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ad advertisement beat strike, win but except
add to increase beet vegetable butt push with head
ail pain, trouble been past of be bye farewell
ale liquor, beverage bin storage container by near
buy purchase
air atmosphere berry fruit
err make a mistake bury to inter cannon large gun
heir inheritor canon law, rule
berth sleeping place
aisle passage birth being born canvas material
isle island canvass to poll, solicit
bite tear with teeth
I’ll I will
byte computer data capital city, uppercase
arc curved shape capitol building
blew past of blow
ark boat
blue color carrot vegetable
ate past of eat karat/carat weight
board wooden slat
eight number caret proofreading mark
bored disinterested
all everyone, everything cash money
boarder a lodger
awl punching tool cache hole for hiding goods
border outer edge
aloud audible cast mold, throw
born come into life
allowed permitted caste status
borne carried
altar table for worship cede to give up
bow archery tool, tie
alter change seed germ of plants
beau gentleman friend
ant insect cell small room, body part
bowl basin, dish
aunt relative sell to give for money
boll pod, ball
arc part of a circle bole tree trunk, earth censor judge of suitability
ark boat, chest sensor receiving device
bough tree limb
bail security bow to bend, ship part census population count
bale bundle senses faculties
boy male child
ball round body, dance buoy floating signal cent penny
bawl cry aloud sent to make go
brake stopping device
scent odor
bare no covering break past of broke, opening
bear animal, to carry cereal breakfast food
bread food
serial in a series
baron nobleman bred brought up
barren unfruitful chews masticates
bridal belonging to wedding
choose select
base bottom bridle a curb
bass or base in music cheap inexpensive
broach to utter
cheep bird’s chirp
bee insect brooch jewelry
be to exist chili spicy food
burrow rabbit hole
chilly cool
borough town
Copyright © Reading Manipulatives, Inc. Homonyms (sound alike, spelled different) p. 1
coral rocklike deposit earn acquire for work new not old
choral choir urn vase knew past of know
chord musical sequence eight number grate iron frame
cord string, measure ate past of eat great large, wonderful
chute inclined trough eye organ of sight grisly frightful
shoot fire a weapon I myself grizzly type of bear
aye yes
cite summons groan deep sigh
site place fair clear, pretty grown participle of grow
sight view fare price, food
hail salute, ice
close shut faze to disturb hale healthy
clothes garments phase stage
hair body growth
coarse rough feat accomplishment hare rabbit
course class, route feet plural of foot
hall corridor
compliment to flatter fir evergreen tree haul to carry
complement full amount fur animal hair
hay dried grass
core inner part flea insect hey greeting, expression
corps soldiers flee to run away
heal to cure
council assembly, group flour grain heel back of foot, scoundrel
counsel give advice flower blossom
hear receive audibly
creak squeaky noise flew past of fly here in this place
creek stream flue chimney vent
heard past of hear
flu sickness
crewel embroidery yarn herd group of animals
cruel mean for preposition
hi greeting
fore preceding
cymbal musical instrument high great elevation
four number
symbol representative sign
him objective pronoun
forth go forward
dam water blockage wall hymn religious song
fourth 4th
damn curse
hoard hide money away
foul distasteful
dear beloved horde large group
fowl bird
deer animal
hoarse scratchy voice
freeze turn to ice
dew moisture horse animal
frieze decoration
do perform
hole cavity
due owed gait manner of walking
whole entire
gate an entry way
die expire, stamp
hour sixty minutes
dye color groan deep sigh
our belonging to us
grown participle of grow
doe female deer
idol worshiped being
dough unbaked batter gild adorn
idle inactive
guild group
done finished idyl poem
dun pester for payment guilt blame
in preposition
gilt gold on surface
dual two inn lodging place, tavern
duel to fight
Copyright © Reading Manipulatives, Inc. Homonyms (sound alike, spelled different) p. 2
incite urge mantle cloak pedal for the foot
insight intuition mantel part of fireplace peddle to sell
its possessive pronoun marry to wed peer contemporary
it’s it is merry gay pier wharf
kernel seed marshal officer pistil part of a flower
colonel officer martial of war pistol firearm
knead work dough meet encounter, match plain simple
need desire meat food plane airplane, flat surface
knew past of know meddle interfere pole stick
new not old medal a token poll canvass
gnu animal
mite small insect pore opening in skin
knight title of honor might possibly, power pour cause to flow
night period of darkness
morn early in day principal chief, person
know understand mourn grieve principle main, rule
no not so
naval nautical profit gain
knot tied navel center of abdomen prophet foreteller
not negative
nay no rain water
leach filtrate neigh whinny of a horse reign rule
leech worm rein bridle
none no one, not any
lead metal nun female devotee raise lift
led guided raze demolish
oar paddle
lean thin, slant ore mineral rap strike, singing style
lien mortgage wrap cover
oh interjection
lesson instruction owe indebted read interpret
lessen to make less reed plant
one single
lie falsehood won gained real genuine, true
lye chemical reel stagger, wind
pail bucket
loan to lead pale lacking color read past of read
lone solitary red color
pain agony
made created pane square of glass retch vomit
maid woman wretch miserable person
pair twosome
mail letters pare to peel review go over
male masculine pear fruit revue musical show
maize corn peace quiet right correct
maze intricate puzzle piece a part rite ceremony
write print letters
main principal peak high point
mane hair peek to look ring circle, jewelry
wring to twist
mall hammer, stores peal loud sound
maul beat, tear up peel remove covering road street
rode past of ride
Copyright © Reading Manipulatives, Inc. Homonyms (sound alike, spelled different) p. 3
role part played son boy child vale valley
roll bread, turn over sun star vail fee
veil cover
rote memorized stair steps
wrote past of write stare intent gaze vane weathercock
vein blood vessel
rung sounded stake wager, post
vain conceited
wrung past of wring steak meat
wail moan
rye grain stationary motionless
wale a mark
wry contemptuous stationery paper
whale sea animal
sail ship movement steal thievery
waist part of body
sale reduction of prices steel metal
waste destroy, squander
scene vista straight not crooked
wait stay
seen participle of see strait narrow passageway
weight heaviness
sea ocean suite connected rooms
waive relinquish
see to view sweet sugary, pleasing
wave move
seam fastening tale story
warn to caution
seem to appear tail part on animal
worn affected by wear or use
serf slave taught past of teach
way manner, road
surf waves taut tight
whey of milk
sew stitch tea drink weigh balance, measure
sow plant tee golf ball peg
weak not strong
so conjunction
team group week seven days
shake vibrate teem full of
wear to put on
sheik Arab leader
tear moisture from eyes ware merchandise
shear clip tier row, rank where in which place
sheer thin, steep
their belonging to them wet moist
shoe foot covering there place whet to sharpen
shoo begone they’re they are
which the one that
shone past of shine threw past of throw witch sorceress
shown participle of show through finished, across
while time
shoot to kill thrown participle of throw wile deceit
chute channel throne seat of royalty
whine whimpering
slay kill toe part of foot wine alcoholic beverage
sleigh vehicle tow pull, drag
wood material of tree
soar rise high to preposition would was willing
sore painful too also, excess
wrote past of write
two number
sole only, foot bottom rote by memory
soul spirit urn vase
yolk yellow of egg
earn gain by labor
some part yoke oxen collar
sum total vice sin
vise a press
Copyright © Reading Manipulatives, Inc. Homonyms (sound alike, spelled different) p. 4

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