Times Square Bomber Sentenced: Nation

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Carroll County Times

NATION/WORLD Wednesday, October 6, 2010, Page A5

Times Square bomber sentenced
Gets life in prison, behind bars until he dies.
But the former budget ana- “Brace yourselves,
warns of attacks lyst from Connecticut used the
courtroom appearance to rail because the war
ASSOCIATED PRESS against the U.S., saying the
country will continue to pay
with Muslims has
NEW YORK — The Pak-
istani immigrant who tried to
for occupying Muslim coun-
just begun.”
detonate a car bomb on a busy “We are only Muslims trying Faisal Shahzad
Saturday night in Times to defend our religion, people,
Square accepted a life sen- homes and land, but if you call
Man who tried to detonate a bomb in NYC
tence with a smirk Tuesday us terrorists, then we are
and warned that Americans proud terrorists and we will and carry out an attack author- became a citizen last year.
AP PHOTO can expect more bloodshed at keep on terrorizing you until ities say could have killed an “I did swear, but I did not
the hands of Muslims. you leave our lands and people untold number of pedestrians. mean it,” Shahzad said.
Remembering 9/11 at memorial “Brace yourselves, because at peace,” he told U.S. District “You appear to be someone In his address to the court,
the war with Muslims has just Judge Miriam Goldman who was capable of education he said Osama bin Laden “will
The names of nine firefighters who died in begun,” 31-year- old Faisal and I do hope you will spend
Cedarbaum. be known as no less than Sal-
the line of duty were added to the State of Shahzad told a federal judge. Shahzad — brought into the some of the time in prison adin of the 21st-century cru-
New York Fallen Firefighters Memorial in “Consider me the first droplet courtroom in handcuffs, and thinking carefully about sade” — a reference to
Albany, N.Y., Tuesday. Above, New York Gov. of the blood that will follow.” wearing a long beard and whether the Quran wants you the Muslim hero of the Cru-
David Paterson speaks during the annual His punishment for build- white skullcap — had in- to kill lots of people,” Cedar- sades. He also said: “If I’m
remembrance ceremony at the memorial. ing the bomb and driving it structed his attorney not to baum said. given 1,000 lives, I will sacri-
into the heart of the city in speak, and Cedarbaum told Shahzad responded that the fice them all.”
Conn. jury convicts man an SUV last May was a fore- prosecutors she didn’t need to “Quran gives us the right to
defend. And that’s all I’m
Shahzad smirked when the
gone conclusion, since the hear from them. judge imposed the sentence.
in deadly home invasion charges to which he pleaded That left the two free to spar doing.” Asked if he had any final
NEW HAVEN, Conn. — A paroled burglar was guilty carried a mandatory over his reasoning for giving The judge cut him off at one words, he said, “I’m happy
convicted Tuesday of murdering a woman and life sentence, which under up his comfortable life in point to ask if he had sworn al- with the deal that God has
her two daughters in their suburban home during federal rules will keep him America to train in Pakistan legiance to the U.S. when he given me.”
a night of terror that drew comparisons to “In
Cold Blood” and bolstered efforts to retain the
death penalty in Connecticut.
The mother was sexually assaulted and stran-
gled. Her two girls died of smoke inhalation after
the youngest was sexually assaulted, they were
tied to their beds and doused in gasoline, and the
house was set on fire.
Steven Hayes, 47, could be sentenced to death.
His attorneys have admitted his involvement and
will argue for a life sentence.

Nevada tea party chairman

resigns over secret recording
LAS VEGAS — The chairman of the Tea Party
of Nevada resigned Tuesday after a recording was
made public capturing Republican Sharron Angle
badmouthing GOP leaders during a meeting with
the shadowy group’s U.S. Senate candidate.
The exit of chairman Syd James is another blow
to the candidacy of Tea Party of Nevada nominee
Scott Ashjian, who has been denounced by state
tea party leaders who say he has no connection
to the movement that advocates limited govern-
ment and tightfisted public spending.
In a statement, James said he was endorsing
Angle, whose uneasy relations with national Re-
publicans were laid bare in the tape, which
Ashjian recorded secretly and later released to
the Las Vegas Sun newspaper.

Driver cuts off truck,

abducted Calif. girl flees
FRESNO, Calif. — An 8-year-old girl who was
abducted by a stranger while playing outside a
Fresno home escaped from her captor Tuesday
morning after a driver recognized the suspect’s
vehicle and cut it off, police said.
The child was found in Fresno about 11 hours AP PHOTOS
after she disappeared around 8:30 p.m. Monday, A villager walks through his yard flooded by toxic mud in Kolontar, Hungary, Tuesday. Flooding caused by the
triggering a statewide Amber Alert. Police ar- rupture of a red sludge reservoir at an alumina plant in western Hungary has killed at least four people, rescue
rested Gregorio Gonzalez, 24, who they said was services said Tuesday. Six people were missing and 120 injured in what officials said is an ecological disaster.
a member of the Bulldogs street gang.

‘Ecological catastrophe’
Fresno Police Chief Jerry Dyer said the driver
recognized the red pickup truck from media re-
ports that showed surveillance video of the kid-
napper’s vehicle. When the driver saw a girl’s
head in the window, he cut the truck off and
forced it to stop, Dyer said. The suspect pushed
the girl out of the car, and she ran to safety, he
said. Hungary towns hit by toxic sludge
The girl was taken to a hospital in good condi-
tion, but Dyer later confirmed she had been sex- ASSOCIATED PRESS product in aluminum produc-
ually assaulted. tion that contains heavy met-
KOLONTAR, Hungary — A als and is toxic if ingested.
lethal torrent of toxic red
Lawyers: Student charged sludge from a metal refinery
In Kolontar, the town clos-
est to the plant, Erzsebet
in Rutgers case innocent engulfed towns in Hungary,
burning villagers through
Veingartner was in her
NEWARK, N.J. — Lawyers for one of the two kitchen when the 12-foot-high
their clothes and threatening
Rutgers University students accused of secretly wave of red slurry hit, sweep-
an ecological disaster Tuesday
webcasting the sex life of a fellow freshman who ing away everything in its
as it swept toward the Danube
later committed suicide said Tuesday their client River. path.
is innocent. The flood of caustic red “I looked outside and all I
Prosecutors have charged Molly Wei, of Prince- mud triggered a state of emer- saw was the stream swelling
ton, and fellow Rutgers freshman Dharun Ravi, of gency declaration by Hungar- like a huge wave,” the 61-year-
Plainsboro, both 18, with invasion of privacy for ian officials. At least four old widow said Tuesday as
allegedly using a webcam to broadcast the en- people were killed, six were she surveyed her backyard,
counter between Ravi’s roommate, 18-year- old missing and 120 injured, many still under 6 feet of noxious
freshman Tyler Clementi, and a man who hasn’t muck.
been identified. with burns. A villager cleans his home and yard flooded by toxic
Hundreds were evacuated “I lost all my chickens, my mud in Kolontar, Hungary, Tuesday.
Clementi jumped to his death off the George ducks, my Rottweiler, and my
Washington Bridge into the Hudson River three in the aftermath of the disas-
ter Monday, when a gigantic potato patch. My late hus- tection gear rushed to pour gloves as protection.
days later. His death has led to nationwide soul-
searching over the plight of gay teenagers and to sludge reservoir burst its band’s tools and machinery 1,000 tons of plaster into the By Tuesday, about 35.3 mil-
mourning on the Rutgers campus. Prosecutors banks at an alumina plant in were in the shed and it’s all Marcal River in an attempt to lion cubic feet of sludge had
are weighing whether to charge Wei and Ravi Ajka, a town 100 miles south- gone,” sobbed the woman, bind the sludge and keep it poured from the reservoir,
with a hate crime. west of Budapest, the capital. who gets by on a $350 monthly from flowing on to the flooding a 16 square mile area,
Attorneys for Wei released a statement Tues- The torrent of sludge inun- pension. “I have a winter’s Danube some 45 miles away. Environmental Affairs State
day extending sympathy to the Clementi family dated homes, swept cars off worth of firewood in the base- Nearby, desperate villagers Secretary Zoltan Illes told the
and saying Wei was innocent. roads and damaged bridges. ment and it’s all useless now.” waded through the toxic mud state news wire MTI.
Named for its bright red Emergency workers wear- trying to salvage possessions He called the spill an
— Associated Press color, the material is a waste ing masks and chemical pro- with little more than rubber “ecological catastrophe.”

Nobel physics prize and cars, as well as innovative elec- tor Qayum Pokhla said. Another
tronics, the academy said in an- 26 people were wounded, includ-
awarded for discovery nouncing the $1.5 million award. ing police officers.
Geim compared the material to
STOCKHOLM — Two Russian-
ize the world. “It has all the poten- Donors pledge $11.7B
plastic in its ability to revolution-
born scientists shared the Nobel
Prize in physics Tuesday for tial to change your life in the same to fight AIDS, TB
“groundbreaking experiments” way that plastics did,” he told The
with the thinnest, strongest ma- Associated Press Tuesday. UNITED NATIONS — Donors
terial known to mankind — a car- committed $11.7 billion Tuesday to
bon vital for the creation of faster fight AIDS, tuberculosis and
computers and transparent touch Taliban steps up malaria for the next three years, far
University of Manchester pro- attacks in Kandahar below the $17 billion needed to
meet U.N. goals to slow and beat
fessors Andre Geim and Konstan- KANDAHAR, Afghanistan — the killer diseases.
tin Novoselov used Scotch tape to Two explosions rocked Kandahar The contributions to The Global
isolate graphene, a form of carbon Tuesday, the second day of deadly Fund to fight the three pandemics
only one atom thick but more than blasts in the southern Afghan city represented a more than 20 per-
100 times stronger than steel, and where Taliban insurgents are fight- cent increase over the $9.7 billion
showed it has exceptional proper- ing back against U.S. and Afghan pledged for 2008-2010, which U.N.
Flash floods hit Indonesia ties, the Royal Swedish Academy of forces pushing into areas long held Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
Sciences said. by the insurgents. welcomed saying the money “is
Residents gather to inspect the damage suffered by an area Experiments with graphene A car bomb and a second, enough to give millions of people
affected by a flash flood in Wasior, Indonesia, Tuesday. Heavy could lead to the development of smaller blast killed nine people, in- living in fear a new lease on life.”
rain unleashed flash floods and mudslides, killing dozens of new superstrong materials with cluding one Afghan policeman,
people in a remote corner of the country. which to make satellites, airplanes Kandahar provincial health direc- — Associated Press

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