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RULE 116 (g) Unless a shorter period is provided by

ARRAIGNMENT AND PLEA special law or Supreme Court circular, the

arraignment shall be held within thirty (30)
days from the date the court acquires
jurisdiction over the person of the
SECTION 1. ARRAIGNMENT AND PLEA; HOW accused. The time of the pendency of a
MADE. — motion to quash or for a bill of particulars
or other causes justifying suspension of
(a)The accused must be arraigned before the arraignment shall be excluded in
the court where the complaint or computing the period. (sec. 2, cir. 38-98)
information was filed or assigned for trial.
The arraignment shall be made in open COMMENT:
court by the judge or clerk by furnishing
the accused with a copy of the complaint 1. Before Arraignment
or information, reading the same in the
language or dialect known to him, and The Court shall issue an order directing the
asking him whether he pleads guilty or not public prosecutor to submit the record of
guilty. The prosecution may call at the trial preliminary investigation to the branch COC
witnesses other than those named in the for the latter to attach the same record of the
complaint or information. criminal case.

(b) The accused must be present at the After Arraignment

arraignment and must personally enter his
plea. Both arraignment and plea shall be The court shall forthwith set the pre-trial
made of record, but failure to do so shall conference within 30 days from date of
not affect the validity of the proceedings. arraignment, and issue an order:

(c) When the accused refuses to plead or -requiring the private offended party to appear
makes a conditional plea, a plea of not thereat for purposes of plea-bargaining
guilty shall be entered for him. (1a) EXCEPT for violations of RA165 and other
matters requiring his presence
(d) When the accused pleads guilty but -referring the case to the branch COC, if
presents exculpatory evidence, his plea warranted, for preliminary conference to be
shall be deemed withdrawn and a plea of set at least 3 days prior to the pre-trial mark
not guilty shall be entered for him. (n) documents or exhibits to be presented by the
parties and copies thereof to be attached to
the records after comparison and to consider
(e) When the accused is under preventive
other matters as may aid in its prompt
detention, his case shall be raffled and its
records transmitted to the judge to whom
-informing the parties that no evidence shall
the case was raffled within three (3) days
be allowed to be presented and offered during
from the filing of the information or
the trial EXCEPT when allowed by the court
complaint. The accused shall be arraigned
for good act shown.
within ten (10) days from the date of the
raffle. The pre-trial conference of his case
EXCEPTIONS to rule g
shall be held within ten (10) days after
arraignment. (n)
-RA 4908
-RA 7610
(f) The private offended party shall be
required to appear at the arraignment for 2. TIME LIMIT FOR ARRAIGNMENT
purposes of plea bargaining,
determination of civil liability, and other Under SC circular no. 38-39
matters requiring his presence. In case of
failure of the offended party to appear - the arraignment shall be held within thirty
despite due notice, the court may allow the (30) days from the date the court acquires
accused to enter a plea of guilty to a lesser jurisdiction over the person of the
offense which is necessarily included in accused. The time of the pendency of a
the offense charged with the conformity of motion to quash or for a bill of particulars
the trial prosecutor alone. (cir. 1-89) or other causes justifying suspension of
the arraignment shall be excluded in
computing the period.
NOTES: 6. Where presumption of regularity not applied

1. Importance of Arraignment - Where the records do not reveal that the

information written in the English
- Arraignment as indispensable means for language against the accused was read in
bringing accused into court and informing the language or dialect known to him,
him of the nature and cause of accusation there being no showing what dialect is
against him – The procedural due process known to him nor was the information
mandate of the constitution requires that translated to his own dialect before his
the accused be arraigned so that he may plea of guilty.
be informed as to why he was indicted
and what penal offense he has to face, to 7. Accused is not entitled to know in advance the
be convicted only a showing that his guilt names of all prosecution witnesses
is shown beyond reasonable doubt with
full opportunity to disprove th evidence - The success of the prosecution might be
against him. endangered if such right be granted to the
accused, for the known witness might be
2. Need for arraignment on amended subjected to pressure or coerced nnot to
information testify.

- An arraignment on the amended 8. Prosecution may call witnesses other than

information is mandatory those named in the information
- Conviction under 2nd information suffers
from reversible effect. - Sec. 1 Rule 116, expressly permits the
prosecution to present unlisted witness at
3. No obligation to point duplicitousness the trial and there is nothing in said
section which requires the previous
- No obligation is expressly or implicitly consent of the court before the
imposed on the judge to point out the prosecution can present such witnesses.
duplicitousness of an indictment on which
an accused is being arraigned. 9. Presentation or non-presentation of
prosecution witness depends on fiscal’s
4. Arraignment after prosecution rests, not discretion.
- The failure of a prosecuting officer to
- The SC held that the arraignment of the present all the eye-witnesses to an act
accused only after the prosecution has does not necessarily give rise to an
rested is an error or irregularity that has adverse presumption, especially when
not prejudiced the rights or interests of the the testimony of the witness sought to be
appellant and considering that appelant’s presented is merely corroborative.
counsel had opportunit of cross- - In criminal cases it is the duty of the
examining all the witnesses who took the accused, in addition to the other pleas
witness stand for the government and authorized by law, to plead whether be is
furthermore he agreed to the reproduction guilty or not of the crime charged. In that
of the evidence of the prosecution, the way and in that way only can an issue be
error or defect had been substantially created upon which the trial shall
cured.(People vs Atienza) proceed.
- For jeopardy to attach it is necessary that
5. Manner of arraignment the defendant has been arraigned and
has pleaded to the charge because it is
- The reading of the information to the from the moment that the issues for the
appellant in the language or dialect known trial are deemed joined. Jeopardy
to him is a new requirement imposed by attaches:
the 1985 Rules On Criminal Procedure. o Upon valid indictment
o Before a competent court
Presumption that accused was arraigned o After arraignment
- In view of the presumption of regularity in o After plea
the performance of official duties, it can
be presumed that a person accused of a
crime was duly arraigned of anything to
indicate the contrary.
12. Acquittal despite plea of guilty. OFFENSE; RECEPTION OF EVIDENCE. —

- There is no rule which provides that When the accused pleads guilty to a capital
simply because the accused pleaded offense, the court shall conduct a searching
guilty to the charge that his conviction inquiry into the voluntariness and full
automatically follows Additional evidence comprehension of the consequences of his plea
independent of the plea may be and require the prosecution to prove his guilt and
considered to convince the judge that it the precise degree of culpability. The accused may
was intelligently made. present evidence in his behalf.

13. Statements regarded as plea of not guilty COMMENT:

- Neither is it an error for the trial court to
direct that the plea of “not guilty” be 1. The rule is mandatory
entered for the defendant and try the case
upon its merits whenever there is a Three things are enjoined of the trial court
reasonable doubt in his mind as to the after a plea of guilty to a capital offense has
guilt of the defendant, even after he has been entered by the accused:
pleaded “guilty.”
a. The court must conduct a searching
inquiry into the voluntariness and full
comprehension of the consequences of
OFFENSE. — b. The court must require the prosecution to
present evidence to prove the guilt of the
At arraignment, the accused, with the consent of accused and the prescribe degree of his
the offended party and the prosecutor, may be culpability
allowed by the trial court to plead guilty to a lesser c. The court must ask the accused if he
offense which is necessarily included in the desires to present evidence in his behalf
offense charged. After arraignment but before and allow him to do so if he desires.
trial, the accused may still be allowed to plead
guilty to said lesser offense after withdrawing his 2. Prosecution must present evidence
plea of not guilty. No amendment of the complaint
or information is necessary. Notwithstanding the waiver made by the
appellant as to the presentation of evidence
COMMENT: by the prosecution, the presentation of
evidence should be required in order to
A plea of guilty for a lesser offense after preclude any room for reasonable doubt in the
prosecution rests is allowed only when the mind of the trial court, or the SC on review, as
prosecution does not have sufficient evidence to to the possibility that there might have been
establish guilt of the crime charged. some misunderstanding on the part of the
accused as to the nature of the charge to
which he pleasded guilty, and to ascertain the
circumstances attendant to the commission of
the crime which justify or require the exercise
of greater or lesser degree of severity in the
imposition of prescribed penalties.
3. Meaning of search inquiry Guidelines:

- A searching inquiry under the rules, 1. Ascertain from the accused himself (the
means more than informing cursorily the letters a and b of the preceding
accused the he faces a jail term but also, paragraph)
the exact length of imprisonment under 2. Ask the defense counsel a series of
the law and the certainty that he will serve questions as to whether he had conferred
att the national penitentiary or penal with, and completely explained to, the
colony. accused the meaning and consequences
- A searching inquiry likewise compels the of plea of guilty.
judge to content himself reasonably that 3. Elicit information about the personality
the accused has not been coerced or profile of the accused
placed under state of dures, and that his 4. Inform the accused the exact length of
guilty plea has not therefore been given imprisonment or nature of the penalty
improvidently, either by actual threats of under the law and the certainty that he will
physical harm from malevolent quarters serve such sentence.
or simply because of his, the judge’s, 5. Require the accused to fully narrate the
intimidating robes. incident that spawned the charges
against him or make him reenact the
The searching inquiry of the trial court must be manner in which he perpetrated the
focused on: crime, or cause him to supply missing
details of significance.
- The voluntariness of the plea
- The full comprehension of the
consequences of the plea
Adequacy of evidence cures the defect
4. Reception of evidence is Mandatory

- In a plea of guilty, the present rule SECTION 4. PLEA OF GUILTY TO NON-CAPITAL

requires proof of the aggravating OFFENSE; RECEPTION OF
circumstances, otherwise, there is an EVIDENCE, DISCRETIONARY. —
improvident plea.
When the accused pleads guilty to a non-capital
The judge must ask the accused: offense, the court may receive evidence from the
1. The manner the latteer was arrested or parties to determine the penalty to be imposed.
2. 2. Whether he was assisted by counsel NOTES:
during the custodial and preliminary
investigation. 1. Effect
3. In addition, the defense counsel should - The plea of guilty by the accused admits
also be asked whether he conferred with the facts set out in the information, and if
the accused and completely explained to these do not constitute a crime or a
him the meaning and consequiences of violation of law, such plea does not have
plea of guit. of admitting the commission of the crime
4. Furtehrmore, since the age, educational or the violation of a law, for there is a non-
attainment and socio-economic status of charge in the information, or of supplying
the accused may reveal insights for a what has been omitted or what has not
proper verdict in the case, the trial court been pleaded therein, to the extent of
must ask questions concerning them. curing a defective information or one that
does not allege facts sufficient to
constitute a public offense or violation of
SECTION 5. WITHDRAWAL OF IMPROVIDENT 4. Need to amend information
- Formal plea of not guilty should properly
At any time before the judgment of conviction be entered by the court if an accused
becomes final, the court may permit an admits the truth of some or all the
improvident plea of guilty to be withdrawn and be allegations of the information, but
substituted by a plea of not guilty. interposes excuses or additional facts
which, if duly established would exempt or
NOTES: relieve him part or in whole of criminal
1. Plea of guilty cannot be collaterally attacked

- It is well-settled that a voluntary and

intelligent plea of guilty made by an
accused person, who has been advised ACCUSED OF HIS RIGHT TO COUNSEL. —
by competent counsel, may not be
collaterally attacked. It is also well settled Before arraignment, the court shall inform the
that the plea agreements are consistent accused of his right to counsel and ask him if he
with the requirement of voluntariness and desires to have one. Unless the accused is
intelligence because each side may allowed to defend himself in person or has
obtain advantages when a guilty plea is employed a counsel of his choice, the court must
exchanged for sentencing concessions, assign a counsel de officio to defend him.
the agreement is no less voluntary than
any other bargained for exchange. It is NOTES:
only when the consensual character of
the plea may be impaired. Only when it 1. Four-fold duty of Court
develops that the defendant was not fairly
appraised of its consequences can his - Under this provision, when a defendant
plea be challenged under the due process appear without an attorney, the court has
clause. four important duties to comply with:

2. Withdrawal of Plea of Guilty 1. It must inform the defendant that it is

his right to have an attorney before
- It is clear from the language of this section being arraigned
that the withdrawal of the plea of guilty is 2. After giving him such information the
not a matter of strict right to the accused court must ask him if he desires the
but of sound discretion to the trial court, aid of an attorney.
and appellate courts shall not interfere 3. If he desires and is unable to employ
with such discretion in the absence of a an attorney, the court must assign an
attorney de officio to defend him
clear abuse thereof.
4. If the accused desires to procure an
attorney of his own, the court must
3. Plea of Guilty Must be unconditional grant hi, a reasonable time therefore.

- The essence of plea of guilty is that the 2. Reason for rule

accused admits his guilt, voluntarily and
with a full knowledge of the
- The right to be heard would be of little
consequences and meaning of his act avail if it does not include the right to be
and with a clear understanding of the heard by counsel. Even the most
precise nature of the crime charged in the intelligent or educated men may have no
complaint or information.(US vs Borlado) skill in the science of the law, particularly
in the rules of procedure, and without
counsel, he may be convicted not
because he is guilty but because he does
not know how to establish his innocence.
And this can happen more easily to
persons who are ignorant and
3. Failure to comply with duty of court is denial 2. Counsel de oficio need not be choice of
of due process. accused

- Where the record discloses that the court - It is not essential that the trial court should
did not inform the accused of his right to appoint or designate a counsel chosen by
have an attorney nor ask him if he desired the accused. The court may refuse the
the aid oof one. The trial court failed to request of the accused that a certain
inquire whether or not the accused was to attorney be assigned on the ground that
employ an attorney, to grant him he is of more legal experience.
reasonable time to procure one or to
assign ad attorney de officio, 3. Duties of Court During Arraignment
- Distinguisged from duties during trial.
4. Presumption of regularity

- The claim that the accused failed to - When he is arraigned, there is a duty laid
appeal from the judgment of conviction bu the rules upon the court to inform the
because he did not have the assistance of accused of certain rights and to extend to
counsel cannot prevail over the him, on his deman, cerain others. This
presumption that the proceedings had duty is an affirmative one which the court,
been regular and in accordance with the on ots own motion, must perform, unless
provisions of the Rules of Court, to wit: waived. No such duty, however, is laid on
That he was afforded the assistance of the court with regard to the right of the
counsel and that he was informed by the accused which he may be entitled to
court that it was his right to have an exercise during trial.
attorney before arraignment and was
asked if he desired the aid of one.(Amar 4. Duty of counsel de officio
vs Moscoso)
- As members of the bar, all lawyers, paid
or hired for pro bono purposes, are called
SECTION 7. APPOINTMENT OF COUNSEL DE upon to pursue their cases with identical
OFICIO. — passion and with utmost concern for the
fullest protection of their client’s rights and
The court, considering the gravity of the offense interst.
and the difficulty of the questions that may arise,
shall appoint as counsel de oficio only such 5. Public attorney’s duties where accused is
members of the bar in good standing who, by imprisoned.
reason of their experience and ability, can
competently defend the accused. But in localities the public attorney assigned to defend a
where such members of the bar are not available, person charged with a crime knows that he
the court may appoint any person, resident of the latter is preventively detained, either because
province and of good repute for probity and he is charged with a bailable crime but has no
ability, to defend the accused. means to post bail,
or, is charged with a non-
NOTES: bailable crime, or, is serving a term of
imprisonment in any penal institution, it shall
1. Private Prosecutor Disqualified as Counsel de be his duty to do the
Oficio following:

(a) Shall promptly undertake to obtain

- A private prosecutor who assisted the the presence of the
prosecuting attorney in the prosecution prisoner for trial or cause a notice to be
against one defendant, is disqualified served on the person having custody of the
from acting as counsel de oficio for the prisoner requiring such person to so advise
other defendants In the same case. An the prisoner of his right and demand trial.
attorney cannot act in double capacity.
The appearance of such injustice must be
(b) Upon receipt of that notice, the custo 8. No prejudicial error where accused
dian of the prisoner shall promptly advise represented by non lawyer.
the prisoner of the charge and of his right to
demand trial. If at any - None of the substantial rights of the
time thereafter the prisoner informs his defendant is violated where he is
custodian that he demands such trial, the represented by a defensor who is not
latter shall cause notice to that effect to be licensed attorney and the trial was
sent promptly to the public attorney. permitted to proceed without objection.
The mere fact that he was represented by
(c) Upon receipt of such notice, the pu a person who was not regular practicing
blic attorney shall promptly seek to obtain the attorney, if it was error at all, was error
presence of the prisoner for trial. without prejusice.
- Where accused learned for the first time
(d) When the custodian of the prisoner after conviction that the person who
receives from the public represented him in court is not a member
attorney a properly supported request for of the Philippine bar in which case the SC
the availability of the vacated the judgment and granted new
prisoner for purpose of trial, the prisoner trial.
shall be made available accordingly.
9. Presumption that the accused informed of
6. Reluctance of counsel de officio does not right to counsel.
amount to denial of right to counsel
- Where the record of the case does not
show whether or not the court informed
- Lack of sympathy for defendant’s cause is
the appellant of his right to have counsel,
not sufficient to overcome the
this cannot be interrupted in the sense
presumption that the right of defendant to
that the court failed to so inform him of
be represented by counsel was duly
such right. On the contrary, because of
the presumption that the law has been
complied with, it is to be presumed that
7. Right to counsel substantially satisfied even the court has complied with its duty and
where counsel de officio appeared after trial that it has informed the appellant that he
has commenced. may have counsel, even counsel de
officio if he wanted to.
- Even where the appointed counsel
appeared only at the close of the direct 10. Court must vigorously comply with duty to
examination if the second witness for the inform accused right to counsel
prosecution, there was already a
substantial observance of the right of an - In criminal cases, judges are required to
accused person to have counsel, when observe and comply vigorously with the
said counsel was given opportunity to requirements of section 6 of rule 116,
cross-examine both witnesses and the rules of court, and not to pass sentence
accused made no objection to the on an accused without having warned him
proceeding to trial in the absence of of his right to make a defense, one of
counsel. which is the right to be represented by a
- But where the counsel appointed by court counsel, and any failure to abide by such
did not appear at all to defend the case, rule should not only be censured and
the case must be remanded to the trial disapproved but also condemned.
court for new trial.
a. Right To Counsel de parte During SECTION 9. BILL OF PARTICULARS. —
arraignment and trial is not absolute
- The court may restrict the accused option The accused may, before arraignment, move for a
to retain counsel de parte if the accused bill of particulars to enable him properly to plead
insists on an attorney he cannot afford or and to prepare for trial. The motion shall specify
the chosen counsel is not a member of the the alleged defects of the complaint or information
bar, or the attorney declines to represent and the details desired.
the accused for a valid reason.(conflict of
interest and the like) NOTES:
11. The right to counsel may be waived
- When denial of counsel should be raised 1. Reason for allowing Bill of Particulars.
*The defendant in criminal case
cannot raise the question of his right - The remedy against an indictment that
to have an attorney, or that he was fails to allege the time of the commission
deprived, or not informed, of that of the offense with sufficient definition is a
right, for the first time on appeal. If the Motion for Bill of Particulars and not a
question is not raised in the trial court, motion to quash
the prosecution may go to trial. The - Bill of Particulars is available to specify
question will not be considered in the allegation of raping a minor below 12
appellate court, for the first time when years old which is different from a minor
the accused fails to raise the question below seven years old which calls for the
in lower courts. imposition of death penalty.

12. Duty of the court during arraignment does 2. Failure to ask for Bill of Particulars Amounts
not include information as to penalty for to waiver of right
the offense.
- Failure to move for specifications or for
- There is nothing in the law that imposes the quashing of information on any of the
upon the court the duty to apprise him of grounds provided for in the ROC,
what the nature of the penalty to be deprives him of the right to object to
metted out to him might be if he would evidence which could be lawfully
plead guilty to the charge, its duty being introduced and admitted under an
limited to have him informed of the nature information of more or less general terms
and cause thereof. This may no longer which sufficiently charges the defendants
true since the Speedy Trial Law and the with a definite crime.
Rule encourages plea bargaining. -
- The absence of a detailed list of personal
property found in the house on the
SECTION 8. TIME FOR COUNSEL DE OFICIO TO occasion of a robbery, the value of which
PREPARE FOR ARRAIGNMENT. — is specifically alleged in the information,
vitiates neither the proceedings nor the
Whenever a counsel de oficio is appointed by the judgment, not being jurisdictional in
court to defend the accused at the arraignment, he nature. Defendant could have demanded
shall be given a reasonable time to consult with such a list, but failure to do so constitutes
the accused as to his plea before proceeding with waiver objection which cannot be raised
the arraignment. on appeal.
- Where it is alleged in the information that
the crime was committed within the
jurisdiction of the court, the accused can
ask for more specific allegation, if he does
not so, whatever vagueness there may be
in the allegations may be cured by
Upon motion by the proper party, the arraignment
Upon motion of the accused showing good cause shall be suspended in the following cases:
and with notice to the parties, the court, in order
to prevent surprise, suppression, or alteration, (a) The accused appears to be suffering
may order the prosecution to produce and permit from an unsound mental condition which
the inspection and copying or photographing of effective renders him unable to fully
any written statement given by the complainant understand the charge against him and to
and other witnesses in any investigation of the plead intelligently thereto. In such case,
offense conducted by the prosecution or other the court shall order his mental
investigating officers, as well as any designated examination and, if necessary, his
documents, papers, books, accounts, letters, confinement for such purpose;
photographs, objects or tangible things not
otherwise privileged, which constitute or contain (b) There exists a prejudicial question; and
evidence material to any matter involved in the
case and which are in the possession or under the
control of the prosecution, police, or other law (c) A petition for review of the resolution of
investigating agencies. the prosecutor is pending at either the
Department of Justice, or the Office of the
President; provided, that the period of
1. Mode of discovery in criminal cases suspension shall not exceed sixty (60)
days counted from the filing of the petition
- This rule refers to the right of the accused with the reviewing office.
to move for production or inspection of
material evidence in the possession of 1. Effect of Insanity
thhe prosecution. It authorizes the
defense to inspect, copy or photograph by Under Art. 12(1) of the RPC, an insane person
any evidence of the prosecution in its is exempt from criminal liability unless he has acted
possession after obtaining the permission during a lucid interval.
of the court. A motion showing good However, where the Court examines the
reasons for the granting of the permission mental condition of the accused and discovers that he
must be filed by the defense for this is laboring under a condition of insanity such that he
purpose, with notice to all parties. ought not to be brought to trial, it is, of course, the duty
of the court to hold the criminal proceedings in
2. The right of accused to discovery procedures abeyance and to commit him to any asylum or hospital
during preliminary investigation for the insane as the case may require.

- The US SC held that “ the suppression by 2. Test whether the proceedings will be suspended
the prosecution of evidence favorable to
an accused upon request violates due The Judges should bear in mind that not every
process where the evidence is material aberration of the mind or exhibition of mental
either to guilt or punishment, irrespective deficiency is sufficient to justify the suspension.
of good faith or bad faith.
- Its purpose is not to displace the 3. The purpose of the rule was to avoid repetition of
adversary system as the primary means what happened in Paul Roberts, et al. vs CA and
by which truth is uncovered, but to ensure Dimatulac vs. Villa, where the same trial court insisted
that a miscarriage of justice foes not on the arraignment of an accused notwithstanding the
occur. pendency of a petition for review either with the DOJ
or with the Office of the President, was incorporated
as a ground for the suspension of the arraignment.

4. Period of Suspension Pending Review of by the

Secretary of Justice
A petition for review of the resolution of the
prosecutor is pending at either the Department of
Justice, or the Office of the President; provided, that
the period of suspension shall not exceed sixty (60)
days counted from the filing of the petition with the
reviewing office.
In any event, what the Rule prohibits is the
suspension of arraignment beyond 60 days. This may
interpreted to mean that while the Court may not
suspend the arraignment beyond the 60 day limitation,
it may still suspend the trial pending final resolution of
the DOJ.

f. The arraignment may thus be conditional, i.e.

subject to the outcome of the petition for review. In the
case of Serag, DOJ Circular which provides that: “Any
arraignment made after the filing of the petition shall
not bar the Secretary of Justice from exercising his
power to review.”

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