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Writing Assignment: Argument between friends

Question tags
Deciding fault
Getting angry
1. Discussion
Are you a forgiving person?
Do you try to avoid arguments?
Do you usually arrive on time? Does it bother you when people are late?

2. Mini-role play

3. Writing assignment
Write a dialogue for two arguing friends.

Friend 1: You are best friends. Tonight your friend wants to see a movie, Dangerous
Instinct. Unfortunately, you have already seen it, didn’t like it, and you don’t want to
see it again. The movie starts at 7 o’clock and you arranged to meet at 6:45 outside
the theater. You arrive at 7:20 on purpose, because you’d rather skip the movie and
go for drinks instead.
Friend 2: You really want to see Dangerous Instinct and don’t have any other friends
to go see it with. You arrived at 6:45 and waited outside the theater. It’s raining and
cold. Your friend arrives late and you’re so angry.

Target Language:
Where were you?
It’s your fault because…
It’s not my fault because…
That’s not true. Don’t lie!
Don’t shout/yell at me!
Don’t interrupt me!
That’s not my problem.
You always say that!
I didn’t know that, did I?
That’s why you’re late, isn’t it?
I’m sorry I shouted at you.
Let me make it up to you.

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