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Region :- Sikkim

Trek Duration :- 11 Days

Difficulty Level :- Moderate To Difficult
Maximum Altitude :- 15,100 Ft.
Approx Trekking Km :- 90 Kms.
Detailed Itinerary
Day 1: New Jalpaiguri to Yuksom
New Jalpaiguri station is the starting landmark for the beautiful Goechala trekking where our
representatives will welcome you for guiding on to the trekking route for Goechala. The schedule for
the day is to reach Yuksom, one of the heritage towns of Sikkim after an 8 hour long drive for 150 km.
From here starts the immediate destination for trekking to Goechala. While driving to Yuksom , you
have to spend half an hour time for two official paper works that need to be done for the hiking
journey. The first one is at Meli where you have to submit some official’s forms containing basic details
affixed with two passport size photos of yours for taking permission from the nearby police station.
The rules for the foreigners are non-identical as they have to acquire ILP for proceeding to the journey.
After crossing Meli, travellers can enjoy their lunch at a halt near Jorthang and after that can continue
their drive to Yuksom. It is important to that travellers can withdraw cash from the last ATM counter at
a place named Legship. On reaching Yuksom, travellers will be accommodated in guest houses and will
be briefed about various guidelines about trekking the Goechala route and also about trekking rules,
environmental conditions and other necessary accessories to carry on. Yuksom is the last place from
where travellers can collect food items while trekking for Goechala route.

Day 2: Yuksom to Sachen

The first day of the trekking to Goechala starts from Yuksom towards Sachen which is about 6 hours
walk of covering beautiful and fascinated village scenery throughout the trekking route. Sachen is
situated at an elevation of 7200 ft and while trailing through the route to Sachen a traveller can
entrench his soul with refreshing air of the valleys surrounding the path. It is not advisable to travel till
Tshoka in one day as that can be too much tiring for the trekker and he cannot enjoy his trekking
adventure to Goechala. After trailing through the winding lands, one can find the serene beauty of
River Rathong. One will fetch a sharp turn to a deep tropical forest land surrounded with bamboos,
oaks and pine trees making the visibility of the travellers quite difficult because of the density of the
forest and low sunlight penetration. One can also find the congestion in their trekking routes because
of the yaks and mules and the traveller are advised to maintain proximity to the mountains and give
free route to the passing animals. Hiking for around half an hour, the travellers reaches to the first
bridge in a dark-mounting state and finally he can find the stunning beauty of the Tshushay Khola
waterfalls which ultimately flows down to Perk River. This particular hiking route rises in its altitudinal
distance as one hike further dense into the forest. Then one passes through the next iron bridge while
trekking for 1 hour over Mentogang Khola River. Now the traveller can find himself to be standing at
an altitude of 7100 ft and from here another 20 minutes walk can make the traveller reach the
campsite zone for staying at night and witness the gushing flows of the Perk River.
Day 3: Sachen to Tshokha via Bakhim
The next day is all set to start your hiking to Tshokha at 9700 ft through the passing by Bakhim which
is situated at a height of 8600 ft. This particular route for day 3 trek is not very long and ranging for
only 7 km. But as a matter of fact the steep slopes often makes this particular trekking route to cover 5
to 7 hours more time. While hiking through forests of Bakhim, one can find the fragrance of beautiful
magnolias and Rhododendrons. After walking for a kilometre from Sachen, the iron bridge over River
perk is crossed while the traveller witness some mesmerizing serenity of mother nature. Under the
bridge, the hanging Prayer Flags denotes the inception of the Goechala trekking trip and one can
certainly feel the steep slopes with each of their step till reaching to his target. While travelling
through Bakhim, hiker gets the sterling views of Mount Pandim and Mount Tenzinkhay with a steady
drop in temperature and steeper elevation of routes. After taking a short days break at Bakhim,
accompanied with some tea and snacks at nearby stalls, the trek continues for another 2 km to reach
Tshokha. The trekkers can enjoy the scenic view of Tshokha plateau from their campsite here. The huts
for the trekkers are wooden with large rooms for accommodating almost 20 trekkers in one room. One
can enjoy the snow-clad mountain view of Pandim and Kanchenjunga while remaining in the wooden
huts in their campsite at Tshokha.

Day 4: Tsokha to Dzongri via Phedang

The fourth day of the Goechala trek is determined to be reached to Dzongri through passing Phedang.
The distance for the today’s route is 9 km taking at time of 7-8 hours for reaching Dzongri. Phedang
falls is halfway mark from here nearly about 4.5 km and one must pack enough eateries and water as
there is no place to refill them in the route. The travellers should be aware about steep elevations and
within minutes of walking, trekkers can find the red rhododendrons surrounding him making an
essence of romantic and serene atmosphere all around him. At the beginning of the day’s journey,
traveller walking through rocky territory slowly converts into wooden logs road. Marching through the
steep climbs and testing the strengths of traveller’s knees and psychological firmness, one reaches
Phedang from where one can witness the fascinating scenic beauty and can enjoy his lunch. After
taking some rest, one can proceed for Dzongri where in the next step; awareness for proper climbing
for the trekkers is desperately needed. An hour of travel will let the hikers witness the waving of flags
of worshippers and amidst such scintillating scenic beauty; one can attain height sickness, breathing
problems and headache. The travellers have to get adjusted to these physical conditions and if
increased must consult the tour guide. After a day’s walk through snowy mountains, steep slopes and
line of alpine trees, one can settle down at a height of 12,980 ft, where their camps wait for them to
take rest for the night.
Day 5: Day Rest in Dzongri
In the fifth day of Goechala trek starts for reaching Dzongri top at a height of 13,565 ft after an hour
walk. The day is settled for taking rest for the travellers and also getting accustomed to the altitudinal
gain’s symptoms which physically trekkers may face. Dzongri is a place which every traveller
entrenches upon amidst the serene beauty and taking on the maximum fresh air for rejuvenating their
soul and mind to make them utilize for the next of the trip. One of the most fascinating experience
which the travellers can relinquish while staying at Dzongri is the view of beautiful snowy peaks like
Mt Pandim (6691m), Mt, Kabru (7353 m) and Mt. Kanchenjunga (8534 m). Travellers can take on a
small walk through the hilly landscapes of the area at Dzongri and gather a lifetime experience for
witnessing Himalayan tranquil beauty.

Day 6: Dzongari to Thansing via Kokcharang

In the sixth day of the Goechala trek takes you to a walk to Thansing 12,900 ft through passing over
Kokcharang 12000 ft. Today’s trek is about 8 km through encouraging slopes and routes nearly taking
about 4-5 hours to reach Thansing. At start, travellers follow through verdant meadow and
rhododendron forests to come and reach Kokcharang which equally fascinates the travellers by its
serene natural beauty. Though Kocharang is a place for the trekkers to camp on, but it is too small for
that and may feel congested to stay for the night. Therefore travellers go straight ahead in their
trekking journey and progress towards bridge over Prekchu River. The proximity of the hut of trekkers
is close to Prekchu River and therefore the travellers can surely spend some relaxed time amidst the
gushing of water and scintillating views of mountain birds chirping around. From here it’s a 2 km hike
to Thansing where the traveller approaches the other side of the river through rhododendron trees to
reach there. As the route is not comprised of any steep slopes, therefore the walk through the lush
meadows to Thansing is quite entrenching for the travellers. After reaching the campsite, the trekkers
can are served with hot lunch. From here the hikers need to take adequate protection against extreme
cold weather and wait for the next day journey to begin for reaching Goechala. It is advisable for the
trekkers to keep their diet light and consumer as a much as liquid as possible.
Day 7: Thansing to Lamuney
On the seventh day, trekkers proceed a little close to Goechala as they aim to reach to Lamuney
situated at a height of 13,650 ft. The day’s trekking schedule is quite relaxing as it takes hardly 2 hours
to reach Lamuney. So the trekkers can have a relaxing morning amidst nature’s beauty with a late
departure being set at 10 AM. The seventh day’s trekking route is easiest and stretched amidst lush
green meadows which feel to smooth to walk upon and at the same time rejuvenating. The decent ot
Lamuney is not so steep, but trekkers often find it difficult to climb the steep rocks at near the camp
site. On reaching Lamuney, trekkers can settle down and cherish the hot lunch. But an adventure
loving tourist can explore his quest as he can travel to Samiti Lake which is 2 km away from campsite
through stony and pebble-studded path which is often hard to walk upon. Samiti Lake is an ideal place
to be rejuvenating your soul and you can capture the scenic frame of the place in your camera. Camps
are not allowed beside the lake.
Day 8: Lamuney to Goechala via Samiti Lake back to Lamuney
This is the day which is the most awaited day of the trekking expedition for Goechala. This the longest
and toughest day for the trekkers as they will reach for Goechala (15,100 ft) and come back to
Lamuney again. The day waits for a long 18 km journey for the trekkers to cover and will take 13 hour
to complete it. Therefore the time for the journey for today starts at 1 AM as the trekkers have to cover
maximum distance for reaching Goechala and come back again to Lamuney. Moreover the hikers are
also advised to pack their bags in night so that after coming back from Goechala to campsite, they can
enjoy lunch and start for descending as lower they can, if they are physically fit and weather is
suitable. The trekkers begin their hike for Samiti Lake after walking for an hour. A steep climb from
here makes the traveller the Goechala view point lying at a height of 15,100 ft which is about 5 km
from Lamuney. The approximate time for climbing is nearly 3 hours. But actually it varies according to
speed of the trekkers. In fact the ascent from Samiti is a steep one and the trekkers need thorough
watchfulness for climbing along the mountain sides. Here the trekkers can witness the most
scintillating view of mountains and the unique scenic beauty of Mother Nature certainly rejuvenates
the mind of the travellers to come back again to this eternal pictorial beauty of glowing sun amidst
exquisite nature fragrance. Some of the most beautiful peaks viewed from here like Kanchenjunga,
Pandim, Kabru North & South, Tenzingkhang, Kabru Dome and Sinvo.
It is advisable for the trekkers that after squandeiing some time at Goechala view point and enjoy
nature’s pictorial beauty at fullest; they descend as early as possible for Lamuney. After reaching
campsite at Lamuney, trekkers can relax and enjoy lunch and after that climb further down with their
packed belongings at Thansing or Kokcharang.
Day 9: Thansing/Kokcharang to Tsokha via Phedang
On the very next day, the trekkers set for their climbing down to Tshoka lying at 9700 ft. It is advisable
for the trekkers to start their journey as early as possible like 7 AM in morning so that they can hike for
long 16 km which is about a 7 hour journey. The trekkers must carry on packed food items for their
lunch as they will first halt at Phedang in this route. Steering through the mesmerizing views of
rhododendron forest and witnessing the astonishing view of Mt. Pandim, the entire trail rejuvenates
the tiresome soul of the travellers after such a hectic hiking expedition. After taking some rest at
Phedang and having their packed lunch, the trekkers can precede their journey towards Tshoka
through the same route which they have come up while ascending. Though it is a 5 km trek from
Phedang to Tshoka, but the trekkers are recommended not to take much breaks in their trailing and
must reach camping sites in Tshoka before darkness encroach upon.
Day 10: Tsokha to Yuksom via Bakhim and Sachen
The tenth day is quite of a long journey for hikers to descend to Yuksom at 5670 ft as it is a long 15 km
stride downwards and approximately takes 7 hours to complete the journey. The journey to Yuksom
starts with rejuvenating minds of the travellers after the last night sleep as the trailing route follows to
be the same like ascending towards Goechala. Here the roads are not very steep ascent which makes
the hiking less tedious for the travellers. While trekking down, one has to pass through Bakhim and
Sachen and through the entire journey hikers can watch the snow clad mountains and natural
spectacularity of Himalayas. From Sachen, the road is like a zigzag format and one can resemble that
with the countryside hilly view in Scotland pastures. From here comes up the final trailing for the
hikers as they can reach the beautiful place of Yuksom where they can finally connect themselves with
world through telecommunications after spending the last few days detached from civilization and
amidst nature’s lap. Settle down in a guest house in Yuksom and get refreshment after taking a bath
and having food. One can also get in touch with the rustic culture of Yuksom through visiting the
monasteries, spending some time with local natives which can give them the ecstasy of Sikkim
tradition. The local markets are also good to enthral upon as lots of gift items and other handicrafts
items are available there.
Day 11: Yuksom to New Jalpaiguri Station
The final day of Goechala trek comes forth and it is sensible to proceed early as the day waits for an
elongated drive. After witnessing a beautiful sunrise in Yuksom, trekkers commence on their journey
after having their breakfast. Today’s journey is almost about 150 km and takes 8-9 hours to travel the
distance. On this journey one can find that he is clearly leaving behind the scenic beauty of Himalayan
Mountains behind and can recall each of his pleasant and ecstatic Goechala expedition throughout the
journey. Take a halt at Jorathang and can also enjoy exquisite lunch comprising of Indian, Chineese,
Continental and local foods. Start at the earliest for the NJP station as one must have book their
onwards journey earlier as anticipated. The travellers can also opt for a single night stay at NJP so that
they can take a rest for the day after such a tiring journey. However in most of the cases, the travellers
expected to reach Jalpaiguri by 5 PM. In fact a day spent at Jalpaiguri can make you visit the nearby
famous market place Hong Kong market which is 4 km away for NJP station. You can discover some
premium quality goods and spend on some exquisite food items by staying at Jalpaiguri.

Why Goechala Trek is the Biggest trek in India for Mountain Lovers ?
Trekking in India is enchanted much more than just an experience. The feeling of being utterly
surrounded by grandiose mountains and setting your feet at some of the remote places on earth has
evolved out to be a common desire for mountain hikers of this period. A true mountain hiker tries to
discover the secrets hidden in the snowy slopes of some difficult mountain range like Himalayas.
Therefore one can certainly find that for hikers, unexplored places has always been interesting for
them to explore so that they can find the eternal truth of nature in the lap of snow clad mountains like
Himalayas. India bearing the most perfect landscapes and spots in its mountainous elevation has been
highly supportive for the hikers to explore their enthusiastic minds. Over the centuries, there have
been identified numerous trekking spots in the western Himalayas. But on the recent track, the eastern
Himalayan states like Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh, there have been opening up of several trekking
routes to Himalayas and thereby attracting more tourists to entrench their thirst of hiking in eastern
Himalayan ranges. Goechala trek is one of those trekking expeditions which have encircled the mind of
the tourist to achieve some of the most fascinated view of highest Himalayan ranges and witness the
surrogacy of nature in the picturesque locations set around the entire of trek route of Goechala.
One of the biggest reason Goechala trek is so much fond by the hikers is the ecstatic view of the big
mountain range one can find than other trek in India. Goechala, a high mountain pass in eastern
Himalaya has been fascinated by many tourists because of the maximum number of Mountain peaks or
summits to be witnessed while trailing across the routes of Goechala Pass. To wonder it has been
found that the hikers witness the scintillating view of 14 big summits while trailing from Yuksom, a
sleepy small village from where trekking starts for Goechala. The most significant among all these
summits is undoubtedly Mt. Kanchenjunga which is best viewed from different places of campsite
while proceeding on Goechala trek. Moreover the entire trip from Yuksom to Goechala fascinates the
mind of the hikers with extreme serenity of nature’s remote beauty and also makes the traveller
experience a thrilling exploration of Himalayan unexcavated routes. But one thing which makes the
traveller more alluring to Goechala trek is the proximity of Himalayan highest mountain summits they
can witness in the overall trekking journey.
Talking about Goechala trek, one can certainly find best highlights of the mountain peaks like
Kanchenjunga range. The sunrise over the Kanchenjunga range while passing through the
rhododendron forest is certainly a million dollar view for the hikers and rejuvenate his soul driving
back from the hustle and bustle of city life. The mountain view of Mt. Kanchenjunga gives an
illuminating orange glow while the sun puts on its first ray over the peak of the range. The first
daylight over Kanchenjunga range is a delight to watch for the trekkers while going for the Goechala
trek. All through the route to Goechala Pass, one can find steep ascending slopes surrounding by
chirping of birds and snow-clad mountain peaks which certainly fill the mind of a vagabond traveller
full of refreshment and contentment. It is said historically that Kanchenjunga range is best identified
while travelling to Nepal because of its proximity. But as a matter of fact, the Goechala trek is termed
to be one of the most beautiful trekking routes in India and Nepal because Mt. Kanchenjunga is best
viewed from here with all its almighty ranges or peaks.

Even though, one of the key aspects of Goechala trek is that trekkers are not allowed to go all through
the way to Goechala Pass; rather only permitted to avail up to View Point 1, but still, it can be still
observed that the scintillating view of the snow clad mountains from View point 1 and Dzongri is
worthy to watch on. According to trekkers, the best time to visit Goechala Pass is in March and April,
though the route remains to be opened from September to November also. The challenging way to
Goechala encompasses during March to April with the blessing views of rhododendron forests. The
months during March to April are the spring season for the route to Goechala pass. The burst into red
and pink blooming flowers of the rhododendron forest is undoubtedly a grandiose for the travellers to
enthral upon. The travellers find it to be an extremely pleasing walk through these jungles as they
stride through the rhododendron fields. Moreover the wooden log trails through the rhododendron
jungle takes the trekkers to a mystic beauty in lap of nature while proceeding for Goechala Pass.
Whereas one also find the spirit of Sikkim to be fully exposed while hiking for Goechala Pass as they
pass through the extravagant valleys, beautiful orchards and dark forests where the penetration of
light is minimal. Amidst all these, the adventure surely lies to be deeply embedded within the dark
forest while passing through Tshoka valley and the rustic bridge over River Rathong. The unrivalled
collection of flora and fauna is another biggest attraction while hiking through the forest and in this
Goechala Trek, the presence of wild animals while travelling through unexplored jungle paths studded
by wooden logs makes a feeling of pure adventure within the minds of the travellers. The Samiti Lake
is another biggest attraction for Goechala trekkers. The view of the snow clad peaks like Mt. Pandim is
certainly a visionary zeal to watch. The calm and still waters of the lake with the glowing reflection of
Mt. Pandim can be uttered as one of the mesmerizing view in the entire journey to Goechala Pass. The
scenario viewed in the early hours of the day while hiking from Thansing to Lamuney at an altitude of
13,650 ft.Tthe charismatic view of the peak reflection over the pristine blue lake water allures the
travellers in their visual imagery.
Talking about Goechala Trek, one can certainly hail down the most adventure-stridden hiking routes in
India. Not only the crystal clear glacier or the colourful flora or the lush green carpet entrenches the
traveller’s mind, but also the fairytale of the roads, sleepy rural community of Yuksom which is
denoted to be the oldest capital of Sikkim engross the mind of traveller’s mind into a mystic experience
amidst the Himalayan ranges in eastern India. The trekkers can feel the romanticism of the nature at
its best when they pass through the thick forest in Sachen to vast elongated lands of Thansing. But as
a matter of fact, Goechala trek remains to be the most adventurous trekking route for the travellers all
across the world as one who entrenches the taste of hiking at Goechala can certainly wish to come
back and explore the unexplored routes to be discovered again. Another entrenching fact about
Goechala trek is the absolute silence which the travellers pass through. They can find supreme silence
among the frozen creeks of the mountains after they leave their camping site every morning. The
unconventional beauty of eastern Himalayas can be fully explored while riding on to the Goechala Lake
at 16, 200 ft and this happens to be the most attractive spot for Goechala trekkers and also from
Dzongri top, where one can witness the gigantic Himalayas with its 16 peaks standing there for
millions of years. The indomitable charm, one can experience while travelling through the routes of
Goechala while starting from Yukshom is truly gruesome for the trekkers as it comes up with its
phenomenal terrifying steep ascent down the mountain slopes. Therefore it can be identified that one
who is eagerly waiting for an adventurous hiking expedition can certainly follow on his quench of his
hiking thirst by nudging to Goechala Pass. The spellbound actions while trekking through dense forest
and slowly uncovering himself amidst the vast meadows and ultimately finding himself standing at
India’s one of the highest mountain hiking point can certainly rejuvenate the adventure loving tourist.
It is a memory for all trekkers to troop into one of the most difficult trekking destination like Goechala
Pass in his expedition plan. In spite of the harsh climatic conditions and rapid atmospheric changes, it
is most assured that one cannot deter his passion for trekking along the routes of Western Sikkim to
Goechala. With all its almighty range of mountains, panoramic view of innumerable snowy summits,
beautiful roads while trailing, essence of rhododendron forests, ample of flora and fauna – Goechala
trek stands to be the most intriguing trekking expeditions in India which has been explored for years
by millions of mountain lovers over the time. So if you want to go for a challenging hiking expedition to
eastern Himalayas, I bet Goechala trek is something to be highly cherished because of exotic beauty
and pictorial landscapes which carry your mind far away from the cacophony of city life.
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