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International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 121 (2018) 1364–1370

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Efficiency analysis of air-fuel and oxy-fuel combustion in a reheating

Sang Heon Han a,⇑, Yeon Seung Lee b,⇑, J.R. Cho b, Kyun Ho Lee c
NEXTfoam Co., 32, Digital-ro 9 gil, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul 08512, Republic of Korea
Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, Hongik University, 2639, Sejong-ro, Jochiwon-eup, Sejong 30016, Republic of Korea
Department of Aerospace Engineering Sejong University, 209 Neungdong-ro, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul 05006, Republic of Korea

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This study numerically verified the enhanced efficiency of a steel reheating furnace when applying oxy-
Received 27 August 2017 fuel combustion instead of air-fuel combustion. Only radiation heat transfer was considered to analyze
Received in revised form 20 December 2017 the periodically transient slab heating for an axial-fired furnace. The radiation field was computed with-
Accepted 22 December 2017
out flow field calculation by dividing the entire furnace into ten subzones of which the temperatures
were calculated by taking the overall heat balance for all the subzones. A total of five cases, 2 for air-
fuels and 3 for oxy-fuels, was analyzed to compare the slab heating behavior between air-fuel and
oxy-fuel combustion. The modified 5-gas WSGGM was used for oxy-fuel combustion cases to fulfill the
Reheating furnace
Oxy-fuel combustion
characteristics of CO2 and H2O enriched medium, while ordinary 4-gas WSGGM was used for air-fuel
Efficiency combustion cases. From the efficiency analysis for the total of five cases, it was predicted that oxy-fuel
Radiative slab heating combustion gave an approximately 50% enhancement in efficiency compared to air-fuel combustion.
Ó 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction through furnace walls can be managed to <3% of total heat input
[2,3]. A recuperator is used to elevate the combustion air temper-
In an integrated steel mill, 80% of annual CO2 emissions are pro- ature using the heat from exhaust gases. Recuperators and burners
duced by the melting of ore while the remainder is mostly pro- are currently well developed and show only marginal potential for
duced in the heating slabs or billets in reheating furnaces. upgrade. Highly efficient burners can attain almost complete
Because the steel mill industry is the third largest CO2 emissions combustion.
sector in South Korea [1], there is a compelling case to be made Because more than 90% of heat transfer to slabs or billets occurs
for steel mill companies to take necessary actions to reduce CO2 by radiation in reheating furnaces [4,5], heating efficiency can be
emissions in the near future. As is typically found in other thermal enhanced by oxy-fuel combustion [6]. The oxy-fuel combustion is
plants, the use of renewable energy sources can appear to offer a free from the burden of heating up nitrogen and can give higher
suitable choice for CO2 reduction in reheating furnaces. However, flame temperatures compared to ordinary air-fuel combustion
large integrated steel mills produce an abundant amount of by- [7]. In addition, oxy-fuel combustion produces a more radiatively
product gases, which are sufficient to run their own energy facili- active medium by removing a non-participating component,
ties. Such steel mills do not need a renewable energy source, and nitrogen. It has been reported that oxy-fuel combustion (OFC) is
it is, therefore, desirable to develop an alternative approach. competitive to air-fuel combustion (AFC) including compensation
Reduction of CO2 emissions from reheating furnaces can be for the cost of oxygen generation. However, the reports issued have
achieved by enhancing the thermal efficiency. This can be achieved been mostly from commercial stakeholders, such as Linde Gas and
by a reduction of heat loss through the furnace walls, heat recovery Praxair. Including not only the cost saved in reheating the furnace
of exhaust gases, complete combustion, a redesign of the geometric but also the cost of oxygen generation, it is likely that OFC is less
configuration of reheating furnaces, and oxy-fuel combustion. effective, or only slightly more effective, if any, than AFC.
However, the first four methods are well developed. The heat loss However, OFC may play a key role in reheating furnaces in the
near future, as a part of three CCS (CO2 capture and storage)
processes [8,9]: pre-combustion, OFC, and post-combustion. Pre-
⇑ Corresponding authors at: NEXTfoam CO., 32, Digital-ro 9 gil, Geumcheon-gu,
Seoul 08512, Republic of Korea.
combustion is not worth consideration in a reheating furnace.
E-mail addresses: (S.H. Han), When comparing the cost between OFC and post-combustion, it
(Y.S. Lee). is clear that OFC has a disadvantage at the stage before CO2
0017-9310/Ó 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S.H. Han et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 121 (2018) 1364–1370 1365


ak k-th absorption band, m1 Z ij subzone ij

be;k;j polynomial coefficient for the WSGGM model
f mass flow rate factor Greek symbols
h specific enthalpy, J=kg xe;k emissivity weighting factor for the k-th gray gas
I radiation intensity, W=ðm2  srÞ X solid angle
m_ mass flow rate per unit depth, kg=s=m
qR radiative heat flux, W=m2
Q rate of heat transfer or heat generation per unit depth, b boundary or black body
W=m i, j, ij indices
r position vector, m k index for gray gas
s unit direction vector, m
w wall
T temperature, K

separation and an advantage at the CO2 separation stage. If the cost furnace into several subzones without flow-field calculation.
of oxygen generation is fully compensated (or nearly compen- Because the standard 4-gas WSGGM (weighted sum of gray gas
sated) by the enhanced efficiency as in reheating furnaces, OFC is model) [22] is known to give an error in the case of an oxygen-
absolutely superior to post-combustion. enriched medium [23], a modified 5-gas WSGGM, as suggested
Kanniche et al. [8] suggested that each CCS process has its own by Johansson et al. [23], was used in the calculation for OFC.
optimum application part and OFC should be used together with a
pulverized coal boiler (PC); many OFC studies are focused on PC 2. Mathematical formulation
[10–12]. Buhre et al. reviewed various issues for OFC: heat transfer,
environmental issues, gaseous emissions, ash-related issues, igni- 2.1. Overall heat balance equations
tion and flame stability. Wall et al. reported the current interna-
tional status of the technology, contributions of current Fig. 1 shows the schematic frontal view of the furnace of this
demonstrations, and a roadmap for commercial deployment. Xiong study. It is 14.1 m deep and equipped with 51 axial burners: 24
et al. carried out a detailed thermo-economic cost analysis for a in the lower part and 27 in the upper part. It contains 31 slabs
600 MW pulverized-coal-fired power plant operating under an and a new slab is inserted from the left side wall. Each slab has
OFC environment. the width of 1.16 m and thickness of 0.23 m. The furnace is divided
In 1990, OFC was first introduced into a steel-reheating furnace into three zones: preheating, heating, and soaking zones. The
at Timken by Linde gas. Advanced technologies including the so- entire furnace is divided into 10 subzones to specify the tempera-
called flameless combustion, direct-flame impingement, and ture distribution of the gas medium and furnace wall. The axial
reheating furnaces operating under OFC environment were burners are installed in the fuel feed subzones - Z11, Z12, Z13, Z21,
adopted later [13–17]. Murakami et al. [18] carried out OFC in a Z22, and Z23. The following assumptions are introduced to analyzed
small scale furnace with coke oven gas (COG). Ebeling et al. [19] the heating characteristics of the reheating furnace.
presented technical and economic considerations for using OFC
in steel-reheating furnaces and provided general guidelines as to I. Fuel is fully combusted inside each feeding subzone.
when OFC is an appropriate alternative. Praxair has investigated I. The combustion gas flow of the lower part does not enter the
the application of flameless oxy-fuel combustion as applied to upper part until it reaches Z15.
reheating furnaces [20]. Oliveira et al. [21] performed a cost anal- II. Wall and medium temperature of each subzone remain
ysis for variations of preheating temperature in an OFC reheating constant.
furnace. III. All the slabs are same in material, shape, and insertion
This study has compared the thermal efficiency between AFC interval.
and OFC in an axial-fired reheating furnace. To analyze the effi- IV. It takes no time for slabs to move to next position.
ciency, a numerical approach was adopted to estimate the radia-
tion heat transfer into the slab generated by the combustion gas The mass and energy balance of an arbitrary subzone, Zij, satisfy
and to predict the periodically transient behavior of slabs. Based the following conservation equations.
on the author’s previous work [3], only radiation was considered
m _ ij;in þ m
_ ij;out ¼ m _ ij;fuel ð1Þ
for the slab heating, and radiation was accessed by splitting the

Fig. 1. Configuration of the furnace.

1366 S.H. Han et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 121 (2018) 1364–1370

Table 1
Composition of mixtures (%).

Species H2 CH4 C2H6 CO CO2 O2 H2O N2

COG 56.4 26.6 2.9 8.4 3.1 0.3 0.0 2.3
Flue gas (Air-fuel) 0 0 0 0 0.08 0.01 0.21 0.70
Flue gas (Oxy-fuel) 0 0 0 0 0.26 0.03 0.70 0.01

Table 2
Fuel feed rate per unit depth (m2/h).

Z11 Z13 Z15 Z21 Z23 Z25 Total (f)

Air-fuel I 155.4 416.8 478.6 138.6 372.6 439.7 2001.6 (1.2)
Air-fuel II 207.2 555.7 638.1 184.8 496.8 586.2 2668.8 (1.54)
Oxy-fuel I 129.5 347.3 398.8 115.5 310.5 366.4 1667.9 (1.0)
Oxy-fuel II 142.5 382.0 438.7 127.1 341.6 403.0 1834.8 (1.1)
Oxy-fuel III 155.4 416.8 478.6 138.6 372.6 439.7 2001.6 (1.2)

Table 3 the k-th gray gas emissivity with absorption coefficient, ak , and par-
Properties of slabs. tial pressure-path length product, PS. The weighting factor, xe;k , can
be expressed as a temperature dependent polynomial of order J  1:
Temperature [K] Conductivity Specific heat Emissivity
[W/(mK)] [J/(kgK)]
T < 473 60.57 504.0 0.5 xe;k ¼ be;k;j T j1 ð6Þ
473 < T < 673 51.17 577.9 0.5 j¼1
673 < T < 873 41.74 712.3 0.5
873 < T < 1073 34.04 892.1 0.5 where be;k;j is referred to as the emissivity gas temperature polyno-
1073 < T < 1273 28.08 730.8 0.6
mial coefficient. Refer to Refs. [22,23] for ak and be;k;j of WSGGM
1273 < T 29.81 672.0 0.6
models used in this study; 4-gas ordinary WSGGM for AFC and 5-
gas modified WSGGM for OFC.
The total intensity can be expressed as the sum of all the gray
mij;out hij;out ¼ Q ij;comb þ mij;in hij;in þ mij;fuel hij;fuel  Q ij;skid  Q ij;boundary gas intensities, Ik .
I¼ Ik ð7Þ
Q ij;skid ¼ cij;skid ðQ ij;comb þ mij;in hij;in þ mij;fuel hij;fuel Þ ð3Þ k¼0

m _ ij;in , and m
_ ij;out , m _ ij;fuel are the rates of mass outflow, mass inflow, In this study, Ik is solved with FVM radiation solving method for
and fuel feed of the ij subzone, respectively. hij;out , hij;in , hij;fuel , gray medium [25–27] in which the total solid angle (= 4p steradi-
Q ij;comb , and Q ij;boundary represent the specific enthalpy of outflow, ans) is split into finite directions.
specific enthalpy of inflow, specific enthalpy of fuel and oxidizer,
combustion heat, and radiative heat loss though the boundary of 3. Results and discussion
the ij subzone, respectively. A constant coefficient, cij;skid , is intro-
duced to evaluate the skid loss. The skid loss is determined by the COG is used for the fuel of the reheating furnace. Table 1 shows
product of the skid loss coefficient and energy added to the sub- the typical compositions for COG, which has a combustion heat of
zone. The skid loss coefficient is 0.12 in this study. 18.75 MJ/N m3. The fuel and oxidizer are fed into the furnace at the
The medium temperature of each subzone is obtained by bal- temperature of 300 K and 693 K, respectively. The oxidizer is fed
ancing Eqs. (1)–(3). Wall temperature of each subzone is deter- into each fuel inlet port in 6% excess. The compositions of flue
mined by directly applying wall boundary conditions. gas for the two different combustion modes are also specified in
Table 1.
qRw ¼ kw ðT w  T w;outside Þ=L ð4Þ
A total of 5 cases are analyzed in this study and their fuel-
kw ; T w;outside , and L represent thermal conductivity of furnace wall, feeding conditions are specified in Table 2. The fuel-feeding pro-
ambient temperature outside the furnace, thickness of the furnace portion of each fuel-feed subzone is the same for all five cases.
wall, which are 1.06 W=ðm  KÞ, 343 K, and 0.3 m, respectively. The mass flow rate factor, f, is introduced to specify the fuel-feed
rate for each case using Oxy-fuel I as the reference. Air-fuel I and
2.2. Radiation heat transfer Oxy-fuel III are set to have the same fuel-feed rate of f = 1.2 for
an intuitive comparison between the two different combustion
In WSGGM, radiation intensity is grouped based on absorption modes.
! The grid size for the entire domain is 350  30 and all slabs
band. The RTE for a gray band intensity, Ik , at any position, r , along
! have the same grid size of 13  6. The solid angle is divided into
a path, s , through an absorbing, emitting and non-scattering med- 4  12 sections (azimuthal and polar directions) for radiation solv-
ium is given by [22,24]: ing. Slabs move every 256 s and reside in the furnace for 8448 s.
! ! The time step for each calculation is 16 s. The conductivity and
dIk ð r ; s Þ ! ! !
¼ ak Ik ð r ; s Þ þ ak xk Ib ð r Þ ð5Þ specific heat of the slab have piecewise linear profiles as listed in
Table 3.
Here, ak is the absorption coefficient of the medium, Ib is the black Fig. 2(a) shows the medium temperature of subzones for Air-
body intensity, xe;k denotes the emissivity weighting factor for the fuel I and Oxy-fuel III. Except for the 5th subzones, Oxy-fuel III
k-th gray gas based on gas temperature. The bracketed quantity is has higher medium temperatures than Air-fuel I because OFC has
S.H. Han et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 121 (2018) 1364–1370 1367

2200 2200

Air-fuel I Air-fuel I
2000 Oxy-fuel III 2000 Oxy-fuel III
Medium Temperature (K)

1800 1800

Wall Temperature (K)

1600 1600

1400 1400

1200 1200

1000 1000

800 800
Z 11 Z 12 Z 13 Z 14 Z 15 Z 21 Z 22 Z 23 Z 24 Z 25 Z 11 Z 12 Z 13 Z 14 Z 15 Z 21 Z 22 Z 23 Z 24 Z 25
Subzone Subzone
(a) Medium (b) Wall
Fig. 2. Medium and wall temperature of subzones for Air-fuel I and Oxy-fuel III.

: 200 kw/m2

(a) Air-fuel I

(b) Oxy-fuel III

Fig. 3. Radiative heat flux vector for Air-fuel I and Oxy-fuel III.

much higher adiabatic flame temperature than AFC. The tempera- between the two cases is reversed at the 5th subzones. In view of
ture decreases drastically in no fuel-feed subzones. Oxy-fuel III local maximum, wall-temperature profiles are a little bit different
experiences steeper temperature decrease than Air-fuel I because from medium-temperature profiles. All the medium-temperature
it has 0.267 times less flue gas flow rate than Air-fuel I. Medium profiles have their local maxima at the 3rd subzones; however, the
temperatures of Oxy-fuel III become lower than those of Air-fuel wall-temperature profiles do not show such a consistent behavior
I in the 5th subzones. as the medium-temperature profiles in view of local maxima.
The medium temperature difference between the two cases is Fig. 3 shows radiative flux vector plots for Air-fuel I and Oxy-
high upstream and continues to decrease as the flow moves down- fuel III. The figure shows the clear difference in magnitude of radia-
stream. The largest temperature difference between the two cases tive flux vector between Air-fuel I and Oxy-fuel III. In addition to
is 200 K at the Z21. At the 4th subzones, the medium temperatures having a higher adiabatic flame temperature, OFC has a more
become almost identical to each other. Finally, the medium tem- radiatively active medium compared to AFC. Approximately 96%
peratures are reversed at the 5th subzones just before the flue of the flue gas is involved in radiation in OFC, while only 29% of
gas exits the furnace. The Z25 medium temperature of Oxy-fuel the flue gas is involved for AFC. Therefore, except for the 5th sub-
III is 76.8 K lower than that of Air-fuel I. zone, the radiative flux vector strength of Oxy-fuel III is much lar-
Wall-temperature profiles show similar behavior to that found ger than that of Air-fuel I. The largest flux magnitudes, as found in
for the medium-temperature profiles; Oxy-fuel III has higher wall Z23, are 99.0 kW/m2 and 160.4 kW/m2 for Air-fuel I and Oxy-fuel
temperature than Air-fuel I except in the 5th subzones, the differ- III, respectively.
ence between wall temperatures for the two cases continues to Fig. 4 shows the radiative heat transfer rate to each slab.
decrease as flow moves downstream, the wall temperature profiles Although OFC cases have larger heat transfer rate than AFC cases
1368 S.H. Han et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 121 (2018) 1364–1370

240 9.0
Air-fuel Air-fuel
210 8.5
Oxy-fuel Oxy-fuel
180 Oxy-fuel 8.0
Radiative Heat Transfer (kw/m)

Radiative Heat Transfer (Mw/m)

150 7.5

120 7.0

90 6.5

60 6.0

30 5.5

0 5.0
5 10 15 20 25 30 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6
Slab f

Fig. 4. Radiative heat transfer rate to the slabs inside the furnace. Fig. 5. Total radiative heat transfer rate into all the slabs inside the furnace.

in the heating zone, a lower heat transfer rate is found in the early 2100
stage of heating. This is because OFC cases have lower medium Air-fuel
temperatures than AFC cases in the 5th subzones, as shown in Air-fuel
Fig. 2(a). Therefore, reversions between any two profiles of differ- Oxy-fuel
ent combustion modes are necessary, and occur downstream of Oxy-fuel
the 3rd subzones; the first reversion occurs between Oxy-fuel III Oxy-fuel
and Air-fuel I at the 5th slab and the last reversion occurs between
Air-fuel II and Oxy-fuel I at the 11th slab. This type of reversion 1500
does not occur between the profiles of the same combustion mode.
Temperature (K)

The maximum radiation heat transfer rate occurs between the

13th and 15th slabs in the 3rd subzones. This is because the med-
ium temperatures are highest at the 3rd subzones, as shown in 1200
Fig. 5(a), and slab temperatures in the 3rd subzones are absolutely
lower than those of upstream subzones, which means the temper-
ature difference between medium and slabs is highest there.
Although Air-fuel I and Oxy-fuel III have the same fuel-feeding
rate, they show a large difference in the maximum heat transfer
rate. The maximum heat transfer rate of Air-fuel I and Oxy-fuel
III are 92.6 kW/m and 149.3 kW/m, respectively. Even Air-fuel II 600
has lower maximum heat transfer rate than Oxy-fuel I.
Fig. 5 shows total heat transfer rate to all slabs. All the Oxy-fuel
cases have greater total heat transfer rate than any Air-fuel case.
Comparing two cases of identical fuel-feed rate, Oxy-fuel III has a 300
5 10 15 20 25 30
1.35 times larger total heat transfer rate than Air-fuel I, which
results in the former to have a much higher slab emission temper-
ature than the latter, as shown in Fig. 8. Air-fuel II has a 1.54 times Fig. 6. Mean slab temperature for the slabs inside the furnace.
larger fuel-feed rate than Oxy-fuel I, but has 0.2% less total heat
transfer than Oxy-fuel I. Consequently, Air-fuel II and Oxy-fuel I
give almost identical slab emission temperature, as shown in between any two cases of different combustion mode. The first
Fig. 8. These two comparisons clearly show the superiority of reversion occurs between Oxy-fuel III and Air-fuel I at the 6th slab.
OFC in heating slabs. The last reversion occurs between Oxy-fuel I and Air-fuel II at the
Fig. 6 shows the profiles of the mean slab temperature. In the 24th slab. Regarding the slab emission temperature, the higher the
early stage of heating, AFC cases have higher mean slab tempera- total radiation heat transfer rate the higher the slab emission
ture than any other three OFC cases due to the characteristics of temperature.
radiative heat transfer rate, as discussed in Fig. 4. However, OFC Fig. 7 shows the profile of the temperature difference, which is
cases have higher slab emission temperature than AFC cases. As just the difference between the maximum and minimum temper-
in the radiation heat transfer rate profiles, reversion occurs atures inside a slab. The profiles are found to be very similar to the
S.H. Han et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 121 (2018) 1364–1370 1369

600 Fig. 8(a) shows the slab emission temperature for all the cases.
Air-fuel In the figure, the dashed lines are the lower and upper limit of the
slab emission temperature requirement, 1373 K and 1573 K. All the
oxy-fuel combustion cases satisfy the slab emission temperature
500 requirement. In the case of air-fuel combustion, Air-fuel II satisfies
the slab emission temperature requirement, whereas Air-fuel I fails
to satisfy the requirement. The slab emission temperature of
Oxy-fuel I is slightly above the lower limit, while Oxy-fuel III has
a value near the upper limit. In the case of f = 1.2, OFC can heat
Temperature (K)

slabs up to the upper requirement temperature, whereas AFC fails

to elevate the slab temperature even up to the lower limit. OFC
300 gives a 357 K higher slab emission temperature than AFC for the
same fuel-feed rate of f = 1.2.
The efficiency is defined as the percentage of the net heat trans-
ferred to slabs divided by the total heat input summed over the
200 enthalpy of fuel, enthalpy of oxidizer, and combustion heat.
Fig. 8(b) shows the superiority of OFC in efficiency. The efficiency
of OFC cases is between 71% and 74%, while AFC cases have
efficiencies between 43% and 47%. Oxy-fuel I and Air-fuel II have
100 a performance of 71% and 47.2%, respectively. Considering that
Air-fuel II and Oxy-fuel I give almost the same slab emission
temperature, it can be said that Oxy-fuel I is 54% more fuel efficient
than Air-fuel II.
5 10 15 20 25 30 The slab emission temperature and efficiency have opposite
Slab trends. The larger the fuel-feed rate, the lower the efficiency. A
low fuel-feed rate means a lower heat content of the medium,
Fig. 7. Temperature difference for the slabs inside the furnace. which results in a lower medium temperature of Z25. This implies
that the medium experiences the largest temperature decrease
from the adiabatic flame temperature in a lower fuel-feed rate. It
profiles of radiative heat transfer rate to the slab; the AFC cases is evident that the lower the temperature of the flue gases at the
have higher temperature difference than OFC cases in the early stack, the higher the efficiency. As shown in Fig. 7, the slab temper-
stage of heating, OFC cases have larger profile maxima than AFC ature difference is not much different between the cases just
cases, and reversion occurs between any two profiles of OFC and before emission, and it is recommended to use a low fuel-feed rate
AFC cases. The profile maxima are between 250 K and 360 K and as long as the slab emission temperature requirement is satisfied.
occur between the 14th and 15th slabs. Although the profiles show
a wide distribution in the heating zone, they all fall into a relatively
narrow range just before the slabs are emitted. This shows that if 4. Conclusion
the fuel-feed proportions among burners are all the same, the slab
temperature uniformity is not very dependent on the fuel-feed rate The efficiency enhanced by applying oxy-fuel combustion to a
or combustion mode. In the strict sense, OFC cases are slightly reheating furnace was predicted quantitatively using a numerical
more favorable than AFC cases in view of temperature uniformity. approach. A total of five cases, listed in Table 2, were analyzed to
compare the thermal efficiency between air-fuel and oxy-fuel com-
bustion. The resulting conclusions are as follows:
2000 100 When the two identical fuel-feed rate cases for Oxy-fuel III and
Air-fuel I are compared, oxy-fuel combustion was found to have a
Temperature (Air-fuel)
higher medium temperature than air-fuel combustion (except in
Temperature (Oxy-fuel)
Efficiency (Air-fuel) the 5th subzones) because it has a higher adiabatic flame temper-
Efficiency (Oxy-fuel) ature. The medium temperature is reversed between the two cases
Emission Temperature (K)

80 in the 5th subzones because oxy-fuel combustion provides more

heat transfer to slabs upstream of the 5th subzone whereas it
has a relatively low total mass flow rate.
Efficiency (%)

Oxy-fuel III shows far larger radiative heat transfer to slabs than
Air-fuel I except in the early stage of heating. It is because oxy-fuel
combustion has higher medium temperature upstream of the 5th
1400 subzone and a more radiative active medium than air-fuel combus-
tion. Oxy-fuel III has a 1.5 times larger total heat transfer to all the
slabs than Air-fuel I. Because of the large difference in the total
heat transfer rate, Oxy-fuel III gives a 120 K larger slab emission
1200 temperature than Air-fuel I. Air-fuel combustion does not have
40 an identical slab emission temperature to oxy-fuel combustion
until it feeds 1.54 times more fuel than oxy-fuel combustion.
Oxy-fuel cases have an efficiency range between 71.1% and
0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 74.2%, while the two air-fuel cases have efficiencies between
f 43.0% and 47.1%. Based on the computational result that Oxy-fuel
I and Air-fuel II give almost the same slab emission temperature,
Fig. 8. Slab emission temperature and heating efficiency. Oxy-fuel I is 54% more fuel efficient than Air-fuel II.
1370 S.H. Han et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 121 (2018) 1364–1370

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