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NAME: ____________________________________________

1. Complete the sentences with the words below. There is one word you do not need.

compost left-overs packaging pollution sea creatures waste

1 The factories caused a lot of ____________ .

2 If you want something to eat, there are ____________ from lunch in the fridge.
3 We’re cleaning up the beach so the rubbish doesn’t harm ____________ .
4 Don’t throw those old vegetables away. We can use them to make ____________ .
5 I don’t buy fruit and vegetables in plastic bags because we can’t recycle the ____________

2. Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1 I wish my little sister _______________ (not be) so annoying.
2 I wish we _______________ (can) go to the beach on my birthday.
3 I wish my parents _______________ (understand) me better.
4 I wish I _______________ (know) some more people in this town.
5 I wish Dad _______________ (not work) so hard. He’s always tired.

3. Complete the dialogue with the words below. There are two words you do not need.

choose more part raise rather sponsor wave

Ben I want to try and 1____________ some money for our rugby team.
Dad Good idea. You could dress up and collect money in town.
Ben Hmm. I think I’d much 2____________ organise a sponsored run.
Dad Oh. OK.
Ben I think it would be easier to get lots of people to take 3____________ . What’s 4____________ , it would be
good for everybody’s health.
Dad That’s true. Well, I’ll 5____________ you!
Ben Thanks, Dad! I thought you could also run with me!

4. Choose the correct words.

1 You must / needn’t take your shoes off when you come in, or the carpets will get dirty.
2 Shh! We mustn’t / needn’t wake my little brother. He’ll start crying.
3 We must / mustn’t buy some flowers for Jane’s mum. It’s polite to bring something when you visit someone.
4 We must / needn’t hurry. My aunt is never ready on time.
5 In some cultures you mustn’t / must eat everything on your plate. It’s polite to leave something

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