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Summer review Name :

Date :

What happened this summer? How well do you remember?

 WRITING Time ! A- Read this article and put the verb in brackets in the past tense.
Mind the irregular verb forms!

France Wins 2018 FIFA World Cup Final (July 17th)

France …………… (beat) Croatia 4-2 in the final of the FIFA World Cup in Moscow on
Sunday night. It …………… (be) a thrilling and high-scoring end to a hugely successful
tournament. France's victory …………… (come) 20 years after their very first success in
1998. French coach Didier Deschamps …………………… (become) only the third man to win
the competition as a player and coach. The final …………… (be) a true spectacle that
…………… (have) quality football, controversial refereeing decisions, an own goal, a pitch
invasion, and a goalkeeping howler. Billions of people around the world …………… (watch) as
France slowly …………………… (impose) their quality on the game with a team full of
outstanding talent, which …………………… (include) the next global superstar - the explosive
19-year-old forward Kylian Mbappe.

B- Write about 4 events that happened in the world in July or August 2018.
Use the dates and the past simple form of the verbs.

For example  On July 16th 2017, Roger Federer became the only man to win 8 Wimbledon titles.




C- Rewrite this article in the PAST tense. Imagine you are the journalist reporting back on the Lunar Eclipse that
took place last July . Mind the changes !

Longest Lunar Eclipse of the Century

The longest lunar eclipse of the century will happen late Friday or early Saturday,
depending on where you live. The American space agency NASA says the moon will move
into the Earth’s shadow on Friday night. For four hours, it will be partly in the Earth’s
shadow. The total eclipse will last 1 hour 42 minutes and 57 seconds. The eclipse will
be visible to people in Europe, Africa and the Middle East on July 27 between sunset
and midnight. Those who live in Asia and Australia will be able to see the eclipse
between midnight and sunrise on July 28.The eclipse will turn the light color of the
moon to deep red. Scientists call this kind of moon a “blood moon.”

 A- WRITING Time ! Fill in the WH- Questions you reviewed in class.

…………………..……… city will organize the Olympic Games in 2024 ?

…………………..……… is Usain Bolt ?

…………………..……… was the 7 season premiered ?


…………………..…… …………………..……… episodes will there…………………..……… in the 8 season of “GOT” ?


…………………..……… did the filming begin ?

…………………..……… …………………..……… Neymar born ?

…………………..……… …………………..……… he come …………………..……… ?

…………………..……… …………………..……… he score his first goal ?

…………………..……… …………………..……… matches …………………..……… he play for Brazil ?

…………………..……… …………………..……… was Ronaldo …………………..……… ?

…………………..… …………………..…people …………………..…… killed during the Barcelona terrorist attack last summer ?

…………………..……… …………………..……… Donald Trump and Kim Jong- Un …………………..…… hands for the first time ?

Complete the from around the World using the words and
numbers from the Wordbank below.

N°1 : ----------------------- is set to enter a new era of transport as a ---------------------- car could go on --------------------

next year. The BlackFly airborne ------------------------ was unveiled by maker Opener in California on Thursday. It is the
brainchild of Google co-founder Larry Page. BlackFly's --------------------------- say it can travel for up to 40km at a ------------
----------------- of 100kph.

N°2 : The historic ------------------------ between President Trump and Chairman Kim on June will go down in history as a
key ------------------------ of the early ------------------------------ --------------------------------. It was the first time ever that a
sitting U.S. President and a --------------------- ------------------------ leader have --------------------- .

N°3 : Aretha Franklin, the American singer known as “the ------------------------ of ------------------ l” died Thursday at her
home in Detroit, Michigan. She had spent many years battling ----------------------. She was 76 years old. Franklin was
born on March 25 , ---------------------- , in Memphis, Tennessee, but she was raised in Detroit .

N°4 : France has voted to ban --------------------------------- and personal --------------------------- from schools. ------------------------
voted overwhelmingly by ------------------------ on Monday to prohibit students aged between ---------- and ------------- from
even bringing their devices to school. The ban is part of a ----------------------------- to reduce --------------------------------- to

N°5 : -------------------------------- have found more about who built the ------------------- -year-old Stonehenge - the world-
famous ancient ---------------------------- monument in England. It has been a -------------------------- for------------------------------- of
years. Scientists say the --------------------------------- of Stonehenge could have come from Wales, -----------------------------
kilometres away.

 Write the numbers, years and dates in full letters.

Les nombres ordinaux (avec une

terminaison du type –th) doivent être
précédés de l’article « the»
15 

25 

40 

57 

62 


76 

160 

5000 

28th 

21st 

2018 


18/06 

27/07 


Now , write about a sad , happy or strange News Story from across the globe
that happened in July or August. Search the Web to find inspiration and the information
you may need. Use the dates and the past simple form of the verbs. Remember that almost
all newspaper stories start off by answering most of these questions. Who - What - When -
Where - Why – How .

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