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Please see page 2 for more detailed schedule.

7-7:20 Karen

7:20-7:40 Frank

7:40- 8:30 Bucky

8:30-9:30 Company

9:30-10 Emily

8-8:45 Full
12-2 Adam, Company

Logan, Jamie, 8:45-10 Bucky, 8-10 Full 7pm Performance

8-10 Full Company 7-10 Full Company 7-10 Full Company
Guy Adam, Logan, Company +
+ Narrator + Narrator + Narrator
Jamie, Guy Narrator

2pm Performance

Wednesday, Sept 5th- Thurs, Sept 13h-

Introductions + 1st Read thru (Company)
7-8 HOLD Music Cleaning TBD- (Full Company)

8-10pm Tech + Run Show (Full Company +

Thursday, Sept 6th-

7-7:20 A Better Man (Karen)

7:20-7:40 A Better Man (Reprise) (Frank)

Fri, Sept 14th
7:40-8:05 Boys Will Be Boys Music (Bucky)
7-8 HOLD Music Cleaning TBD- (Full Company)

8:05-8:30 It’s All Greek to Me (just Bucky)

8-10pm Run Show (Full Company + Narrator)

8:30- 8:50 Checking The Boxes (Company)

8:50-9:10 Gliding (Company)

Sat, Sept 15th- 7pm Show (Call time tbd)

9:10-9:30 Finale (Company)

Sun, Sept 16th- 2pm Show (Call time tbd)

9:30-9:45- Everything I Forget To Say (Emily)

9:45-10 Belonging (Reprise 2) (Emily)

Sunday, Sept 9th

12-12:25 Seat At The Table (Adam, Jamie, Logan, Guy)

12:25- 12:40 It’s All Greek to Me end (Adam, Logan, Guy)

12:40-1:10 Belonging (Reprise)/The Bid (Adam, Logan, Guy)

1:10-2:00 A Place at The Party/The Pledge (Adam, Logan, Guy)

Monday, Sept 10th- (no Susan)

8-8:15 Checking The Boxes (Full Company)

8:15-8:30 Gliding (Full Company)

8:30-8:45 Finale (Full Company)

8:45-8:55 Break

8:55-9:15 It’s All Greek To Me (Bucky, Adam, Logan, Guy)

9:15-9:45 A Place at The Party/The Pledge (Jamie, Adam, Logan, Guy)

9:45-10 Step Up Your Game (Adam+ Jamie)

Tuesday, Sept 11th- (no Susan)

8-10 Block Act 1 (Full Company + Narrator)

Wed, Sept 12th-

8-9 Block Act 2 (Full Company + Narrator)

9-10 HOLD TBD- (Full Company + Narrator)

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