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SPED 207

September 8, 2018

1. Answer the activities per topic.
2. Submit your answers in a short bond paper (8.5” x 11”) with title page and topic
3. All answers are encoded.
4. Compile all answers in short clear folder.
5. Submit on September 22, 2018.

Topic 1: Curriculum Development: Revisit

1. Expound on the two statements below and cite examples for each, specifically your
experiences with special children in the classroom.
a. Learning is a change in an individual’s behavior caused by experiences or self-
b. Learning occurs more when the various stimuli are properly arranged for the
purposes of learning.

2. There are 4 Basic Ways of Learning (Learning by trial and error, Learning by conditioning,
Learning by insight, and Learning by observation and imitation through modeling).
Create/develop your own ways and explain each.

3. Reflect on the common statements below. Make your own personal stand on each:

Statement 1- Schools that adhere to the subject-centered approach make robots out of
Statement 2 - In schools which embrace the child-centered approach, discipline is weak.
Statement 3 - Why should lessons revolve around problems? There are too many to be

4. Identify a very specific disability of learners you are currently teaching. What approach are
you using? Give the different activities you have for them in a specific subject and the
specific subject matter.
Topic 2: Historical Perspectives and Philosophic-Theological Dimensions in Curriculum

In the very school you are teaching, observe very well and analyze the various practices in the
manner the curriculum is implemented. Identify some practices which are in line with the
different philosophical and theological approaches outlined below. Use your word processor
(MS Word or the like).

Philosophical/Theological Illustrative Practices of the School (Your school)






Topic 3: Nature, Concepts, & Purpose of Curriculum, and Crafting the Curriculum

1. In your own assessment, if you are to develop your own curriculum for Special
Education, what components will you start with. Make your own diagram with arrows
showing interrelationship among the components. Describe.

2. You have been teaching for a year or two or even more. What curriculum design or
designs have you been using? Identify and give explanations to the design/s you have

3. In general, what curriculum design is being used in your school? Make a short
description to clarify your answer.
4. Select a specific subject matter in a subject you are teaching. Select/Choose 3 specific
grade levels and prepare activities for each level (e.g. grade 1,2, 3) taking consideration
of the Principles of Continuity, Sequence and Integration.

Topic 4: Implementing the Curriculum

A. You are at present connected in an educational institution and must be very familiar with the
curriculum being implemented. As one of the stakeholders, you must be very familiar with all
the other stakeholders too. Present your school curriculum in brief. Enumerate all
stakeholders and discuss each role one has to play.

B. Again, think deeply on the roles of the stakeholders in the implementation of the curriculum.
Read and reflect on this situation below.


In one school, the parents got so involved that collectively, they inferred with the transfer
of the classroom location because they have contributed so much to its improvement.
The school authorities sustained a position that the school plant plan should be honored.
The Parent Association has invested in the improvement of the classrooms, but the
school’s administration plan should be upheld. Anyway, the classes will be transferred to
equally good classrooms that would enhance learning. Because of the school’s decision,
the parents threatened to pull out their children. If you are the principal in one of this
school here in the Philippines, how would you handle the situation?

Write your reflection:

Offer your recommendation:

C. Present a lesson plan you have used in your class where some activity/activities were
presented through slides which you have prepared. Assess the effectiveness of the visual
material or presentation to the learning of the students. Discuss the importance of
technology in the teaching-learning process.

Submit your lesson plan together with your slides (printed) which were used in the activities
as reflected in your lesson plan.
Topic 5: Assessing the Curriculum

A. Read more about school-based curriculum. Reflect deeply and answer the following

1. Do you think there are advantages of doing a school-based curriculum? Why?

2. In the school you are teaching, is there such thing as accredited program? What
benefits will the school derive if its curricular programs are accredited?
3. Why is there a need to pilot test, monitor, and evaluate curricular programs?

B. Below is an example of lesson objectives which involves the use of models to understand

At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

1. investigate the similarities and differences among a variety of prisms using concrete
materials and drawings.
2. compare and sort three-dimensional drawing figures according to two or more
geometric attributes.
3. discover that a square has four lines of symmetry.

Considering the above objectives, a teacher may conduct assessment. Answer the following

1. What assessment strategy is most appropriate to use?

2. What is the best way for students to demonstrate achievement of the expectation being
3. What recording tool should be used?
4. When and how will feedback be provided to students?
5. How frequently should assessment be done?

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