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Government of Odisha Housing & Urban Development Department No. HUD-PROJ-SCII-107/2016/_ 18989 __/HUD, Bhubaneswar, Dated 18° 7° (& Sri Belalsen Behera Under Secretary to Government ‘The Director, Municipal Administration’ The Chief Engineer, Public Health(U), Odisha/ ‘The Project Manager (e-Municipality Project), M/s. TCS Ltd., Bhubaneswar, Email: The Team Leader, Technical Assistant Support Unit (TASU) Housing & Urban Development Department Email: E-municipality: Minutes of fifth meeting of project Implementation Committee (PIC) for e-Municipality. In inviting a reference to the subject cited above, I am directed to enclose herewith the copy of the minutes of fifth meeting of Project Implementation Committee (PIC) for e- Municipality which was held on 06.07.2018(03.30PM) under the chairmanship of Special Secretary to Government, H & UD Department for kind information and further necessary Encl: As above Yours faithfull Under Secretary to Government | Memo No 18924 —/ HUD, Bhubaneswar, Dated 18° 7-8 information and necessary action. Copy forwarded to the P.S. to Special Secretary to Govt., H&UD Department for, \ Under Seéfetary to Government Minutes of the 5% meeting of Project Implementation Committee (PIC) for e-Municipality Date & time: 06.07.2018 (3.30 PM) Venue: Conference Hall, H&UD Department List of participants annexed. Special Secretary to Government, H & UD Department chaired the 5% meeting of the Project Implementation Committee (PIC) for e-Municipality At the outset, TASU Team made a presentation on status/ action taken on the decisions of last PIC meeting held on 7th June, 2018 and progress thereof, utilisation level of e-municipality modules, and various issues based on monitoring of e-Municipalty operation across the state, The representative of Mis TCS Ltd. presented on the technicalities of Load Balancer, memory up-gradation and software updates for the database. Detailed discussions was held on the presentation made by TASU and TCS team members with an objective to increase the usage of e-Municipality system across the state and the following decisions were taken: St | Module ‘ation Rems Responsibiily | Timeline No | Name 1. [Across all!» Faciliate adoption of OSWAN network by | TCS/TASU | As required modules providing support for various meetings & discussions. Prepare updated list of ULBs who have | TASU 13.07.2016 adopted Digital Signature Ceriticates (OSC) and issue instructions from department to the remaining ULBs + Faciitate issuance of letters to ICICI and | TASU 20.07.2018 HOFC Banks inviting offers for Payment Gateway and follow up with GA and E&IT Departments for obtaining copy of payment gateway contract. * TASU Team to discuss with CPMG|TASU/TCS — | 30.08.2018 Office, Odisha Circle of Department of Post for postal delivery of Cerlificates including commercial terms. + TCS to submit a technical note on piiot implementation in pilot ULBs by providing options to the citizen to obtain certificates via post, which will be managed by ULBs. © Alter finalization of the modalities. with CPMG office and necessary technical integration the services can be rolled out to other ULBs. AlPage ftir TCS to check need for past notification, if any, on the standard documents prescribed by e-Municipality and prepare draft notification as required. Tcs 16.07.2018 TCS to develop and demonstrate options in e-Municipality for download of approved certificates. OTP based authentication process may be adopted. TCS 15.08.2018 Assist H&UD Dept. in sending e-request to NIC for availing the mail server. TASU 12.07.2018 ‘Submit technical specification to H&UD Dept. on additional hardware requirements for load balancer and additional memory for firewall and other infrastructure requirement. TCS 20.07.2018 Oracle Database migration from oracle 10g to 12c may be undertaken by TCS team after proper testing in the test environment taking minimum down time factor into consideration TCS 12.08.2018 2. | Birth Death Registration Module For notification of appointment of Registrar of Birth & Death in newly formed ULBs, advisories to be issued to the concemed ULBs for submission of request to Chief Registrar through CDMO, TASU 16.07.2018 Letter to be issued to Health and Family Welfare Dept. requesting for a discussion ‘on various challenges for online usage of application and certificate issuance including appoint of VS clerks in 26 ULBs. TASU 13.07.2018 Discuss with NUHM/ Directorate H@FW to explore possibility of online transfer of Birth data from MCTS sewer to e- Municipality TASU 30.07.2018 3. | Water Tax Module TCS and TASU to jointly hold meeting with PHEO officials to identify issues in Water Tax module and constraints in digitization of legacy data TCS/TASU 15" meeting scheduled to 10.07, 2018 4, | Holding Tax Module Follow up on digitisation of legacy data of Holding Tax. TASU ‘On going 5 fe Municipality Portal Combined Portal for all the ULBs needs to be established. The ULB portal under e- Municipality project to be re-directed to the existing ULB pages. Design document to be shared for approval TCS 31.07.2018 2|Page AE 6 | Payment and — other issues TCS raised concem over _ their outstanding payment and H&UD department to take necessary action in this regard in discussion with OCACIOeSL towards release of payment til 31% March 2018, OCAC may be communicated for necessary UC submission til 315 March 2018, Necessary Security system to be replicated at Central Helpdesk-cum- ‘Support Centre of e-Municipalily project at WATCO premises. HUD Dept. EIC Office 31.07.2018 13.07.2018 7. | Other Road trenching and PH grievance documents to be shared by TCS for UAT. TCS 10.07.2018 ‘The meeting ended with vote of thanks fo the chair and all participants. 3] Page Special Secret fo Govl'diirman, Pic Housing & Urban Development Department Fifth meeting of Project Implementation Committee on e-Municipality Project 06.07. 2018(03.30 PM), Conference Hall of H & UD Department Members Present ‘SLNo. Name Designation Signature 1 | SiP.K Tha Special ‘Seeretary to Governmen, H & UD Department * [eB iad Rod | ree Ree " THaesPeastn Gul rey Gite. Ryan, miSwa | TAU Gee, Sadish Ke Re’ | TasU Merpor SL Adie qws9 M bitin Cams tere, Tape A : Siantes Dion Dedetbe Array. ep let, | OH) c Ridin ans Niel TL - TAS U ae Prem Kumar Jha, IFS GOVERNMENT OF ODISHA

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