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‘CN=Bradford A. BerensonOU=WHO/O=EOP [ WHO ] Brett M. Kavanaugh’WHO/EOP@EOP [ WHO ] ce: rachel r. brandiwho/eop@eop [ WHO } ;bradford a. berensonNwholeap@eop { WHO | noel j francisco/who/eop@eop { WHO ] Sent: 2/19/2001 5:01:45 AM Subject: Re: unsolicited judge recommendations WHHHAH Begin Original ARMS Header HARE RECORD TYPE: PRESIDENTIAL (NOTES MAIL) CREATOR: Bradford A. Berenson ( CN=Bradford A, Berenson/OU-WHO/O=ROP [ KHOI CREATION DATE/TIME: 19-FEB-2001 10:01:45.00 SUBJECT:: Re: unsolicited judge recommendations To:Brett M. Kavanaugh ( CN=Brett M. Kavanatigh/OU=WHO/OEOP@EOP [ WHO | ) READ: UNKNOWN Cerrachel r. brand { ch READ: UNKNOWN CCrbradford a. berensen ( CNebradford a. berenson/OU=who/O=eopteop [ WHO) dy, READ: UNKNOWN Ca CCincel j. francisco ( CN=ncel j. francis READ: UNKNOWN #909 End Original ARMS Headex #4HHeH rachel r. brand/oU=who/O=eop@eop [| WHO] } Me need to keep Catlos Bea on the radar screen for CTAS. sista be recommendations on him, and he's Hispanic (Cuban-Americat)y Tig apparently done a good’ job on the district court. a Brett N. Kavanaugh 02/17/2001 05:47:30 PM Record Type: Record To: Rachel R, Brand/WHO/EOP@ROP 9, cc: bradford a, berenson/uho/eopteup, fivel 3. Erancisco/who/eop@eop bee: a DP Subject: Ke: unsolicited judgésregghmendations Thanks As to List that was discussed at meeting tho weeks ago and witlipotbe Further considered. MMMM vas examined, but Sid not make L25b, “SE MMMM does not work out, a +: do not, phn ig whit loom at her again Je not as steony 27 AE or SAMMI, To not belisiy Rachel R. Brand 92/17/2001 01:03:44 PH Record Type: Record To: Bradford A, Berenson/WHO/BOPGROP, Brett M. Kavanaugh/WHO/BOPGEOP, Noel J. Francisco/Wo/EOP@EOP Subject: unsolicited judge recommendations Unsolicited judge advice from an acquaintance, former Jerry Smith clerk: >Fifth Cirenit UNMNMNNE--0 Tex-—fairly conservative, goes to mess everyday. dpro-Life: good friend of mith and Jones. About 50-ish. MMMM =D P2:<.—-iias nominated by Bush 1, but Dems held him up. >Good friend of Phil Gramm, and ie good conservative judge. Taink it was’ a delose roll call vote on his Det confirnation though. Young--in his 40s 1 Dthink. (Also, Dallas desperately needs another circuit Judge, and Granm Swill be 80 happy W/W.) >(7) RNIN --19.D.La.--You'11 have to look closely at his record. He das pretty good on finally ending all the busing, but sone have said he's D*lixe gudge wiener"--and F1 Wiener was a disastrous Bush T pick the's. 5 >Liberal than many of the democratic apptees) ¢ >INote: DeMoss will Likely go senior at the end of 2001; Also, Jol} /anth dbavis will soon be eligible too: Parker will pethaps go in 2003—-bhésd ” >latter 2 pleks have a tremendous potential to swing the directéép dtithe >court. 4, Ninth cheeute . MMMM --5.0. cal. Good Libertarian/conservatiyd. Wag /our ATH Syudge. Smart, quick, no-nonsense. He's a flower in theumid-swanp that Le >8F. tiould be quite good on the Hinth Circuit. Miatfé Be a’ litele too >old--late 50s? aD From: (CN=Brett M. Kavanaugh/OU=WHO/O=EOP [ WHO | To: Jay P, Letkowitz(OMB/EOP@EOP | OMB ] ce: noel j.franciscaivhaleap@eop [ WHO } ;joel d, kaplan’who/eop@eop | WHO ] joel d. kaplan> Sent: .4/2012001 §:34:27 PM Subject: Re: query re: S. 1 ###HH# Begin Original ARMS Header #HA### RECORD TYPE: PRESIDENTIAL (NOTES MAIL) CRRATOR:Brett M. Kavanaugh ( CN=Brett M. Kavanaugh/OUsWHO/O=ROP ( WHO ] } CREATION DATE/TIME:20-APR-2001 21:34:27. 00, SUBJECT:: Ret query re: Ss. 1 To:Jay P. Lefkowitz ( CN=Jay P. Lefkowitz/0U=OMB/O=EOPGEOP [ OMB | ) READ? UNKNOWN CCincel j. francisco { cl READ: UNKNOWN CCrjoel d. kaplan { CNsjoel d. kaplan/oU=who/O~eopBeop [ WHO] ) Sane SHIP Ea Criginel ams Header GHHHH oO joel J. francisco/ol yno/O=eop@eop [ WHO ] } I generally agree with that analysis -- although the last sentel AC) ‘of the DOJ memo is what troubles me because the program does eS create incentives for States and LEAs to establish const: impermissible racial, ethnic, or gender classifications school to target extta, after-school reading assistance COW African-Americans). One way to preclude any such aah oy ‘would be to insert a provision in the bill that said something 1 as following: on the basis of race or ethnicity. Nothing in this bil requires, authorizes, or ma jeate oF LEA to grant educational or financial mE assistance @ ® EA aay. P. tafe ay 04/20/2001 09:11:27 eM : Record Type: Record ce: Joel D. Xaplan/ EOP. To: Noel J. Franciscoftt Oy” Brett M, Kavanaugh/WHo/EOP@EOP Subject: query re: ay clear ispphecigel} what are the carrots and sticks in the Title I part of the bil that gee triggered by the "adequate yearly progress” deternifigtion.) since DoEd argues that this is the heart of our fsccounta program, we should try to get a very clear picture of what those carrots and sticks are (what are the actual benefits or remedial measures). I'm trying to print out the full bill now, but if you do a further evaluation of it, can you shoot it to Joel and me. 2 Jae, oe OE bocca memorandum and one thing that's not totally Just based on the DOs letter, however, it seems like the Title I portion of the bill may not be as problematic, and it seemed from the meeting that we could probably solve the problem in the other part of the bill by going to a more economically-based or quintile approach Is Dod doing a further meno, or are you guys handling it from here

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