As A Child

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As a child, I was fond of questioning a lot of natural occurrences ranging from natural conditions such as

rain, the differences between people that is both mental and physical to academic tales in Social Studies
back in Primary School. Things like the history of mankind, the politics of Uganda and generally the
status quo at school.

It’s no surprise that I easily found myself in various conversation and arguments not only with my peers
but also grownups like my teachers, parents and elder siblings. This improved my debating skills back
then and made it much easier for me to stand and win an election.

At the back of my mind there has always been a breeze of service above self which explains the
exceptional leadership skills and commendation in my most recent position as Chairperson Protocol and
Functions St. Augustine Chapel Makerere University. This role saw me showcase all the soft skills
required to lead, direct, control and monitor a group of people. Indeed this role not only made me a
good leader but also helped me dance to the tune of reality in dealing with a group of people.

I therefore, see myself as a grown leader who has had exposure to a wide range of leadership
challenges and has been able to sail through most of them successfully but also gained a rich experience
in dealing with similar challenges.

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