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Sensation and Perception 8th Edition Test



Sensation and Perception 8th Edition Test


Chapter 1: Introduction to Perception

Multiple Choice Questions (41) (Numbers 2,4,8,11,14,16,18,22,26 and 36 are on the book
companion website.)

1. “Perceiving machines” that can negotiate the environment with humanlike ease
2. were developed by computer scientists in the 1960s.
3. were developed by computer scientists in the 1970s.
4. were developed by computer scientists in the 1990s.
5. have yet to be developed. ** (page 4; factual)

2. Which of the following is an application of perception research?

3. Developing speech recognition systems.
4. Treating hearing problems.
5. Devising robots that can “see.”
6. All of these. ** (page 5; conceptual, WWW)
3. Which of the following is a reason for studying perception?
4. To become more aware of your own perceptual experiences.
5. To provide information that may help with a future career.
6. To apply perception to everyday problems, such as highway sign visibility.
7. All of these. ** (page 5; conceptual)

4. The study of perception can overlap with

5. medicine.
6. computer science.
7. philosophy.
8. all of these. ** (page 5; conceptual, WWW)

5. Which of the following is NOT a category of the stages in the perceptual process?
6. Stimulus
7. Electricity
8. Knowledge
9. Serendipity ** (page 6; conceptual)

6. The process of transforming energy in the environment into electrical energy in the neurons is
7. refraction.
8. ** (page 7; factual)

7. _________ is needed so a person can focus on a specific stimulus in the environment.

8. Inversion
9. Veridicality
10. Attention ** (page 6; conceptual)
11. Attribution

8. The step of the perceptual process that is analogous to the cell phone signals is
12. neural processing. ** (page 7; conceptual, WWW)

9. The specific term for the “stimulus on the receptors” in visual processing is the
11. attended stimulus.
12. visual image. ** (page 7; factual)

10. Visual form agnosia is a problem of the ______ step of the perceptual process.
11. action
12. attention
13. transduction
14. recognition ** (page 9; conceptual)

11. Which of the following best describes the steps of the perceptual process?
12. The steps are unidirectional, starting at the environmental stimulus and ending at perception.
13. The steps are unidirectional, starting at the environmental stimulus and ending at knowledge.
14. The steps are unidirectional, starting at transduction and ending at recognition.
15. The sequence of steps is dynamic and constantly changing. ** (page 9; conceptual, WWW)

12. If a person sees the unambiguous “rat” stimulus, and then views the ambiguous “rat-man”
figure, the person will most likely report seeing
13. a rat, because of the effect of knowledge. ** (page 10; applied)
14. a man, because we tend to see things that match our species.
15. a rat, because of the effect of action.
16. a rat or a man equally.

13. The physiological level of analysis involves the relationship between

14. stimulus-and-physiology.
15. physiology-and-perception.
16. stimulus-and-perception.
17. both stimulus-and-physiology and physiology-and-perception. ** (page 11; conceptual)
18. Kimmy is casting shadows on the wall and watching whether her cat Tiger jumps at the shadows
or not. She uses different hand motions to see if there is a difference in whether Tiger jumps or
not. Kimmy is informally studying which relationship?
19. the stimulus-physiology relationship
20. the physiology-perception relationship
21. the stimulus-perception relationship ** (page 11; applied, WWW)
22. all of these

15. Cognitive influences affect the _______ level of analysis.

16. physiological
17. psychophysical
18. both physiological and psychophysical ** (page 12; conceptual)
19. neither physiological and psychophysical

16. Trying to read a note written by someone with poor handwriting involves
17. only top-down processing.
18. only bottom-up processing.
19. both top-down and bottom-up processing. ** (page 11; conceptual, WWW)
20. only data-based processing.

17. Nelia is riding in a car and notices that stationary objects closer to her move faster than
stationary objects that are further. Nelia is using which method of measuring perception?
18. detection
19. search
20. phenomenological method ** (page 13; applied)
21. magnitude estimation

18. Which of the following methods are used to measure the quantitative relationship between the
stimulus and perception?
19. description
20. the phenomenological method
21. recognition
22. classical psychophysical methods ** (page 13; conceptual, WWW)

19. The psychophysical method in which stimuli of varying intensities are presented in ascending
and descending orders in discrete steps is called the method of
20. ** (page 13; factual)
21. constant stimuli.
20. When using the method of limits, the absolute threshold is determined by calculating
21. the stimulus intensity detected 50% of the time.
22. the stimulus intensity detected 75% of the time.
23. the stimulus intensity detected 100% of the time.
24. the average of the “cross-over” points. ** (page 14; conceptual)

21. As used in the textbook, the “DL” is the abbreviation for

22. detection level.
23. differenze limen. * (page 15; factual)
24. descending limit.
25. determinant logarithm.

22. Using Weber’s Law, if the DL for a 100 gram weight standard is 2 grams, then the DL when using
a 200 gram standard would be ____ grams.
23. 02
24. 2
25. 4 ** (page 15; conceptual, WWW)
26. 50

23. The Weber’s fraction for electric shock is _____, and ______ for light intensity.
24. 01; 0.08 ** (page 15; conceptual)
25. 08; 0.01
26. 02; 0.02
27. 08; 0.08

24. The “S” in the Weber fraction stands for:

25. sensation
26. synapse
27. standard stimulus ** (page 15; factual)
28. somatic

25. Of the three classical psychophysical methods, the method of constant stimuli
26. is most accurate, but takes the most amount of time. ** (page 14; conceptual)
27. is least accurate, but is the fastest.
28. is the fastest and most accurate method.
29. is the least accurate and takes the most amount of time.

26. The difference between the method of limits and the method of adjustment is that, in the
method of adjustment, stimulus intensity is changed in a _______ manner.
27. stepwise
28. bivariate
29. continuous ** (page 15; conceptual, WWW)
30. discrete

27. Demetri is a participant in an auditory detection study using the method of constant stimuli. He
never detects the 10 unit tone. He detects the 20 unit tone 25% of the trials. He detects the 30
unit tone 50% of the trials. He detects the 40 unit tone 80% of the trials. He detects the 50 unit
tone 95% of the trials. His threshold for hearing tones would be taken as the
28. 15 unit tone.
29. 20 unit tone.
30. 30 unit tone. ** (page 14; applied)
31. 55 unit tone.

28. A soup company wants to develop a “reduced-salt” version of their traditional minestrone.
Which of the following would be the best first step to take?
29. find taste-testers who have agnosia
30. measure the amount of “cross-talk” using the method of adjustment
31. determine the absolute threshold for salty taste using the method of limits
32. determine the Weber’s fraction for salty taste ** (page 15; applied)

29. Fechner’s psychophysical methods

30. are important from a historical perspective, but are no longer used in contemporary research.
31. were developed in the early 1960s.
32. showed that mental activity cannot be measured quantitatively.
33. are currently used to test a person’s hearing and vision. ** (page 16; conceptual)

30. The first step in the procedure for ____________ is to present the participant a “standard
stimulus” and assign a numerical value to that stimulus.
31. the method of limits
32. the method of constant stimuli
33. the method of adjustment
34. magnitude estimation ** (page 16; conceptual)

31. Response __________ in a magnitude estimation experiment when doubling the stimulus
intensity LESS than doubles the subjective magnitude of the stimulus.
32. accretion
33. compression ** (page 16; factual)
34. regression
35. expansion

32. To double the perceived brightness of a light, you need to multiply the physical intensity of the
light by about 9. This is an example of response
33. ** (page 16; conceptual)

33. The logarithm of 100 is

35. ** (page 17; factual)

34. Stevens’s Power Law is so named because

35. it is the best psychophysical law that has ever been theorized.
36. it explains why electrical power in the brain is responsible for perception.
37. it explains how electrical signals in the retina are involved in transduction.
38. the stimulus intensity is raised to a specific exponent to predict perceived magnitude. ** (page
16-17; conceptual)

35. The slope of the log/log plot for perception of electric shock is approximately
36. 05.
37. 70.
38. 10.
39. 50. **(page 17; conceptual)

36. Stevens’s Power Law

37. accurately describes vision, but not any other modality.
38. accurately describes audition and vision, but not the skin senses.
39. can describe the relationship between the stimulus and the perceived magnitude in all senses.
** (page 17; conceptual, WWW)
40. is valid, but not reliable.

37. The human response to electric shock demonstrates response expansion. This is important
38. we tend to withdraw even from weak shocks. ** (page 17; conceptual)
39. it results in a high pain threshold.
40. it can explain why people will give shocks to other people.
41. it can explain why people will receive shocks from other people.

38. Trying to find your friend’s face in a crowd is related to the method of
39. visual search. **(page 17; applied)
40. limits.
41. constant stimuli.
42. adjustment.

39. The major dependent variable used in the visual search method is
41. reaction time. ** (page 17; conceptual)
42. attention span.
43. brightness level.
40. In a detection experiment, Randy says “yes” to 90% of the trials, and Perry says “yes” to 70% of
the trials. Our best conclusion from this study is
41. Randy’s threshold is higher than Perry’s.
42. Perry is more sensitive than Randy.
43. response criterion may be different for Randy and Perry. ** (conceptual; page 18)
44. Randy and Perry are equally sensitive.

41. The theory that accounts for response criterion in a detection experiment is
42. signal detection theory. ** (conceptual; page 18)
43. evolutionary theory.
44. balance theory.
45. gateway theory.

Essay Questions

1. Discuss four reasons why it is important to study perception.

2. Name and briefly describe the four categories of the perceptual process.

3. Explain why the “action” step of the perceptual process is vital to an organism’s survival.

4. (a) Define “top-down” and “bottom-up” processing.

(b) Discuss how the “rat-man” demonstration is used to exemplify the distinction between these
two types of processing.

5. Name and describe three classical psychophysical methods.

6. (a) Draw a graph of log magnitude estimate as a function of log stimulus intensity
for perceiving (1) brightness of a light; (2) line length; and (3) electric shock.

(b) Discuss how the slopes of the lines of the log/log plot relate to the concepts of

response compression and response expansion.

(c) State how these slopes relate to Stevens’s Power Law.

7. What is meant by a “response criterion”? How might this affect the outcome of a

detection experiment?

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