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Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh

School of Computing Science & Engineering

B.Tech. III Year/ V Semester/Fall-2017-18.
Course Name : Compiler Design
Course Code : CSE-313

1. Apply all the phases of compiler to generate the assembly code for the following code of a source program
P:=i*r*t. where P,i,r,t all are real value.

2. Create a cross compiler for EQN using C compiler ,written in PDP-11,producing code inP:DP-11and a EQN
language producing code for text formatter ,TROFF written in C.
3. Let G be CFG
S  bB/aA
A b/bS/aAA
B a/aS/bBB.
For String bbaababa find (i) Left most Derivation (ii) right most derivation (iii) Parse tree
4. Find DFA from the given R.E. a.(a+b)*.b.b,where . represent concatenation.

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