Lesson 2

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History Lesson Plan

Class: Stage 1 Date: 7 September 2018 Time: Start: 10:00am

Finish: 11:00am

Key Learning Area: History Lesson Topic: Past in the Present

Recent Prior Experience: Student have undertaken a research task to find out about The Rocks and its history. Prior to going on their Site Study, the
students generated open-ended inquiry questions that they would ask at the Site Study. The students have also engaged in their Site Study to The Rocks,
where they had the opportunity to immerse themselves in its historic nature as ask their open-ended inquiry questions during the day. Students were provided
with iPod touches during the Site Study to take photos and video of what they observed.
Syllabus Outcome(s): Indicators of Learning for this lesson: Assessment:

- Identifies and describes By the end of this lesson, the students will: - Record student’s degree of contribution and
significant people, events, participation to class discussions
- discuss what they have learnt after engaging in - Observe and record student’s ability to
places and sites in the local
the Site Study to The Rocks communicate their findings from the Site
community over time. HT1-2 - Create a classroom bulletin board displaying Study
- Describes the effects of images taken from the Site Study. - Observe and collect evidence of students
- Develop their own classroom museum evolving working collaboratively to research and
changing technology on
around the changes over time. create their museum display.
people's lives over time. HT1-3
- Collect evidence of student’s ability to
- Demonstrates skills of historical develop a museum exhibit evolving around
inquiry and communication. the changes over time

Any safety issues to be considered: Resources:

- Make sure that all chairs are tucked in to avoid - 12 x laptops (1 per pair)
injury. - Interactive Whiteboard
- Make sure that all students are seated - 12 x shoe boxes/cardboard boxes
properly. - Printer
- When students walk around, make sure they - Glue
don’t run. - Pin board
- Keep an eye on what all students are doing at - Site Study Journal
all times. - Google Folder (photos of Site Study) for student access.
- When students are using scissors, make sure
they are using it appropriately and are not
running around.

Lesson Content / Indicators of Learning Timing Teaching Strategies / Learning Experiences: Resources and Organisation:
(What is Taught): (mins) (How it is taught)
Note key skills, concepts and values Write detailed steps showing what the teacher (T) will do and
addressed in each section. Link to your what students (Ss) will do.
Indicators of Learning.
- Students sharing their observations T provides Ss with the opportunity to share and discuss their Organisation:
from the Site Study. general observations and reactions from the Site Study Have Ss gather on the carpet ready
experience. T asks volunteers to share their findings in regard for a group discussion. Each Ss
- Display images from the Site Study 10 mins to the inquiry questions that they had developed during the pre- should be able to see the interactive
that students have taken visit lesson. whiteboard.
T displays images that Ss had taken during the Site Study and Resources
T places the images in a google drive folder that can be - Site Study journals
accessed by all the Ss in the class. - Google drive folder with
T explains the Ss will partake in a class Museum exhibition Organisation:
- Working collaboratively– student where, in pairs, they will design and make a diorama/museum Place Ss into pairs and assign them
work in small groups to research exhibit. This diorama should display the changes that have a focus before providing them with
and design a museum exhibit occurred in The Rocks over time. Each pair is assigned a materials to create their exhibit.
evolving around the changes over 30 mins specific topic for their exhibit e.g. Transportation, Resources:
time. People/Community, Buildings, Leisure activities. Each pair - 12 x shoe boxes/cardboard
takes a laptop to help them with their research. T provides each boxes
- Research skills pair with a cardboard box and Ss begin to research and create - Printer
their exhibits. - Glue
- Generate a class bulletin board - Pin board
using images taken by the students Whilst Ss are creating their museum exhibit dioramas, T begins - Google Folder (photos of
to create the Site Study Bulletin consisting of photos taken by Site Study) for student
Ss during the Site Study. access.

- Students present their museum Once Ss have finished creating their Museum exhibits, T asks Organisation:
exhibits volunteers to help set us the class room for the exhibition. Ss Set the classroom with the tables on
20 mins place their exhbits on a table and each group shares their the outside and the centre is clear for
exhibits one by one to the class. T assess Ss work, providing Ss and T to walk around.
student with effective feedback after they present. Resources:
- Tables
- Ss exhibits

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