Major Takeaways of SDET Program

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An intensive hands-on result oriented mentoring program to transform budding aspirants

into Job Ready Software Development Engineer in Testing professionals

This program is designed with a commitment that the output objectives should absolutely
inculcate into the participants demonstrable knowledge & skillset that characterise an SDET

Major takeaways of SDET Program

Software Testing (Manual Testing)

 Demonstrable knowledge of Software Engineering process & various development life

cycles such as Agile Model, V-Model, DevOps etc
 Demonstrable ability in analysing Test Basis for various business problems & in
publishing Requirement Analysis Reports
 Demonstrable ability in identifying & prioritising Test Scenarios, Test Cases & Test Data
 Demonstrable ability to execute the tests, record test logs & compile identified metrics
 Demonstrable ability of identifying, reporting & tracking defects till the logical end
 Demonstrable ability to collaboratively contribute to the project using such tools as ALM,
Concerto, Outlook, Bugzilla, Jira etc

Agile process in JIRA

 Demonstrable ability of creating User Stories

 Demonstrable ability to create Sprints & assigning User Stories to Sprints
 Demonstrable ability of writing Test Cases & executing them
 Demonstrable ability to Log & track issues as well as to analyse the reports

Database - MS SQL Server

 Demonstrable knowledge on RDBMS including DML, DDL, DTL etc

 Demonstrable ability to write SQL Queries using Select, Join, Sub Query etc
 Demonstrable understanding of SQL Objects, Indexes, Joins, Stored Procedures,
Normalisation rules etc

Core Java

 Demonstrable understanding of the programming basics including programming logic,

techniques, datatypes, variables, conditional statements, loops, arrays etc
 Demonstrable understanding of OOPS concepts (Class, Object, Inheritance,
Polymorphism etc)
 Demonstrable knowledge of Access Modifiers, Interfaces, Collections, Exception
Handling, JDBC Connection etc
 Demonstrable skill in developing code to create Java program as per the task
 Demonstrable fluency in Java Programming
Test Automation with Selenium using Java

 Demonstrable skill in using Selenium / Katalon IDE

 Demonstrable skill in working with different elements on the webpage, handling multiple
windows, frames & alerts
 Demonstrable understanding of different libraries in Selenium, their purpose as well as
clear understanding on how & when to use them in test automation
 Demonstrable skill in debugging the scripts and in maintaining them
 Demonstrable skill in developing automation test script using Java for the given set of
Manual Test Cases
 Demonstrable ability in Data Driven Testing using data sources such as Excel
 Demonstrable ability of working with TestNG framework, Jenkins for schedules &
Keyword Driven framework
 Demonstrable skill in generating Standard & Customised Reports

Selenium Integration with other tools

 Maven: Demonstrable understanding of Maven Project, POM.xml, Creating builds and

 Code Management Tool: Demonstrable knowledge of the Code Management Tool &
Version Control. Skill of Checkin and Checkout of the code
 Continuous Integration Tool: Demonstrable understanding about the usage of CI Tool.
Skill in configuring the tool to automatically integrate the code & reporting

Mobile Test Automation with Appium

 Demonstrable ability to install & configure Appium, SDKs to test Android Apps
 Demonstrable understanding of Appium Libraries
 Demonstrable skill of developing test script to test Mobile Apps
 Demonstrable skill in testing Native, Web & Hybrid Mobile apps

Highlights of Training Methodology

 Simultaneous Practice with teaching
 Individual system provided to each participant
 Dedicated Mentoring by a 12+ years experienced Test Automation Architect
 Active interaction ensured through Participant Presentations, Group Discussions,
Participant Led Walkthroughs of the completed assignments etc
 Assignments for each & every major topic
 Attendance & assignment tracking to promote professionalism
 Real world examples & challenges attempted in the class
 Work environment exposure by way of Team calls, Stand up meetings, simulated Client
calls etc
 Resume guidance & Mock Interviews

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