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Abdul Rahman Malik


INTRODUCTION: Birkenhead Drill is a story of extravagant deed of heroism shown by the soldiers
of British 963Army. The Birkenhead Drill was a troop ship, which come across with sudden
accident which has brought a dramatic change in the life of soldiers. Birkenhead Drill means
Women and Children First is the order followed on all ships that are in danger. Birkenhead Drill
means today to stand be still facing certain death so that the weaker ones may have a chance of life.


irkenhead Drill was a military ship. In February 1851, it was going to South Africa with troops and
their families. There were a total of six hundred and thirty people on board out of which one hundred
and seventy were women and children. The rest were inexperienced military men and officers. At 2
a.m. on 25th February, when this ship was near Cape Town, it strokes a massive rock that was not shown on
any of the maps. This sudden jerk broke the ship into two pieces. The front half soon sank but the hind half
stayed afloat. Most of the people manage to reach the rear part. There were only 3 lifeboats left undamaged
with a capacity of 60 persons per boat. Only 180 people could be saved in this way. The others would draw
because the damaged military ship could not float much longer. This situation should have caused a panic on
the ship. Unlike other happenings, there was no panic or confusion in the boat. The trained soldiers managed
complete discipline and were successful in transferring some women and children into the lifeboats. The
captain and soldiers stood line by line as if they were on their daily drill. Everyone was loyal to his duty and
himself. A commander set an example by giving his life for two young soldiers. When the commander was
hanging on to some piece of wood, he saw two young soldiers struggling in the water. He allowed them to
hold on wreckage. But the commander realized that the wreckage could not bear the weight of the three
persons so he let go his hold and went into the water for ever. Due to complete management of discipline,
194 people were saved but 436 men drowned forever in the deep waters. Moral The undiminished order of
the soldiers presented in the article reflects the quality of sacrifice and devotion in mankind. We should
stand still facing certain fate so that the weak ones may have a chance to live. This has been known as
Birkenhead Drill since then.



Q.1: When and where did the Birkenhead sink?
Ans: The Birkenhead sank sixty four kilometers far from the coast of South African city of Cape
town on February 25, 1951.
Q.2: What kind of people were being carried as passengers on the Birkenhead?
Ans: The Birkenhead was carrying soldiers and their families to South Africa. The soldiers were mostly
young and in experienced.
Q.3: How did Birkenhead come to be wrecked? Were any members of crew to blame?
Ans: The Birkenhead ran into an underwater rock and was wrecked on it. No member of crew was to blame
for this disaster as the rock was not indicated on any map and none of them knew anything about it.
Q.4: Why was there life boat accommodation for only 180 people after collision with toe rock?

Abdul Rahman Malik

Ans: Most of the life boats on the ship were damaged during the collision. Only three of them were left intact
and they had capacity of sixty persons each. The total accommodation that came to 180 persons only.
Q.5: Was there enough room in the life boats for all the women and children on the board?
Ans: There was enough room in the life boats for all the women and children because they were 170 in all
and there was capacity of 180 persons in life boats.
Q.6: What would probably have happened, had there been panic?
Ans: If there had been a panic, the women and children have been crushed under the feet of men in their bid
to escape first.
Q.7: Describe the behavior of the soldiers while the women and children escaped in the boats?
Ans: In the face of certain death of the soldiers showed an exemplary behavior by maintaining full discipline,
while the women and children escaped in the boats.
Q.8: Were many of men rescued who remained on the sinking ship? How did the survivors among those
left on the ship manage to save themselves?
Ans: There were 630 persons on board out of these 170 were women and children. Thus the men numbered
460. Very few of them were picked up by the rescue ship. Only 24 men could be rescued.
Q.9: Describe one heroic action that took place after the Birkenhead went down?
Ans: The commander of the ship showed great heroism ever after the ship had sunk. He managed to cling to
some piece of wreckage. But when he found that two young sailors were struggling for their life. He pushed
the piece of wreckage towards them for the support. But when he found that it could not support all three of
them, he let go his hold upon it and went down into sea.
Q.10: Were the troops on the board of the Birkenhead experienced and used to facing danger? How do
we know that they behaved with gallantry and discipline up to very last?
Ans: The troops on the board of the Birkenhead were mostly young inexperienced. They were not used to
facing danger. Nevertheless they were fully disciplined and behaved heroically. They faced certain death
with perfect calmness. They sacrificed their lives in order to give weaker one a chance of life we have come
to know their heroism through survivors.

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