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When I came in this morning, Rayan and Siham were both sitting at the table and had almost

finished colouring in the butterfly. I sat down with them and asked Rayan what was she making?
Instantly Siham answered for Rayan and said “she is making a butterfly”.

It is very normal for Rayan to be quiet and let Siham answer for her. However, Siham is very
shortly starting school so it is the right time for Rayan to develop the confidence to speak and share
her thoughts.

I said to Siham that when I am trying to speak to Rayan she has to let Rayan speak. So I asked
Rayan again and this time she very quietly responded “butterfly”. Rayan then started to cut the
butterfly out. As watched her, I noticed that masha allah she has very good concentration and hand-
eye co-ordination skills. She also had a good strategy to cut the butterfly as she cut roughly around
the butterfly to remove the big pieces and then very carefully cut close to the lines around the
butterfly. Since she was concentrating I didn’t speak as I didn’t want to interrupt her.

Once she was done both Siham and Rayan went to show their cut-out butterflies to Teacher
Heather. Teacher Heather intentionally spoke, and asked Questions from Rayan and she only
answered in words not sentences. Rayan and Siham then showed me their butterfly and as I
commented on her cutting skills Rayan smiled shyly. I then asked her questions about the colors
she has used and if she is wearing the same colors. Rayan answered again in words and short

It is lovely to see Rayan concentrating and problem solving i.e. cutting the bigger pieces first then
cutting close to the line. Masha allah Rayan is competent to help herself and has the capability to
learn and master things. Te Whariki Strand Wellbeing suggests that young children should be
given opportunities to build on their independence and self help skills. Therefore, insha allah we
will continue to provide Rayan with opportunities to enhance her problem solving and independent
skills. Rayan’s learning goals are to develop language as well as confidence to communicate and
share her ideas. I will continue to do this by engaging her in intentional learning activities and
group activities.

By:Teacher Madiha July 2018

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