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Paper ID: SE-006

International Conference on Recent Innovation in Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development
Department of Civil Engineering
DUET - Gazipur, Bangladesh

Study On Extradosed Bridge And It’s Structural Behavior

M. S. Chowdhury*1; M. M. Rahman2; Dr. M. M. Rahman3; and M. S. Rana4

The Extradosed pre-stress bridge concept is relatively new in the field of Structural and Bridge
Engineering. The first Extradosed Bridge was constructed by Japan in 1994. Since, it becomes a unique
type of structure for its advantages over other bridges. In this paper, detail study is carried out on
historical context, origin and structural behavior of Extradosed Bridge. Its basic structural concept is,
Cables anchored with box Girder increase the compressive force of girder and allows the box girder to
carry a huge load by work together with a very long span and lower tower height. Third Karnaphuli
Bridge is the first major Extradosed Bridge in Bangladesh crossing Karnaphuli River, used as a reference
structure for analysis of structural behavior. Model analysis methodology has been used for conduct the
research. Ten different prototype models as well as simple models has been created and analyzed by
analysis software STAAD PRO V8i. All section and dimension are same for different models except the
tower height. Equivalent sections of reference bridge girder are used for generating prototype models and
girder is considered as a solid beam instead of a hollow section. Analysis of prototype models provides
insight into how different physical parameters such as tower height, girder depth and angle of cable
influence the structural behavior of Extradosed Bridge. It mainly implies the variation of the axial force
of girder and cables for different tower height and cable angle. Similarly, deflection of girder and cables
are also associated with tower height and cable angle. Simple models results are compared with
prototype models results. Variation of different parameter observed for simple models are almost
identical to prototype models. Study shows an optimum tower height ranges may be from 20m-25m is
preferable for Extradosed Bridge. In between this range maximum Axial force of Girder and Cables are
noticed with an allowable limit of Deflection.
Keywords: Axial force, cable angle, deflection, extradosed bridge, stress, structural behavior, tower

1. Introduction

Structural concept of different Structures and Bridges have been developed and observed from the
very beginning of Civil Engineering but the Extradosed Bridge concept is a new and exciting
development in the history of Structural Engineering as well as Bridge Engineering which open a new
era in this field. It is widely known that, Mathivat proposed the first concept of Extradosed Bridge and
his proposal inspired Japanese engineers. They constructed the Odawara Blueway Bridge in 1994,
which is considered as the first Extradosed Bridge in the world [2, 4]. Extradosed Bridge is an
intercrossed between Prestressed Girder Bridge and Cable-stayed Bridge. Because of its advantageous
structural function, special superiority in economy and architecture, Extradosed Bridges have been
successfully designed and constructed for several years in many countries of the world. The previous
studies identified 120 Extradosed Bridges in use, under construction, or in the planning phase in
different countries [4]. More than sixty Extradosed Bridges are constructed in 26 different countries of
the world. Japan is in the leading position, having 29 Extradosed Bridges. South Korea and Bolvia get

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second and third position with 5 and 3 Extradosed Bridges respectively. Bangladesh also constructed
an Extradosed Bridge (Third Karnaphuli Bridge) and enters in the new era of Bridge Engineering [1].

1.1 Purposes of the Dissertation

The Objectives and goals of this dissertation is to gain expand knowledge of Extradosed Bridge and
make some structural analysis of extradosed bridge such as analysis on tower height, cable angle,
deck section etc. for check whether they meet the typical range provided for Extradosed Bridges.
Analysis carried out for observe the variation of Girder and Cable axial force as well as stress, and
Deflection of girder and cable with the change of tower height is also an important purpose of the

1.2 Structural behavior of Extradosed Bridge

 An Extradosed Bridge implies in an intermediate zone between Cable Stayed Bridge and Girder
Bridge. So the structural behavior of Extradosed Bridge may be similar to these kinds of
 In Extradosed Bridge, the Bridge decks are prestressing internally as like as a normal
prestressed Girder Bridge or cable stayed Bridge. In addition to this, Cables are also used as
externally prestress cables. This two prestressing process act simultaneously and make the
Bridge deck stiffer and stronger that allows a long span and can carry a huge amount of loads.
 Tower height of Extradosed Bridge is generally lower than the tower height of cable stayed
Bridge. For this lower tower height cables form a flatter angle with the deck of the Bridge.
Reduced cable inclination leads to an increase in the axial load in the deck and a decrease in
vertical component of force at the cable anchorages. Thus, one of the important function of the
Extradosed cables is to prestress the deck.
 Extradosed Bridge usually rely their load on only 20%-50% to cable, and remaining portion is
covered by the girder as it is more stiff than the stiffening girder in a cable-stayed Bridge.

2. Modeling and Analysis

Ten different prototype models as well as simple models of the Bridge has been created and analyzed
through STAAD PRO V8i.

2.1 Steps of Bridge modeling

Important steps associated with modeling of Extradosed Bridge will describe briefly. At first the
required Nodes are arranged for developing the model. Three types of distance related with node to
node i.e. distance in X, Y & Z direction. As ours is 2-D model, so X and Y direction distances are
considered. Distances in X and Y direction for a node are provided with respect to first node (where
distances are 0, 0).There are 86 nodes used for forming a prototype model. Whole span, cables, pier
are denoted as beam. All the beams are created by draw line in between the nodes using Beam courser
and created 132 beams are generating the model. Among these beams 48 are cables and remaining
beams are Girder, tower and Pier. After that sectional properties for different parts are defined.
Rectangular and circular section used here. Whole structure can divided in four main parts i.e. Girder,
Cables, Pier and Tower. Pier and Cable section are circular section whereas Girder and tower are
rectangular [1]. For modeling roller supports are used at two ends of Bridge. Because only
gravitational loads are considered and lateral loads are ignored for the analysis. Again the Third
Karnaphuli Bridge is designed as continuous Bridge [3]. For follow this condition roller supports are
used at the ends. Fixed support is used below the pier. The rest portion below the pile cap is ignored.
Loads and cables are also defined in next step. Self-weight is considered as main load for modeling.
Lane load is considered as uniformly distributed load. For defining the load two load cases is formed.


Fig. 1 Cross Section of Third Karnaphuli Bridge Girder

Then Self weight is assign by selecting whole section and UDL is assign only on girder. External
cables take the 20-50% loads of total load [4]. In the Actual third Karnaphuli Bridge 7Φ 36 cables are
used [3]. In this modeling equivalent cable diameter is used. The cables are defined as Member
tension only considered that cables will take tensile force only. After defining it will assign in selected
beam. Simple models are also created by following these steps.

2.2 Analysis of the Model

The prototype models generated based on actual span and girder section of Third Karnaphuli Bridge.
Ten different prototype models as well as simple models are developed for study on different
parameter like tower height, cable angle, axial force and stress of girder and cable. Variation of
Deflection of Girder and Cable are also observed from these models. In all models only variable is
their tower height. Analysis of model helps to meet the purpose of this research.

3. Result and Discussions

This paper represents the results found from the analysis done by the software. Table 1 and Table 2
summarize the results of prototype and simple models.

Table-1. Summary of the results of prototype models

Model Tower Angle of Max Max Defle- Deflect- Stress of Stress of

Height Cable Compressive Tensile ction ion on Girder Cable
(m) (Degree) force of force of of Cable (KN/m²) (KN/m²)
Girder Cable Girder (mm)
(KN) (KN) (mm)
P1 20 21.03 65128.90 16528.36 431.53 2577.25 3339.94 330567.20
P2 23 23.86 62530.97 15120.19 427.29 2735.33 3206.72 302403.80
P3 25 25.68 60342.90 14186.20 386.80 2828.90 3094.51 283724.00
P4 27 27.44 58014.19 13296.61 353.57 2996.77 2975.09 265932.20
P5 30 29.98 54496.13 12076.77 313.92 3229.30 2794.67 241535.40
P6 33 32.40 51117.41 11006.00 283.50 3492.32 2621.10 220120.00
P7 35 33.94 48988.46 10372.36 267.08 3684.50 2512.23 207447.40
P8 37 35.43 46971.07 9998.12 253.09 3889.68 2408.78 199962.40
P9 38 36.16 46005.16 9531.72 246.88 3997.23 2359.24 190634.40
P10 40 37.57 44158.30 9037.15 235.78 4222.12 2264.53 180743.00

The variation of different parameter with respect to change in tower height as well as Angle of Cable
is observed by plotted various curves for prototype models.

The graph (Fig. 2) shown below is Angle of Cable vs. Tower height graph. It demonstrates the
variation of Angle of cable with the variation of Tower height of prototype models. As the tower


height increase the angle of the cable with girder also increases. Maximum Cable angle 37.57 degree
found for the maximum tower height 40m. The curve is a linear curve.

Angle of Cable VS Tower Height

Angle of Cable (Degree) 40
Angle of Cable
20 (Degree)
0 10 20 30 40 50
Tower Height (m)

Fig. 2 Variation of Angle of Cable with respect to Tower Height

Change in angle of cable influence the compressive force of girder as well as tensile force of cable. So
the variation of axial force of Girder and Cables with the variation of Angle of Cable is observed by
plotting the following graph (Fig. 3.). Max compressive force curve indicate that, as the angle of cable
increases, compressive force of girder decreases. Maximum compressive force of girder 65128.90 K
takes place for an angle of 21.03 degree (tower height 20m). After this maximum point with an
increase in cable angle, girder axial force is decreases. Maximum compressive force curve found for
different tower height is a linear curve.

Maximum axial Force Vs Angle of Cable

Max Axial Force (KN)

50000 Max Compressive
40000 force (KN)
Max Tensile Force
0 10 20 30 40
Angle of Cable (degree)

Fig. 3. Variation of Axial forces with the Variation of Angle of Cables

Again, Maximum tensile force curve of cables also indicates same behaviors as Maximum
compressive force curve. As the cable angle increases the cable tensile force decreases. The maximum
tensile force of cable 16528.36 KN also occurs for the same cable angle 21.03 degree. Stresses of
Girder and Cables are also varies as like as Axial force of Girder and Cables.

The variation of deflection of Girder and Cable with change in tower height for prototype models are
shown is following graph (Fig. 4). It represents that Deflection of Girder decreases with the increase
of tower height, whereas deflection of cables increases gradually with the increase of tower height.


Deflection of Girder and Cable VS Tower Height

Deflection (mm)
3500 Deflection of
3000 Girder (mm)
2500 Deflection of
2000 Cable (mm)
0 10 20 30 40 50
Tower Height (m)
Fig. 4. Relation between Deflection of Girder and Cables and Tower Height of Prototype models

Maximum deflection of girder 431.53 mm takes place at 20m tower height and minimum deflection
of girder 235.78 mm occurred for 40 m. Conversely maximum deflection of cable 4222.12 mm
observed for 40 m Tower Height and minimum deflection of cable take place at 20 m tower height.

Results of different simple models are summarizing by the table below. From this table it can be seen
that, the variation of different parameter with respect to tower height of simple models have a great
similarity with the variation of results of prototype models results.

Table-2. Summary of the results of Simple models

Model Tower Angle of Max Max Defle- Deflect- Stress of Stress of

Height Cable Compressive Tensile ction ion on Girder Cable
(m) (Degree) force of force of of Cable (KN/m²) (KN/m²)
Girder Cable Girder (mm)
(KN) (KN) (mm)
S1 7 19.30 324.50 345.81 21.35 1409.60 216.33 44029.89
S2 9 24.22 358.15 395.46 20.55 1509.21 238.77 50351.53
S3 10 26.56 366.58 412.87 20.17 1568.40 244.39 52568.24
S4 11 28.81 370.50 426.15 19.84 1633.85 247.00 54259.10
S5 12 30.96 370.67 435.91 19.55 1705.56 247.11 55501.78
S6 13 33.02 367.91 442.72 19.29 1783.53 245.27 56368.86
S7 15 36.90 355.91 449.41 18.86 1958.25 237.27 57220.65
S8 17 40.40 338.55 449.46 18.54 2158.00 225.70 57227.02
S9 18 41.99 328.77 447.75 18.42 2267.27 219.19 57009.30
S10 19 43.53 318.59 445.18 18.31 2382.79 212.39 56582.07

4. Conclusion

The structural behavior of Extradosed Bridge is concluding as follows based on the analysis results.
From the study, it is observed that, Cables anchored in box girder are working as an additional
prestressing source for pre-stressed box girder.
 Optimum tower height is an important factor for Extradosed Bridge. From the analysis it was
observed that, when the Tower Height rises from 20 m to 25 m the Compressive force of girder
decreases from 65128.90 KN to 60342.90 KN that indicate that for 25% increase of tower
height leads 7.34% reduction of Compressive force of Girder. Again tensile force of Cable
decreases from 16528.36 KN to 14186.2 KN indicates that for same amount of increase in
tower height reduces 14.17% tensile force of Cable.


 A guide line for getting optimum tower height is proposed for which maximum compressive
force of girder occurs with allowable amount of deflection. Deflection of girder and cables are
important factor for selecting an optimum tower height. So deflection must be within allowable
limit. From Analysis Deflection of girder decreases with an increase of tower height. Although
the deflection of girder decreases with an increase in tower height but the axial forces at 40 m
tower height is much smaller. So an optimum tower height of 10% to 12.5% of main span
(which is 20 m - 25 m in the present study) may be selected for an Extradosed Bridge.
Maximum axial forces are occurred for the above range with an allowable deflection.
 According to the concept of Extradosed Bridge it is desired that the cables should have much
tensile force which will give a higher compressive force in girder. From analysis result it is seen
that maximum compression of girder occurs when the cables are in a higher tensile force.

5. Acknowledgement

Cordial Encouragements and help Mr. Md. Munirul Islam Saeed, Lecturer, Department of Civil
Engineering, Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology during software analysis of STAAD
PRO gratefully acknowledged.

6. References

[1] Abu Saleh Md Nuruzzaman, Lessons learnt from the design and construction of Third
Karnaphuli Bridge: The first Extradosed cable stayed Bridge of Bangladesh, Proc. IABSE-
JSCE Joint Conference on Advances in Bridge Engineering-II, Dhaka, 2010.
[2] Becze, J., Barta, J.Korong, Pre-stressed Extradosed Bridge, Proc. International Association for
Bridge and Structural Engineering Journal (IABSE), pp. SEI 01, 2006.
[3] D. Astin, Design of the Third Karnaphuli Bridge, Proc. IABSE-JSCE Joint Conference on
Advances in Bridge Engineering-II, Dhaka, 2010.
[4] Steven L. Stroh On the Development of the Extradosed Bridge Concept, Phd thesis, Department
of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of South Florida , Florida, 2012.


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