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Insoluble Water in oil, post-electrostatic Desalter, method C-090


The centrifuge method has the advantage of being more expeditious than the water by distillation
procedure, and in addition furnishes information regarding the presence of sand, clay and other solid
material which may be of concern. If suitable solvents and chemicals are known to give accurate
results, they are preferred.


2 Centrifuge Tubes, 100 ml.

Hot Bath.


The sample shall be thoroughly representative of the crude oil in question, and the portion for the test
shall be thoroughly representative of the sample itself. This requires vigorous agitation of the sample
immediately before transferring the sample to the centrifuge tube.

Fill the centrifuge tube exactly to the 50 ml mark with the solvent to be used. The solvent may be
either commercial grade Xylene or Benzine containing a suitable demulsifier (Tretolite J-30 or R-11 or
that already used locally) which is 100% water saturated at ambient temperature, but free of entrained

To the tube then add the well shaken sample directly into the tube until the total volume is exactly 100
ml. Read the top of the meniscus at both the 50 and 100 ml marks. Stopper the tube tightly and shake
vigorously until the contents are thoroughly mixed. Immerse the tube to the 100 ml mark for 10 minutes
in the hot bath maintained at 120oF.

Next, invert the tube to assure that the crude oil and solvent are uniformly mixed, using care because
the tube will contain vapour pressure at this temperature. Place the tube in a trunnion cup opposite
another tube to establish a balanced condition and whirl for 10 minutes at approximately 2100 rpm for
a 12" arc swing.


Multiply the combined volume of water and sediment by two and record the product as the percentage
of water and sediment.


The emulsion, water and bottom sediment values should be reported separately.


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