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SEPTEMBER 15, 2009

Forum to discuss four freedoms for Constitution Day

have the freedom to speak their mind. We have

Tiffany Brown access to thousands of documents of the truth
and what people think is truth. Americans on
,Staff I I 'liter a daily basis have the ability to discuss this
information. In your opinion do you believe that

More than 220 years ago, the world witnessed Americans have 'too much freedom' to speak
the birth of new nation. The founding fathers their minds about this information?"
brought with them the concepts of a nineteenth- The question allowed students to address

century English poet named John Milton to cre- why this generation has not been as active in the
ate what we now call a democracy. democratic process as older generations.
Democracy places the power in the hands of "In my era...we went out to the streets," Susan
the people. Yet, it requires the people to partici- Scott, ADP coordinator, said.
pate in the democratic process. Scott recalled how many citizens weren't
At the core of the modern democracy in the afraid to protest in the streets on issues that may
United States of America is the Constitution, "'have impacted their lives when she was growing
which gave many generations freedom and the up.
Bill of Rights with the concept that all American "What happened is, we gave you guys so much
citizens were given basic rights. that we forgot to teach you," Scott said.
The signing of the Constitution on Sept. 15, Johnson Aranda, a broadcast student, said,
1787 has led several organizations to become civi- "I believe someone said, with freedom comes
cally engaged and encourage other University of responsibility.
Central Oklahoma students, faculty and staff to "I've been in this country for two years,"
celebrate its birthday. Aranda said. "What I noticed is that people tend
The American Democracy Project (ADP), to think that freedom means you can say any-
with the help of the UCO Student Association thing even when it's not based on fact."
(UCOSA), Pi Sigma Alpha, the New York Times When compared to other countries like Iran,
and UCO's Leadership and Civic Engagement Americans have many freedoms that people are
class, have organized a forum to discuss how currently suffering and risking their lives for.
important it is for this generation to become "It's astounding [to] me most of the times
active in government. when I look at the amount of information that
ADP is a national organization that challenges people are able to access and the things that
students nationwide to become "informed and people can read," he said.
engaged citizens" to continue the concept of When freedom is abused, it can have a nega-
democracy. tive impact and it becomes dangerous, Aranda
Students like Tim Deffebaugh and Amanda said.
Gamble have dedicated their free time to organize Students will have the same opportunity
events for Constitution Day.
On Sept. 17, five panel members will discuss leadership and Civic Thoughts on Democrocy to voice their opinion at the Four Freedoms
Forum as those who attended the ADP meeting,
the four freedoms and the consequences of abus- Engagement Workshop Four Freedoms forum Deffebaugh said.
ing it. It will be held at 7:oo p.m. at the Pegasus Tuesday, September 15, 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm Thursday, September 17 • Pegasus Theatre "I believe that any student, regardless of polit-
Theater in the Liberal Arts building with pizza ical party, interest in politics, etc., should come
being served at 6:3o p.m.
NUC Heritage Room free Pine @ 6:30 p.m. to this forum to learn what fellow students have
"The purpose of the American Democracy Speaker - Abby Mesa of CIRCLE forum @ 1:00 p.m. to say about the freedoms that we 'currently'
Project is to promote civic engagement on our possess, and challenge their own way of thinking
campus, and with this forum we want to show
For more information: www.ucosedu/adp in a positive manner," Deffebaugh said.
Photo provided "Our slogan for the forum and other events
people that civic engagement can be fun, excit-
ing and even risky, yet that is the joy of it all, " that we plan to host this year is 'Bringing a real
Deffebaugh said. from want . . . everywhere in the world. The fourth is free- world to real students,' and that is exactly what
"I wanted to create this forum so that students would dom from fear . . . anywhere in the world." we are going to do," he said.
have an opportunity to voice their concerns about our This speech was delivered at a time when the Europe Abby Kiesa will be speaking to students during a
freedoms, while hearing the opinions of their fellow was being dominated by Nazi Germany. Leadership and Civic Engagement Workshop at too on
peers," he said. "I feel that if we are going to impact our "College students like discussions, not lectures, and this Sept. 15 in the Nigh University Center Heritage room as a
whole campus, we need a forum like this, with students forum is designed to draw the 'I'm not into politics' kind part of Constitution Day.
and faculty/staff members, to bring our campus together of students to discuss the four freedoms and what they Although the constitution was signed by the founding
to share our thoughts with one another." mean," Deffebaugh said. fathers 222 years ago, freedom has not wavered. Through
The Four Freedoms Forum is focused on Franklin Students such as Deffebaugh want to make the Four the democratic process, Americans are given the right to
Delano Roosevelt's 1941 address to Congress when he was Freedoms an annual Constitution Event. exercise that freedom and UCO students are doing just
president. "This is the first year that the knurl- will be field and that.
In the speech, Roosevelt list four freedoms individuals because I am confident in the success of this program, I
should have. am sure that this will become an annual event for the week
Roosevelt said, "We look forward to a world founded of Constitution Day," Deffebaugh said. Vista Writer Tiffany Brown can be reached at
upon four essential human freedoms. The first is freedom During the first ADP meeting held Sept. 4, several stu- tbrown@uco360.corn.
of speech and expression—everywhere in the world. The dents discussed the Four Freedoms and what the concept
second is freedom of every person to worship God in his of freedom means to this generation.
own way—everywhere in the world. The third is freedom The discussion focused on the statement: "Americans

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