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(1) Our Majoring
(2) Learn About Earth Science
(3) The place of hydrocarbons
(4) The famous games with strategy wars
(4) Pemboran (English)
(5) An International Organization in Our campus
(8) Capital City of Indonesia
(6) The equipment of drilling
(11) Batuan (English)
(7) Our Planet
(12) Capital City of West Papua Province
(9) Name of President SPE STT MIGAS SC period now
(13) Natrium Clorida
(10) Name of Chairman STT MIGAS BALIKPAPAN
(15) “I’m Built, I’m Keep, I’m defend”
(14) One of type Rig
(16) Flower in Japan
(15) Province in Indonesia, famous with the beautiful
(18) ……… Turah
(20) Other name of “Mathematics” in Engineering
(17) The scary doll
(21) Type of rocks
(19) Player Badminton needed that
(22) One of the drilling equipment
(23) High School of Technology Oil and Gas
(26) Learn about data, chart and probability
(24) Application was blocked by KOMINFO
(28) Your communication with God
(25) Peralatan (English)
(30) Marvel’s Superhero with green in his body and very
(27) It can help you to find the other way and direction
(29) Thanks God !!

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