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It´s a sunny and humid day in Caer Callidyr, a major settlement in the Moonshae Islands.
Today is market day and you can all see a random crowd of excited people moving from one stall to
another, stopping here and there, letting themselves be lured by the persuasive call of any of the
merchants, like honey for a bee, but these silver tongued charmers don´t offer that sweet liquid gold
but a huge selection of fine clothes, quality weapons, sacks of coal, pelts, dried fish, fresh fruit...
and even slaves.

In your minds an opinion grows about everything you see but, without time to finish that thought
you all hear a man yelling - I´ve been robbed! It was that cloaked boy running down the street!.
Just for a fraction of a second, you forgot the reasons why you are here and focus in what´s going
on right now.

A man in religion attire [Cleric] can see in the distance, from the another side of the bazaar, a
slender figure running through the crowded plaza, followed by a man in armor, whilst a huge
northman [Barbarian] enjoys a massive tankard of ale by the entrance door of one of the most
famous inns in town, The howling dog. The bulky savage nearly spills their drink and bangs the inns
door with their fist when realizes that the thug is followed by a man in metallic armor [Fighter],
someone with he enjoyed a few drinks the previous night. The innkeeper shouts at him that if he
breaks it he´ll have to pay for it. All that brings to the present time another customer of The howling
dog, a man in loosen clothes, which had to interrupt his meditation [Monk] to see how a couple of
figures run down the street.

At that point, the runner realizes his mistake that it wasn´t a good idea to look back while running,
because he tripped over another figure, but this one wears a robe with strange symbols engraved on
it [Wizard\Sorcerer\Warlock], - “I´m sorry!” he apologizes whilst he tries to stand quickly (He
tries to slide the stolen golden amulet into the caster´s pocket: Sleight of hand (1d20+4) vs caster´s
As soon as the young stands up, he takes his cloak of and hadles it to a shady figure passing by
[Rogue] (or to a street performing artist [Bard]), who catches it in a reflexive action and turns the
corner, only to bang agains the heavy armor of a figure with remarkable aura [Paladin]. The
youngster freezes in place - “It wasn´t me, he did it!”, pointing at the figure in the corner holding
the cloak (Rogue/Bard). At this point the pursuer (Fighter) arrives to the scene and so another two, a
man in outlander outfit [Ranger] and another in a similar attire [Druid] and...

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Once all this misunderstanding is solved, the [Druid] says - “I do apologize for all this but once
you here I´d like to request your help to assist me. I´ll reward you for the effort” - Once they
do agree with the terms, he leads you through the city towards a well built shrine, at the South side
of the city. You can see different shops, great buildings and also a wonderfully created palace (The
Palace of the High King). Once in he says - “My name is Arthas Bolen, I´m a druid of the
Greatmother (Religion checks, DC 14, to realise that´s how they call Chauntea, the goddess of
Agriculture). I´ll be straight forward because it´s not time to waste. I believe you´re aware of
the Moon Festival, which it will celebrated here in 4 nights, but to perform the rites I do use a
silver goblet with the Greatmother´s symbol engraved on it. It was stolen this last night and I
can´t ove from here because I have to perform other rituals. I could see a faint track heading
South from here. Could you please find it for me? The city guards [Fighter/Paladin will know]
had received several complaints later on about missing people too. Could it be all related?” - If they
aceppt - “Thank you so much. Take this flasks, these will help you if you feel weak (2d4+4). I´ll
wait for you!”

Few hours later, following the still recent track, you can see a small farm in the distance. You can
also hear shouts and someone crying. When you get closer you can see a man in peasant ropes
shouting to a helpless woman crouching by a big tree. You can also see a body lying near by
(Perception checks DC 12 to realise that he´s still moving a hand, very slowly. At this point
characters will have 2 rounds to try to save the dying Lor). As soon as you get close the man
(Joram) say to you - “It´s none of your business, go away” and faces the Ingrid again - “And you,
cheater, grab your things and go away, I don´t want to ee you ever again! I´m sure he did also steal
some of the sheep too!”.
Whatever is the outcome they´ll be told that some of their sheep were stolen this last night.

At night, they´ll be attacked in one of the watches by 2 wolves:

AC 13, HP 18, Speed (40 ft), Stealth +3, Initiative +2
Attack (Bite): +4 to hit, damage 2d4+2 P. If hit, must succeed a DC11 STR roll or be
knocked prone.
Wolf 1 [18 HP] →
Wolf 2 [18 HP] →

Nothing else this night.

By mid morning you´ll see a camp with 2 men by a crossroads (East/South). One of them wears a
forest like attire and the other a tunic - “Look, it seems we do have company” and they get ready to

Fighter: AC 14 (Leather armor), Sword (+3 to hit, 1d6+1 damage), Initiative +2.
Loot: 15gp
10 HP →
Wizard: AC 11 (Tunic), Dagger (+3 to hit, 1d4+1 damage), Initiative +1.
Spellbook (Sleep, Magic Missile, Magic Armor, Ray of Sickness).
Spells [DC 12, Attack +4]: Cantrips (Friends, Light, Fire Bolt), 1st level (Magic
Armor, Sleep).
Loot: 10gp, note (“Bring me some more to the Siren's Grotto” - Norelyn).
7 HP →

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A nature check (DC 12) will reveal that the location in the note refers to a natural cave by the
seaside in the nearest island, Gwyneth, and it will take you a couple of hours to reach it by boat.

Heading South, you´ll arrive to a fishing village. You can also restock yourselves, have a drink and
even have a little break to recover your breath, moment when you can all level up (2nd level).

By the shoreside, you can see an old man looking at you. If the characters ask him about their need
of a boat, he´ll tell them that he has a sailing one and he´ll ask them for 10gp (bargaining with a
Persuasion roll, DC 12, will reduce the price down to 6gp). The old man will tell them that the cave
is heading West -”It won´t take you ore than a little more than an hour”. It´s evening already.
Following the directions and having a bit of an issue with the direction of the winds, some throwing
away because it´s the first time that they go aboard a ship, you finally see a cave by the seaside. You
anchor the ship and more trough water a few meters (human size is just by the waistline, dwarf size
by the neck, butit´s not need to make swim rolls. How much weight thy have, it´s useful to make
them walk along the bottom of the shore.

Once you step into, you hear how the echoing of your steps sound through the cave, a naturally
carved cave with stalagmites. A feminine voice says from the end of the cave - “Are you back that
soon?” - And a young half-elf woman in dark robes and armor holding a shiny chalice shows off.
She then leaves the dripping goblet on a side of an altar and gets ready to attack:

Norelyn (Half-Elf Cleric of Bane, Death Domain, LE, 3rd level).

Str 11 (+0), Dex 10 (+0), Con 12 (+1), Int 12 (+1), Wis 15 (+2), Cha 13 (+1).
AC 14 (Chain mail, shield), Initiative +0, Speed 30 ft
Sav. Throws (Str +0, Dex +1, Con +1, Int +1, Wis +4, Cha +3).
Weapons: Light mace (+2 to hit, 1d6 dmg).
Spells (Save DC 12 Attack +4): Cantrips (Chill Touch, Light, Spare the dying, Sacred
flame), 1st level [x4] (Bane, Command, Cure Wounds, Protection Evil/Good + False
Life/Ray of Sickness), 2nd level [x2] (Hold Person, Prayer of Healing + Blindness/Deafness,
Ray of Enfeeblement).
Loot: 50gp, 2 potions of healing (1d8 each), goblet [Chauntea´s Goblet (Silver, it
transforms regular water into a clear beverage which heals 2d8 HP once/person in nights
with full moon)], dagger with leaves engraved on it [Shadowfang (non-sentient): Benefit
(Everytime you hit someone with it by surprise, the leave turns reddish and you´ll gain
temporary HPs equal to the basic dagger damage (1d4) + Dex modifier, this temporary HPs
will remain for 3 hours), Hidden condition (Everytime the holder attacks, they must
make a DC 12 CHA Sav. Throw (DC 16 in Ravenloft due the evilness of the Demiplane
itself) or get an accumulative – 1 to WIS Sav. Throws during that period of time), Escape
condition (A Remove Curse spell or becoming inmune to the Frightening condition for 24
hours). Requires attunement].
21 HP →

After this combat, they can rest and on their way back to the old man´s shore you can see how a
clear fog starts to form all along, getting denser as time passes by, covering your ship. If they do a
Naure check (DC 12) tey´ll realise that no stars can be see in the sky either and you are also sure
that the wind didn´t change its direction, so 'Why is it taking you that long to reach the shoreline?
You should be there by now...”


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Chauntea´s Goblet Shadowfang

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