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Mohammad happy baker

Learning priority: using range of strategies and skills to play and learn with others.

Mohammad, it is a real pleasure to see you come out of your shell and see you softer side.
One afternoon we a play dough session, and I was happy to see you join in to work the
green dough. At first you were happily moulding the dough in your hands just quietly
playing alongside others and then; wow, all the words started to pour out of you!
Mohammad you had heaps of ideas, but mostly I was super impressed how you were
using your words to describe your ideas. “I’ve got a biscuit with no sugar in it”; you raised
your green, giant, cookie-monster-sized-cookie at me. It was clear that An-Nur’s healthy
kai approach had made an impression, that naughty sugar. You continued making series of
‘healthy’ biscuits with chocolate in them. Then you made some cheese, so we had to bake
some pizza make some justice for it. And chocolate cake for dessert, although Mohammad
I hope you substituted some of the sugar with dates, perhaps?

Great imaginative play Mohammad, you played so well alongside others sharing your
ideas and tools offered. Well done, Ka pai!
We should keep you occupied during inside learning time, with different hands on
experiences. Preferably use heaps of natural materials for constructing and exploring.

Te Whariki curriculum, learning explained:

Strand 4
Communication-Mana reo

With play like this Mohammad develops non

verbal communication skills for range of
Use language to express feelings and attitudes,
negotiate, create and retell stories.
(pg 42. Te Whariki 2017)

Learning story for August 2018 by Heidi Brotkin

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