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Report writing Rules: Formatting

1. Font type - Times New Roman

2. Line spacing – 1.15 or 1.5
3. Paragraph - Justify
4. Learning Outcomes 1-4 (heading) - font Bold and 16 size
5. Body text (for entire Report) - font size 12
6. Headings- font size 12 & bold
7. Sub headings- font size 12 & italic
8. Table of contents mandatory
9. References - Harvard references style – mandatory
10. Every picture will be labelled with the name Figure 1,2,3,4,5..: The X Cycle (an example)
11. Every picture Figure 1,2,3,4,5 will go into Table of Content
12. Any table will be labeled as Table 1: name of the table and it will also go into table of contents

Learning Outcome 1

1. Define Leaders
2. Define Managers
3. Compare different roles of a leader and a manager
4. Compare different characteristics of a leader and a manager
5. Analyze and differentiate between the role of a leader and function of a manager with the help of
theories and concepts. (must give practical examples in order to achieve Merit)

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