Second District deserve a Member of Congress who will serve them,
not a political party, in Washington and here at home in West Virginia.

You or your staff may contact my campaign manager Seth Greensage by email, at I join the voters of the Second District when I state, I look forward to
hearing from you.


Talley Sergent
Candidate for Congress
Second District, West Virginia

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