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Page A6, Thursday, September 30, 2010 Carroll County Times

WAYS TO BE PREPARED FOR A STORM Farmer Dell won three county wrestling cham-
pionships (1990- 92) and earned a state
What to expect ■ When a flood or flash Prepare for From Page A1 title at 135 pounds in 1992 en route
flood warning is issued for power outages to being named Times Wrestler of the
A flash flood warning Year. He finished his prep career with 115
your area, head for higher years, since they were involved in 4- H
went into effect at mid- BGE suggests cus- together growing up. wins, which ranks fourth in North Car-
night and will last through ground and stay there.
tomers put together a Zepp described his friend as a great roll’s wrestling history.
this evening, according to ■ Stay away from flood- Dell also played football and earned
storm kit to have on hand human being and farmer with a deep
the National Weather waters. If you come upon Times first- team all- county honors in
in case of a power outage. passion for agriculture.
Service. a flowing stream where 1991 at nose guard.Zepp described him as
The following items Dell always tried to do things with the
Rainfall is expected to water is above your an- interests of other Carroll farmers as well a short and stout defensive lineman, but
should be included in the
be within the 2- to 4- kles, stop, turn around as his own in mind, Zepp said. very strong because of his farming back-
kit: ground.
inch range, with localized and go another way. Six
■ Flashlights, not can- Dell showed dairy cattle while Zepp
measurements as much inches of swiftly moving showed beef cattle at the Carroll County “He was one that, if he got a hold of
dles you, he was going to hit you hard,” Zepp
as 6 inches.. water can sweep you off 4- H & FFA Fair.
your feet. ■ Fresh batteries There was a friendly rivalry between said.
The rain is expected to
■ If you come upon a ■ Battery-operated the two sides, culminating in a water bal-
persist throughout the
day, along with the flooded road while driv- clock radio loon fight on the fair’s final day, Zepp Times staff writer Patrick Stoetzer
■ Corded telephone said. contributed to this report.
chance of thunderstorms. ing, turn around and go
■ Fully charged cell Zepp and Dell also competed against
Winds from the southeast another way. If you are each other in high school sports when Reach staff writer Ryan Marshall at
are expected to peak at caught on a flooded road phone
Dell was at North Carroll and Zepp at- 410- 857-7865 or ryan.marshall@carroll
about 10 to 15 miles per and water is rising rapidly ■ Nonperishable food
tended Westminster High School. countytimes.com.
hour. around you, get out of the ■ Blankets
Rainfall could increase car quickly and move to BGE also recommends
throughout the day as a higher ground. Most cars filling up fuel tanks of ve-
low pressure front moves can be swept away by hicles in case an outage
up the East Coast. less than 2 feet of moving affects neighborhood gas
water. stations. Well water users
Flood safety tips ■ Keep children out of should fill a bathtub with
the water. They are curi- water in advance of a
■ Listen to area radio
ous and can lack judg- storm. Elderly, handi-
and television stations
and NOAA Weather Radio ment about running water capped or other cus-
for possible flood warn- or contaminated water. tomers dependant on
ings and reports of flood- ■ Be cautious at night electricity for medical
ing in progress or other when it is harder to rec- equipment should have
critical information from ognize flood danger. alternative arrangements
the National Weather in place in case of an ex-
Service. Source: Maryland Emer- tended power outage.
■ Be prepared to evacu- gency Management
ate at a moment’s notice. Agency Source: BGE

Rain He said the state was urging people that

if they encounter standing water, not to
From Page A1 drive through it because it only takes sev-
eral inches to push a car down stream.
“Then fire folks have to come out and
Form ore inform ation,please join us
McDonough said. He said the National
Weather Service was anticipating the area save them, and we’d really like to not have
to put people in the precarious position,”
W ED N ESD AY, O CTO B ER 6 TH, 2 0 10 forour
Fre e S c re e n in g E ve n t
receiving several inches of rain.
Flash flooding is the major concern for McDonough said.
Carroll County and central Maryland. BGE was also anticipating power out-
“The streams are already pretty full from ages as a result of the weather.
the rain we had earlier this week, and High wind, lightning and heavy rain Yo u rvis itw ill inc lu d e a lim ited u ltra s o u nd a nd
could all contribute to power outages in
we’re expecting several inches of rain;
there’s no place for it to go,” Laxton said. the company’s central Maryland service c o ns u lta tio n w ith o ne o f o u rb o a rd c ertified
Laxton said Union Bridge and areas near area.
“At this time, given the projected path of
V a s c u la rSu rgeo ns & V ein Spec ia lis ts :
the Patapsco River are the usual trouble
locations for flooding in the county. the storm, we fully anticipate several Pa u l M c N eill, M D , FACS & G a rth R o s enb erg, M D , FACS
“The people who typically see flooding thousand service interruptions,” A.
Christopher Burton, senior vice president A ppointm entsfillquickly,calltoday:
on their properties when we have heavy
rain are going to see flooding on their
of gas and electric operations and plan-
ning, said in a press release. “BGE regu- 428764
3 0 1-6 9 5 -V EIN (8 3 4 6 )
properties again,” she said. larly prepares for weather- related power
McDonough said he didn’t expect the outages and has plans in place for restor-
conditions to cause too much of a problem ing power as safely and quickly as possi-
for commuters on major roads, such as ble. We strongly urge our customers to
Md. 140. take the time now to prepare for possible
“I think the bigger issue will be for peo- power outages.”
ple that have to wander around, say up
around Pipe Creek and some of the Reach staff writer Adam Bednar at 410- 77 Tho m a s Jo hns o n D rive, Su ite E •Fred eric k , M D  2 170 2
smaller tributaries that tend to flood their 751-5908 or adam.bednar@carrollcounty
bridges from time to time,” he said. times.com. 3 0 1-6 9 5 -8 3 4 6     w w w .m yc vl.c o m
4 2 713 2

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