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MATH 152: Calculus 2, SET8

5: Integrals

5.5: The Substitution Rule [REVIEW]

Look at hand transcipts to see the Substitution Rule in action. Here we simply use the CAS directly.

1. [418/6]

syms C t
F = int(sqrt(2*t + 1), t) + C

F =

2. [418/8]

syms C x
F = int(x^2 * exp(x^3), x) + C

F =

3. [419/20]

syms C z
F = int(z^2 / (z^3 + 1), z) + C

F =

4. [419/30]

syms C x
F = int(sec(x)^2 / tan(x)^2, x) + C

F =

5. [419/38]

By hand, .

6. [419/48]

syms C x
F = int(x^3 * sqrt(x^2 + 1), x) + C

F =

7. [419/63]

syms x
value = int(1 / (1 + 2*x)^(2/3), x, 0, 13)

value =

8. [419/68]

syms x
value = int(x / sqrt(1 + 2*x), x, 0, 4)

value =

value_appx = double(value)

value_appx = 3.3333

9. [419/77]
Write the integral as . The first integral is zero since the integrand is odd and the interval of integration is symmetric about zero. The second piece is 3
times the area of a semicicle of radius 2; namely .

syms x
value = int((x+3) * sqrt(4 - x^2), x, -2, 2)

value =

value_appx = double(value)

value_appx = 18.8496

10. [419/78]
The idea is similar to the portion of a circle in the previous problem. See hand transcript.

syms x
value = int(x*sqrt(1 - x^4), x, 0, 1)

value =

value_appx = double(value)

value_appx = 0.3927

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